
To receive MID-EAST REALITIES by email regularly you need to send a message from your email acount to LISTSERVER@MIDDLEEAST.ORG with the words SUBSCRIBE MER-L in the subject and messages areas.


A Letter from Mark Bruzonsky about MID-EAST REALITIES from Dec 1996:

Please let me update you about MID-EAST REALITIES -- both on the Internet and on cable television -- and about the Committee On The Middle East (COME)

We had to discontinue MER during the past few months in order to reorganize our efforts. As you can see from some of the comments we received earlier this year (they are at the end of this message) MER is very much needed and welcomed. But of course only tangible support -- in addition to the compliments and encouragement -- can actually make our efforts possible and give us the means to improve and expand these efforts.

We have now been able to at least partially reorganize and we will soon begin sending out regular information and analysis again. We will begin with some of the best MER LIES and QUOTES OF THE WEEK from earlier this year; and then we will gradually begin sending new information and updates.

If you were previously on the MID-EAST REALITIES list you are being automatically added to the new updated and automated list.

If you were not previously receiving MID-EAST REALITIES by email, or if you have changed your email address in the past few months, simply send a message to LISTSERVER@MiddleEast.Org with the words "SUBSCRIBE MER-L" (without the quotation marks) in the subject and message areas. And please encourage your friends to get on the MER List by simply sending a similar message from their own email accounts.

Please bear with us as we get these new capabilities on-line. We are having some start-up problems -- including the two or three repeated "Welcome messages" many of you have received as we get our new computers working properly.

Meanwhile we have been able to continue the weekly MER-TV program, but only in a minimal way at this point until we are able to build-up a list of sponsors. The program now shows weekly on all the major cable systems in the Washington, D.C. area and in New York City. Soon we will send you an updated program list with information how you can obtain VHS copies of any of the past programs.

You will also soon be receiving information about the new expanded Committee On The Middle East (COME); and we are working through COME to make more information available to you via a 24-hour Fax-On-Demand system as well as on the world-wide web.

If you are in a position to help, we very much need your financial support. I can't stress enough how important it is at this time for those of you who can provide financial support to do so. We had to discontinue our efforts earlier this year; and unless we get your backing -- along with your compliments and encouragement -- we will probably have to suspend or end much or all of what we are uniquely doing. Checks can be made to "MER" and sent the address at the end.

Very seriously, only by bringing crucially needed credible information and perspective about what is really happening in the Middle East -- and in Washington about the Middle East -- to public attention and scrutiny can we hope to bring about changes that are so desperately needed in U.S. policies. And only by strongly and clearly advocating such new policies are we likely to have an influence in bringing them about.

We have established the credible means to do these things, now using the Internet and TV. But no efforts can succeed without tangible and growing support from those who are concerned and committed. And since our efforts are totally independent -- and thus unhindered by those who want to misrepresent or sugar-coat the realities actually taking place -- we have to turn to persons such as yourself for the support needed to pursue the concerns we share.

In addition to general support we very much need those who can to become sponsors of the weekly TV program and of the new MID-EAST REALITIES Web site we are working on. Please email or call if you are willing and able to help -- such help is absolutely vital at this time to enable us to proceed. And if you have any specific concerns you would like to discuss you can contact me personally at the number listed at the top -- 24-hours daily by voicemail and usually personally from 3 to 6 pm daily Monday through Friday, Eastern time.

Mark Bruzonsky can be reached as follows:
Email: MAB@MiddleEast.Org
Fax: 202 362-6965
Phone: 202 362-5266, Ext 276; Usually 4 to 6 pm M-F, Eastern USA time
WebPhone on the Internet: Usually 4 to 6 pm M- F, Eastern USA time


* * * M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S * * *


News, Information, & Analysis that Governments, Interest Groups, and
the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!

The following comments were received during the first half of the year from persons throughout the world who have read MER on the Internet or seen MER-TV on cable:

* * * * *

The News we get from MER is profound: Profoundly
interesting,shocking and disturbing. Thank you for
providing this service.John Iskander


This Middle-East coverage mailing list is very honest, very
precise, and very truthful. I got one word for it as a
Palestinian: Impressive!
Word of MER is spreading among the staff of UNRWA
(about MER)... Expect more subscriptions...
Thank you for letting me know about the 4 part series
(Chomsky on MER-TV). How can I get a hold of them?! By
the way, I enjoy your posting and find them extremely useful
and to the painful point.
Thank you always for your information. Our prayers for your
Most people know the truth about Israel, but it seems you're
the only ones willing to say it...Keep up the good work!
Your posting on the Arab-American List is an other
interesting one, as usual.... Thanks again for being so
Send MER. And keep up the good work!
Hi !
...I believe that you are doing a great job and your postings
are the first I carefully look at... I'm a graduate student of
political science.
I would like to obtain this through the e-mail please. In
addition, I would like to give a donation to your efforts. I
used to be on your list years ago when you were providing
sane analyses of the intifada and I regret having been
removed from your efforts. Please consider me one
of your supporters.
Good Day to You,

I've been reading MER with great interest. Here in South
Africa, the Palestinian / Israeli issue is given daily coverage
in the media and is the subject of much debate.
Unfortunately, the media seems to portray the issue with a
distinctive bias towards the Israelis.

It is indeed unique to discover a Jewish group like yours in
the US which promotes an alternate viewpoint to the run-of-
the-mill Zionist propaganda.
Subj: comment - shameful Arab history
Date: 96-05-05 16:44:17 EDT

.Saudi with its morons/kings, name them the way you like,
is nothing but a cow that feeds the American thirst to oil.
They were are and will be a shameful spot in the Arab
history. Dont get me wrong, I don't blame them.
It is just the way they are. I might be endorsing the blame
on genetics, going with the modern fashion ! If
homosexuality and criminal acts are controlled by genetics,
why not treason and cowardness?
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Hello MER
First I would like to thank you for always keeping me in
touch with MER. I think that Western Media are under the
control of Jewish-Zionist Lobby, but MER is an exception.
Thank you very much for your objectivity .

It is so relieving to finally get a true and unbiased
perspective of what is really happening in occupied Palestine
rather than Israeli propaganda shown through the media that
is virtually controlled by the Israelis themselves.

An appreciative thanks....
MER provides a rare international perspective to American
policy in that region. American media treats the area as an
extension of domestic politics, but the reality is, as you make
clear, is much more complicated.
Assalamo ALikom
you are doing a great Job.I wish you the best of luck. May
Allah help you.
.thank you so much for keeping us informed of news reports
not covered by the US media, and for keeping us in touch
with our beloved Arab world.
Hello there,
I would just like to thank you for the MER information on the
Middle East .... I guess I was really impressed as it is rare
that I get up to date information that is not censored... it was
really sad that, as usual, the leaders of the Middle East
could only deplore or condemn the Israeli massacres (even
ashamed to say those words) ....
A time will come SOON when a childs scream of opression
will have millions of muslims responding to it !!!
Thank you again
I was very impressed with what I saw.
Please "send MER"
Thank you for your great coverage of the horror in Lebanon.
Please put me on your list.
...thanks a bundle for bringing out the realities of the
Middle Eastern politics.
Many thanks for sending me your excellent messages on
Middle East matters. Keep up the good work and keep
those messages coming!!!!!
Thank you for sending me mail.It has been very informative
& I hope you will keep me informed on future events.Thank
Thank you for being so honest. I gives me renewed faith in
my Jewish Cousins. I am Roman Catholic, and have been
really disgusted with the way Israel is acting. I started to
blame all Jews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for
correcting me. I now believe there are peace loving Jews
and above all they are Americans first. Again, thank you for
setting me straight.
I am very thankful to MER for showing the other side of the
story. Formerly, I did not believe that the media was
biased. But just after a few messages from MER, I quickly
changed me mind. Thank-you for opening my eyes.
Send MER
Truth hurts. Let it be known.
I really appreciate your mailings. Please continue sending
me MER.
I've just finished reading the last article on the massacre in
Lebanon and I find it atrocious what is going on there and
being down-played by the media. Please put me on your
email list to receive additional reports. Thanks,
THANK YOU or such a wonderful job! It's such a relief to
find out that there are Jews out there who stand for fairness
and show that by their actions. ONLY through honest
human beings like YOU, peace will ever stand a
THANKS AGAIN, and "Send MER"...
Please send MER... We cannot depend on our local
newspapers for reliable info.
Thank you,
Hi Friends--I, too, would like to thank you for your breaking
news stories and factual information. All of this is a great
help to my wife and I when we communicate with our
congressional delegation AND when we dialogue with other
people who do not share our passion for the cause
of Palestinian and Lebanese human rights.
I love what you are doing. I hope and wish you won't stop
what you are doing. It is really a great work.
I thank you as always for the updates... To put it simply,
(you) fill in the gaps which the establishment media leave in
their news coverage. And very big gaps they are too....
It is so refreshing to finally see a group in the U.S. that
realizes that what is going on to the Arab lands is atrocious...
Thanking you in advance,
Thank you again for your information. It was thought
provoking and inspiring. Thank you for your courage.
Your posting on the Arab-American List is an other
interesting one, as usual.... Thanks again for being so
It is so relieving to finally get a true and unbiased
perspective of what is really happening in occupied Palestine
rather than Israeli propaganda shown through the media
that is virtually controlled by the Israelis themselves. An
appreciative thanks....


News, Information, & Analysis that
Governments, Interest Groups, and
the Corporate Media Do Not Want
You To Know!
MID-EAST REALITIES is prepared and distributed with the help of
TheJewish Committee On The Middle East (JCOME) which has supported the
Palestinian "Intifada" since 1988 and continues to advocate full
Palestinian Statehood throughout the occupied territories with capital in Jerusalem,
in full accordance with U.N. resolutions.
JCOME supporters include Jewish Professors at over 175 universities and
thousands of persons of all backgrounds in the USA and abroad. JCOME
is now expanding its efforts into THE COMMITTEE ON THE MIDDLE EAST in
order to provide a more broad-based organization. For current
information message to:

The COME Advisory Board (now in formation - please email, fax
or call if you are interested in becoming involved) includes:
Professor Jane Adas, Rutgers University; Professor Alex Alland,
Columbia University; Professor Michael Astour, University of
Southern Illinois; Professor Howard Baumgartel, Emeritus University of
Kansas; Professor Charles Black, Emeritus Yale University
Law School; Professor Francis Boyle, University of Illinois
Law School; Mark Bruzonsky; Chairperson and Former
Washington Representative, World Jewish Congress;
Professor Noam Chomsky, M.I.T.; Ramsey Clark, Former
U.S. Attorney General, New York; Mark Dow, Miami;
Professor Mohamed El-Hodiri; University of Kansas;
Professor Richard Falk, Princeton University; Prof. Ali
Fatemi, Professor of Economics, American University,
Paris; Professor Deborah Gerner, University of Kansas;
Professor Sherna Gluck, California State University
(Long Beach); Nader Hashemi, Ottowa; Professor Clement Henry,
University of Texas; Professor Herbert Hill, University of Wisconsin (Madison);
David Jones, Editor New Dawn Magazine, Australia;
Professor Elie Katz, Sonoma State University, CA;
Professor. George Kent, University of Hawaii; John F.
Kennedy, Attorney at Law, Washington, D.C.; Jeremy Levin,
Former CNN Beirut Bureau Chief, Journalist, Portland;
Professor Seymour Melman, Columbia University; Professor
Tanya Reinhart, Tel Aviv University; Professor Alan Meyers,
Boston University; Professor Mohamed Salmassi, University
of Massachusetts.; Henry Schwarzschild - New York;
Professor Herbert Schiller, University of California,
San Diego; Professor J. David Singer, University of
Michigan (Ann Arbor).

MER / P.O. Box 18367 / Washington, DC 20036

Phone: 202 362-5266, Ext 637

Fax: 202 362-6965

Internet: MER@MiddleEast.Org

Web: WWW.MiddleEast.Org (Under Construction)