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July 1998 
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"  E V E N       I F . . . " 

MER - Washington - 7/9:  

Nothing currently under discussion in the largely misnomered "peace process", even if signed by the Israelis, even if implimented as signed, will benefit the Palestinians. The public relations mayappear otherwise, but this central reality needs be constantly remembered. 

Indeed, every agreement of the "peace process" has actually helped restructure, strengthen, and in various convoluted ways "legitimize" the overall Israeli occupation and disposession of the Palestinians. 

The agreement under "negotiation" at the moment is actually the worst of all.  

A central feature of the agreement is that the extensive and growing network of Israeli "by-pass" roads is not only accepted by the Arafat regime but largely paid for by the Americans. These "by-pass" roads are the infrastructural heart of Israel's apartheid-style plans to permanently settle and control all but the "autonomous" population centers of the occupied terriories. And even these "autonomous" areas will be surrounded by the Israeli army controlling all entry and exit from these increasingly isolated and separate pockets of Palestinian population. 

The following paragraph from journalist Patrick Cockburn in Jerusalem sums up this crucial aspect of today's situation: 


"Even if Israel does withdraw from 13 per cent from the West Bank, more than half of it will remain under Israeli control. The 1.5 million Palestinians will continue to live in enclaves which they cannot leave without Israeli permission and where standards of living have fallen 30 per cent in the last five years." 

Patrick Cockburn 
The Independent, 9 July 


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