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May 1998
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50th Anniversary Year:


Yesterday, 25 May, approximately 30 settlers from the Jewish acquisition company Ateret Cohanim accompanied by Israeli police and guard dogs entered the home of Mrs. Na'ila Jawdat al Zarou in the Moslem Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City, summarily evicted her and removed her belongings into the street.

The settlers claim that the house belonged to them. Mrs. Zarou received no prior notification of the eviction.

Mrs. Zarou says the police arrived at 9:00 a.m., after her son had left for work. She had been sleeping, and woke up to find the police and dogs in her small two-room apartment. After the police and settlers had removed her belongings, they began moving furniture and supplies in for the settlers, they set up guards and put up an Israeli flag on the house.

Mrs. Zarou, 42 and her son Mua'iya, 20, have lived in this house for decades. For sixty years her family had been renting the house, and Mrs. Zarou and her children were born there. Settlers once before had tried to take over the house, in 1986, and she was evicted at this time. In 1992, she successfully challenged the legal basis of her eviction; even if settlers had bought the house, a tenant cannot be evicted even if ownership changes hands. The Israeli police delayed implementation of the court decision for nine months, at the end of which she and her son moved back into their home. They are now, again, left homeless.

...The settlers moved on this house the day after Jerusalem Day, a day in which the Israeli military and civilians march through the streets of Jerusalem, East and West, to "celebrate" the occupation and illegal annexation of the city.

* This information from LAW, the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment in Jerusalem.


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