In this Message: 1) Information about how to get MER-TV showing on your local Public Access Cable TV Channel follows at the end. 2) Information about 3 Video Documentaries which have been shown on cable TV networks around the country by Free Speech TV. 3) A list of all MER-TV programs, 1 through 158. 4) Ordering information for documentaries and weekly programs. -------------------------------------------- M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S T. V. A New & Unique Half Hour Weekly Television Program News, Views and Analysis That Governments, Interests Groups and Major Media Misrepresent or Do Not Want You to Know ************************************************************* VIDEO DOCUMENTARIES: (All 3 $79) WE DARE TO SPEAK (60 minutes) - $39 PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD (30 minutes) - $29 CHOMSKY - "NEW WORLD ORDER - U.S. & MidEast (30 min) - $29 ************************************************************* LIST OF MER-TV PROGRAMS AND ORDERING INFORMATION [For printed copy and additional information go to: http://www.MiddleEast.Org/merlist.htm] 1&2 - "PEACE PROCESS?" - Chicago Access TV21 - first programs. 3&4 - "EXILE'S RETURN" - Palestinian Writer Fawaz Turki. 5&6 - "PALESTINE DEFEATED?" - Prof Hisham Ahmed-Deheisha Refugee Camp 7 - "THE SITUATION IN ARABIA" - Human Rights Demo at Saudi Emb. 8&9 - "WHITHER PALESTINE?" - Fawaz Turki book reading. 10&11 - "CNI: OPPOSITION TO ISRAEL'S LOBBY?" 12&13 - "NOT REAL PEACE" & "NUCLEAR ARMS RACE" - Sid-Ahmed in Cairo. 14&15 - "THE PALESTINIAN PREDICAMENT" - Dr. Haider Abdul Shafi. 16-18 - THE LIKUD STRIKES AGAIN? - Moshe Arens (with MER commentary). 19 - WALKING FOR PALESTINE - Palestine Aid Society Annual Walk. 20&21 - THE FUTURE OF JERUSALEM, Feisal Husseini at Georgetown U. 22 - THE BEST OF MER (Programs 1-10). 23 - THE BEST OF MER (Programs 11-20). 24-26 - CONVERSATIONS with Dr. Alfred Lilienthal. 27-28 - The So-Called "Peace Process" - overview of recent history. 29-30 - The First "CD-BOOK" about Middle East - "Lines In The Sand" 31-35 - MORDECHAI VANUNU - "Nuclear Prisoner of Conscience" 36 - NUCLEAR ARMS RACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST 37-39 - THE PALESTINIAN SITUATION "Another Client Regime"?, "The P.A.", "What Future for Palestinians?" 40&41 - THE PALESTINIAN SITUATION - "Police Regime?" & "Psychiatric Exam" (Dr. Eyad Sarraj speaks out) 42&43 - THE PALESTINIAN SITUATION - Not Much Optimism + Long Road Ahead 44-47 - NOAM CHOMSKY - "Peace Process" Dissected & Unmasked (Harvard) 48-51 - EDWARD SAID - CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS 52 - Nuclear Prisoner of Conscience - Mordechai Vanunu 53 - Talking to the Rotary Club 54-57 - Talking With Students at Bethany College 58-61 - "Correcting History", Norman Finkelstein 62-64 - Netanyahu's Mentor - Moshe Arens 65-69 - Considering Democracy in the Muslim & Arab World - Eqbal Ahmed 70-74 - Dr Musa Abu Marzook, Political Head of Hamas - PanelDiscussion 75-77 - Exclusive Interview with Dr. Musa Abu Marzook in prison 78 - Mid-East Teach-In at the University of Maryland 79-82 - A candid talk with Mohamed al-Asi - only elected Imam, DC 87 - HEBRON: A video report from Christian PeaceMakers Team - "Dead, Buried & Living in Hebron" 94-101 - MiddleEast Institute Conference on "The Future of Jerusalem" 102-103 - Ashraf Nubani, Abu Marzook's Islamic Attorney, on Palestine 104-107 - From Capetown, South Africa, Radio 786, "Israel - Past, Present & Future". 108-111 - Prof. John Sigler, Carleton Univ (Ottawa), "Political Islam" 112-115 - "Peace Process Realities" - Bruzonsky at Wheeling College 116 - Special on the "Peace Process" for FREE SPEECH TV. 117-120 - Interview with Robert Fisk of THE INDEPENDENT 121-124 - Noam Chomsky speaks in occupied Palestine 135-136 - Iran's Spiritual Leader, Ali Khamenei - opening talk to Tehran Islamaic Summit - the MER Event of the Year 137-141 - Edward Said reflects on 100 years of Zionism 142-145 - Noam Chomsky speaking at the Cambridge Forum 146-148 - Basem Eid, Palestinian Human Rights Activist 149-150 - Pacific Radio Program "Democracy Now" with Mark Bruzonsky 150-155 - Demonstrating for Peace - Washington Demonstrations in Feb 98 156-158 - Cambridge Teach-In About Iraq and U.S. Policies TAPE ORDERING INFORMATION: Single Program - $19 2 Program Series - $29 3 or more Program Series - $39 Programs listed on same line constitute one series. Shipping per order - any number of programs: $5 USA - $10 Canada - $20 International Normal delivery 3 to 4 weeks Express ordering (delivery same week), add 50%. Check should be made to MER and send to: MER - P.O. Box 18367 - Washington, D.C. 20036 For fastest ordering fax the programs numbers wanted and your check to fax (202) 362-6965. -------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO GET MER-TV SHOWING WEEKLY ON CABLE WHERE YOU LIVE We need your help to get MER-TV showing weekly on your local cable Public Access TV channel. This is very easy to do and we will help you. Very frankly we are already doing the hard work by producing this unique program every week and making it available. Public Access cable channels all around the country are specifically designed to show such independent programming with no charge for air time. If you take the initiative, with our help, you can have the program showing in your city usually in a few weeks. We have prepared a simple and easy MER-TV PACKAGE that gives you four sample programs and explains everything you need to know about contacting your local Public Access Channel and making the rrangements for MER-TV to be shown. In this package you will receive one video with four MER-TV programs to give to the TV Channel and a second video with all the programs for you to watch and show it your friends whenever you wish. We've also made it very easy for you to get this MER-TV PACKAGE. Of course we have to ask you to cover part of the expenses -- just imagine what we have to do in order to independently produce and distribute this program. Some of you may be able to contribute more, and we very much need it. But the basic cost for the MER-TV PACKAGE is $150 plus $5 shipping. The simplest and fastest way to get this MER-TV PACKAGE is to fax your check made out to MER, along with your shipping address, to 202 362-6965. We now have the program and bank authorization to deposit checks that are faxed, saving a lot of time and delay. Or if you prefer send your check to MER at P.O. Box 18367; Washington, D.C. 20036. Once the arrangements have been made in your city we will start sending the program automatically to that Channel. All we expect from you then, or a group of you collectively, is a minimum of $50 weekly to cover our additional duplication and shipping costs. Of course we need considerably more than this to not only keep producing MER-TV but also to improve it and promote it. But at least this small weekly amount will get us started. Very seriously, many of you have gotten in touch and asked what you can to do help. Helping us shown MER-TV locally on your Public Access TV Channel is BY FAR the most significant way you can help at this time. For the first time you can now have a weekly TV program showing right there where you live that you can tell your friends about and look forward to. Where else you can help in such a reasonable way and then be able to watch Middle East analysis and experts whom you will be pleased with rather than infuriated by. Also it is up to you whether you would like to be anonymous, or whether you would like to have your name listed in the credits of future programs as a local sponsor. We can work with you on these things and accommodate you however you wish.