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July 1998
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I S R A E L I   M O L E   H U N T E D    B Y   F B I


MER - Washington - 7/12/98:

Hard to believe but it was only a year ago that this story about the "hunt for the Israeli mole" was front-page news in Washington.  It's been a very bad year for all but the Israelis.

* This major "mole" story has been all but forgotten, the "hunt" quietly quashed, the mole(s) now deeply burrowed under.

* The media has been sent off chasing Monica Lewinsky and her gallant former attorney who keeps telling everyone how good Bill Clinton is for Israel, nobody daring to ask if Monica was supposed to be a reward.

* Jonathan Pollard has been "officially" acknowledged as an Israeli spy after 14 years of repeated denials, and his "release" is in the works.

* Israel's 50th Anniversary Extravaganza was a tremendous propaganda success; the Arab response amazingly weak and even that totally uncoordinated.

* In Washington the pathetically inadequate and amateurish Arab organizations wasted the 50th anniversary oopportunity with "The Quilt" -- and they even turned that into a major bust laughingly led by the

"Screaming Maksouds", Hala and Clovis.

What a difference a year makes!


MER FLASHBACK (July 1997): .


MER - Bureaucracies have a life of their own. And when the super-secret National Security Administration intercepted a coded Israeli phone call seeming to refer to an "Israeli agent" within the U.S. government bells went off, THE WASHINGTON POST got involved, and a "mole" hunt began.

Just as with the various legal cases now pending against President Clinton, once an investigation gets launched their are certain formalities and complications which make it difficult for the politicians to sweep everything under the rug so easily -- their usual tactic.

The reality is that at nearly every important foreign policy level of the Clinton Administration there are persons who are at least "dually loyal" -- most of whom are of Jewish background. It's well-known in Washington that in former Administrations there were certain persons of Jewish background at the Pentagon, CIA, and White House who were considered "off-limits" for certain very sensitive documents relating to the Middle East.

The issue of "dual-loyalty" when it comes to Israel may be one usually only whispered about in polite Washington Circles -- and hardly ever mentioned in the establishment press -- but it is real non-the-less. Indeed, Martin Indyk, current nominee for the position of Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East -- was an Australian citizen who had lived in Israel, as well as a senior official in the Israeli/Jewish lobby, just a few years ago during Bill Clinton's initial campaign for the American Presidency! Soon after taking office -- in a blatant pay-off to "the lobby" that few in the American press want to deal with -- Clinton moved Indyk from the Jewish lobby's "think tank" (after a polite period of resignation) directly to head up Middle East affairs at National Security Council.

The so-called "mole" now being investigated at the NSC is thought to be a friend of Indyk's who stayed on at the NSC when Indyk went on to become the U.S. Ambassador to Israel. Of course the greatest scandal of all is that a former high-ranking Jewish/Israeli lobby official is about to be confirmed by the U.S. Congress as Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East!



FBI plays hunt the White House mole American investigators are on the verge of revealing the identity of a senior official in the Clinton administration they suspect of spying for Israel, according to intelligence sources.

The suspect, who works in the National Security Council, was put under surveillance because of previous contacts with the Israelis, and FBI investigators are convinced he has been passing secrets to Israel under the codename "Mega". FBI counter-intelligence agents, who have been hot on his trail for several months, are trying to gather enough evidence for an arrest, but given the pro-Israeli political climate in Washington, a prosecution is unlikely.

The hunt for Mega began last January, after the National Security Agency intercepted a coded conversation between a Mossad agent in the Israeli embassy in Washington and his supervisor in Tel Aviv. The conversation was decoded by the NSA. In it, the Israelis discussed "going to Mega" in order to obtain a copy of a letter from Warren Christopher, then secretary of state, to Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader.

When news of the interception surfaced, the Israeli government issued furious denials that it had a mole in the White House. One Israeli spokesman claimed that Mega was an abbreviation of Megawatt code for a communications system that has existed for years between friendly intelligence agencies. In fact, the system, a method of sharing information about terrorism, is called Kilowatt.

Another Israeli official claimed that Mega was a Mossad nickname for the liaison officer at the CIA, an explanation that is not believed by either the CIA   or the FBI.

Publicly, the Clinton administration, which was anxious to appease the Israelis, appeared to accept the explanation, but the hunt for the spy continued.

Arab organizations want action to prove that the administration will prosecute Israeli spies in the same way it deals with spies from other countries. The reality is that even if there is enough evidence to stand up in court, a prosecution is unlikely. Jonathan Pollard, a naval worker jailed for life in 1986, is the only person to have been sentenced in America for spying for Israel, even though dozens of other Israeli agents have been identified by the FBI.




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