i-Check - The Internet Check
We use checks to save us and you money since credit cards cost monthly charges plus 3+ percent fees.
It takes just a few moments to complete this form -- just like filling out your check in the "old" way --
and it gets your order to us right away, puts all the money to good use, and saves you a stamp as well!
EASY 1-2-3- INSTRUCTIONSDetailed Step by Step instructions if needed.
1) Take a check from your check book and mark it "USED".
2) From that check fill in the information to the form below.
3) Then use "Send" page and send us this page by email (or if need be print and fax to  202 362-6965).
We will email you cnfirming receit, print a copy of your check just as you specify,
and the check will be returned to you by your bank with your regular checks  in the normal way.

 Enter your name and address as on your check 

Check # 
Date:  August 19, 1998 
Enter Total Dollar Amount 
Pay to:               Mid-East Realities
***Dollar Amount***
 Bank Name, City and State as on check 

Sign with your E-Mail Address: 
Enter numbers from bottom of your check 
Item(s) Ordered & Your Phone Number
Please make sure to complete all blanks in the check.
If there is any additional information give that in your email message.
Note: Your Bank Account Number is at the bottom of your check.  Enter these numbers as illustrated below. The first set of numbers is the nine digit bank routing code, the second set of numbers is your account number:  123456789  12345678901234 
[ If your check has this symbol  disregard it, just enter the numbers.]

i-Check funds must be drawn on a U.S., Canadian, Puerto Rican or U.S. Virgin Islands financial institution.
U.S. and International Patents Pending.
 i-Check is a registered trademark - Copyright © 1995-1998