The following about something called "Jerusalem Net" may be of interest.
To: Antoun Kanawati <>
From: Mark Bruzonsky - Mid-East Realities
Date: 27 Jan 97

Thank you for your message about what is being called "Jerusalem Net".

However we cannot encourage people to get involved. This group, like a number of others, is really a front for Jewish Zionist groups in Israel associated with elements of the Israeli Labor party and working overtime to encourage Palestinians to accept the apartheid-like policies being pushed on them.

Even this message below, supposedly from a Palestinian encouraging people to get involved, is deceptive and duplicitous. Though sent out in the name of a Palestinian it was sent without that person's approval and in fact without the person even knowing about the message!

This procedure is very much in keeping with how many Israeli labor party and Peace Now people are always trying to find malleable Palestinians to dialog with and to put their names to joint projects -- when in fact the projects are nearly always controlled and manipulated by the Jewish party. Sometimes, more and more in fact, money and priviledges are used as an "inducements".

Two recent Washington events further illustrate this approach.

At the Jewish Film Festival in December a film was promoted as the first-ever jointly directed by a Palestinian and an Israeli. Only the Israeli however was at the festival; and even he admitted under questionning that knowing what he now knows the Palestinian person would probably not now cooperate with him.

At another recent event, a major public seminar on the "Peace Process" supposedly a joint Israeli and Palestinian affairs, the audience was full of Jewish organizational representatives but hardly a Palestinian could be found. Moreover, one prominent Labor party person after another got up to speak while only one or two minor Palestinian officials were present and the PA person listed on the program didn't even show up! Interestedly, during the discussion, the Israelis mentioned that they were amazed that the Palestinians acccepted the terms that were offered them at Oslo.

Mark Bruzonsky