I'd like to provide financial support to MER...And please keep the good work of
Dear sir, I'm a 21 year old student and in love with MER. I amwilling to help in anyway
possible. Just let me know.... S.A
Sorry to hear about your financial problems.It does not surpriseme that you are not
very popular.Telling truth has never been popularin Washington,London Paris or Tel Aviv.
How I wish that ordinaryAmerican joe knew half of what you have been telling us during
thesetwo years. I will be too glad to help you in my small way. I hope you cankeep MER
coming.I was worried not getting your weekly digest. May Godhelp you in this brave
enterprise. If you stop talking that will be adark day for America and world. Godspeed and
good Luck.
Syed Naseer Montreal, Canada
Dear friends at MER:
I think it's awful if you end your fight. I'm a brazilian journalist trying to organize
an alternative press agency in Sao Paulo... In the two months I read MER it was extremely
useful and encouraging....I just think you can't stop.
Antonio Martins Brazil
I am distressed to think you may close down. What kind of financialcontributions do you
need. I can send $100 now...
Dennis Hudson, Smith College
Dear Sirs:
I've been getting MER for quite awhile now. It's a very valuableservice. I will be
happy to contribute... Keep it up!
Grover C. Furr English Department Montclair State University
Subject: Re: And The Bad News..... Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 From: Giore Etzion
> We have been forced to suspend MID-EAST REALITIES.
sigh, you break my heart
I suggest you come back to telling the truth, with a vengeance.I wish I could offer you
some time, but I don't live in the DC area.However if you do need any volunteer
assistance, I would be happyto provide that to you... I could also pledge $10.00 every
month,starting now.
Mohammad Jafar
I think MER provides an important, independent perspective. I would bewilling to
consider supporting the organization financially....Don't be afraid to ask for a
significant amount. You are doing important work... Best of luck.
Gregory Smith Indiana
To the founders and staff of MER:
I was very disturbed to read your latest message regarding thedecision to suspend MER.
I had already asked myself the question asto why your informative articles stopped
reaching my email accountin the past week.
You have already -- and with good reason -- received messages frommany parts of the
world commending the insightful and even-handedcriticism and reporting you have been
distributing in the past twoyears. I would like to add my voice to theirs...
..your articles and criticism have always been part of my own thinking. You did not
open my eyes, but you have certainly provided the hard information I need to keep my
resolve... I know what kind of courage one needs to muster to take a public stand on these
issues. For this position and commitment, you have my utmost respect.
I cannot offer much financial assistance, but if you tell me how tosend it to you, I
could offer MER a modest $100.
Y. A. (Initials only by request)
Dear friends,
I was shocked to read your email saying that you will have to giveup MER. I have used
your information in articles to newspapers and count on it as an indispendable source of
information. I urge you in the strongest possible terms to continue the work you have been
doing. No one else is doing what you have done so well. I am retired and therefore do not
have much money to contribute, but I will gladly pledge a hundred dollars a year if you
can continue MER.
Hoping that all your subscribers will get behind you and supportyou in such a way that
you will be able to continue your splendid efforts.
Don't give up the ship!!
With appreciation,
William D. Reyburn
Yes, I want you to continue, I love reading your articles, they are very informative
and describe our pathetic situation well...
[Anonymous by request]
Dear Editor;
It is sad to learn that you have been forced to suspend Mid EastRealities. You obviosly
need and deserve tangible support from your readership... Please suggest a monthly or
preferably yearly subscription fee to keep you going and also to know the extent of
financial commitment of your readership. I do not know what kind ofspecific
"political" difficulties you are experiencing a side from theobvious of efforts
by the main stream media to silence you. Are you atlibery to discuss these difficulties?
Your readership need to know thenature of the beast you are facing? The source of your
difficulties i.e. why, who, and how? silencing your freedom to express the truth and right
to report the ignored facts and realities of the unfortunate people of the Middle East...
[Anonymous by by request]