Domestic American politics, and international
affairs, are now more intimately linked than ever.
The following calendar is in motion, always subject to change of
course based on events themselves and the omnipresent polls.
Soon: The Ken Starr report, much more damning than the public
anticipates, goes to Congress and parts leak daily igniting fierce debate.
Soon thereafter: Arafat is dragged to the U.S. to sign another
desperate "agreement" -- one essentially crafted by the Israeli-Jewish lobby
whose former officials and graduates make up the entire State Department "negotiating
team". Both the Clinton loyalists, and the large cabal of dually-loyal officials,
want another "picture peace" -- this time with Bill Clinton towering and beaming
between Bibi and Yasser as he nudges them together for "the handshake".
Soon thereafter: With the Democrats expected to be low in the polls
and the November "off-year" election looming, another crisis with Iraq is
manipulated and the bombs fall again on "suspected" Iraqi arms manufacturing
Now of course nothing is written in stone here, and all kinds of
events could intervene along the way. It's even possible, but not likely, Arafat and
Company will balk at being used so miserably once again for an "agreement" that
is another Palestinian disaster.