M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S  -  LIE OF THE WEEK (additional)
News, Information, & Analysis that Governments, Interest Groups, and the Corporate Media
Do Not Want You To Know!
The recent MER review of close cooperation between the American CIA, the Israeli Shinbet, and the Arafat Palestinian intelligence services (see: http://www.MiddleEast.Org/973-4l.htm) - came before a recent Washington Post article on 3/24/97 which contained the following telling quotes:
The Palestinians are indeed paying a heavy price, Yasser Arafat having been annointed by their long-time enemies -- Israel and the U.S -- to "police" and "control" them in their separated "autonomy zones" that more more resemble ghettos of the Jewish past.
In a sense the Israelis are paying back the Palestinians for the Intifada by having brought in Arafat to less directly force them into submission and to take on the dirty work the Israelis previously had to do themselves.
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