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         U.S. Replaces Cold War - Public Manipulation Proceeds in U.S. & Israel

MER - Washington - 21 February, 1998:

    Manipulation of the public is a great part of what this "war" with Iraq is all about.  With the Cold War over, the American military has found its new enemies -- both the secular nationalist and the        fundamentalist wings of the Arab and Muslim worlds.  It will keep the military/industrial complex rolling  along for some time to come.

    In Israel as well, using the fears of war and diverting attention from the collapse of the always        duplicitous and never real "peace process", is tailor made for government propaganda symbolized by the   "gas mask."  While the Israelis are busy handing out the masks and even selling them to tourists, former   Defense Minister Moshe Arens has told the truth about the situation.

    Asked about the possibility of Iraq attacking Israel, Arens had the following to say about the chances chances of Iraq attacking Israel (quoted in the Israeli newspaper Ma'aariv on 2/20):

"It's like the chances that the roof will drop on the house I live in, So, should we wear a helmet at home?  There is no comparison at all to the Gulf War. We know that Saddam has only a very small percentage of what he had in the past. And we also know that the motivation he had to attack us in order to draw us into reacting and thus break up the coalition arrayed against him no longer exists today as there is no coalition."

    Meanwhile, Kol Israel reports the following (2/19):
"Another ten gas mask distribution centers have been opened this week. Over fifty centers are in operation throughout the country and another ten will be opened by next week. The facilities will also operate on     Fridays."

"Beginning today, hotel guests will be provided with gas masks. Tourists not staying in hotels will be able  to purchase gas masks at Hamashbir and Shekem department stores. They will be asked to pay 200 shekels and will be refunded 100 upon return of the masks.

"Officials estimate that about 40,000 tourists are currently in the country."


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