Masquerading as an academic (now associated with Columbia Univ.), Gary Sick has always maintained his government, military and CIA ties in one way or another. Sick's involvements go back at least to the Carter Administration when he was one of the major operatives attempting to prevent and then overturn the Iranian revolution.
Among the things Sick works hard to prevent these days are persons in the academic community from critically speaking up about important international issues in opposition to U.S. policies -- unless they are "guided", that is, by persons such as himself.
MER found this out recently when Sick provided many academics involved with Middle East affairs around the country malicious and deceitful information about MID-EAST REALITIES. Apparently we must be doing something right to warrant this attention!
Sick went so far as to term the information MER distributes "Nazi grams" and to further attempt to discredit MER by accusing us of some kind of conspiracy to hack into Columbia University's computers. No doubt it's Sick's CIA background and involvements causing him such paranoia!
Anyone associated with Sick, or the "Gulf 2000" program he heads, and wanting additional information including a copy of the letter MER recently sent to persons associated with "Gulf 2000" (but which Sick prevented from reaching most persons insisting our information was "not relevant"), just contact MER at MER@MiddleEast.Org.
We strongly encourage everyone associated with "Gulf 2000" to at least get MER and decide for themselves MER's "relevance" to matters relating to Gulf countries and today's Middle East. Also, please take a look at our new, however basic, Website -- WWW.MIDDLEEAST.ORG -- for a detailed Statement of Principles outlining what distinguishes the new Committee On The Middle East (COME) and why persons like Gary Sick don't want you to know or to get involved.
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