WebPhone Basics


WebPhone's Personal Directory has powerful, yet easy to use features that allow for fast updates and entry queries. As an example, while you are speaking with someone on the WebPhone you can easily add them to your personal directory simply by dragging the corresponding line to the WebPhone Personal Directory. You don't have to type a thing! Just drag and drop.

Of course, you always have full access to all of the features within the WebPhone Personal Directory. A quick click and you can add new members to your directory, delete, sort, search, and even place a call right from the Personal Directory, by simply double clicking on the party you wish to call.

Need a WebPhone number for a party that is not in your personal directory? Click on the Information button on the phone, enter your search criteria and press the Search button. The NetSpeak Information Assistance Server will immediately return the parties which match your search criteria and WebPhone will display them in the search results window. You can then either drag the desired party to the WebPhone Personal Directory and add them to your personal directory or double click to place the call right away.


The Information Dialog box connects you directly to NetSpeak World Wide Information Assistance to obtain the WebPhone number of the party or parties you wish to call. If you know the party's e-mail address, go ahead and place the call. If the party does not have a WebPhone, your WebPhone will display, "NO WEBPHONE" and send the party an e-mail message informimg them of your attempted call.

When you are online or off-line and you cannot answer the call, other WebPhone users can send you voice-mail knowing the message will always get to you. Shown here is the Voice-Mail Message dialog.

Red cassettes indicate messages you have not yet listened to. To hear a particular message, simply double click on the message.

After hearing an Out Going Message (OGM) from an unanswered party you called, the voice-mail recording controls will pop up, enabling you to record and leave a voice-mail message for the party you have called.


Shown here is the WebPhone control panel which allows you to modify your WebPhone operation parameters.