M I D - E A S T    R E A L I T I E S  -  LIE OF THE WEEK *******************************************************
BIBI Netanyahu looks ahead and pretends
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[MER - The mindset of the leaders of Israel is oftentimes quite remarkable and unbelievable. Just read what Netanyahu recently said in Washington claiming that it is the Arab leaders who resist peace. Netanyahu must be getting up extra early these days so he can practice in front of a mirror keeping a straight face when delivery such lines! Moreover, for Netanyahu to continue imagining that a real peace will be imposed from on top, rather than take root from the people, is itself a display of Israei psychological chutzpah which may yet have disastrous consequences in the years ahead for the Jewish State. For the Palestinians, the result is already disastrous.]

"WHAT IS REQUIRED is a change of heart, and that can only be produced from the leadership, from the top down. It is not to the United States that I speak, it is to the leaders of the Arab world, and the question I have is, 'Where are you?' Why don't you be bold? Why don't you prove that you can lead your people to peace.?"

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