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B I B I    Y E S

E D W A R D   S A I D    N O

MER - 7/8/97. Members of the Hizbollah can now purchase Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's book, "A Place Under the Sun", in Lebanese Bookstores.

The Lebanese Prime Minister himself, Rafik Al-Hariri, has taken an interest in this highly propagandistic and manipulative "book". But Palestinians, suffering under the dual occupation of the Israeli military and the "Palestinian Authority", cannot purchase the latest book about the "peace process" (or anything else for that matter) from one of the most prominent, eloquent and accomplished Palestinians in the world, Professor Edward Said. Banned by Yasser Arafat and friends! Oops...slight amendment. If they can get by the Palestinian check- points that now keep most of the natives on their various "autonomous" reservations; and if they then can get by the Israeli roadblocks and the computerized, colorized, pass system (very very few can), they can purchase either Netanyahu's or Said's books in Israeli bookstores.

As for Hariri he has indicated he has read Netanyahu's "book"; he however has not taken a personal interest in Said's and apparently has been too preoccupied with Bibi's to read it. What a world the Arab's have allowed to be made of what was once their world.


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