To Sign Up or to get your questions answered:
24-Hour Message number:  1 800 724-6644, ID 202 362-5266
We suggest using this number & we will call you back promptly.
Washington, DC number (9am to 6 pm M-F):  1 202 Number1
Fax:   1 815 366-0800

WorldxChange presents :TalkCents "Take 5"

take5d.gif (11476 bytes)
Effective for 60 days from new customer's first billed call.
Dial 10-10-275 + 1 + area code + the number
5¢ per minute!(state to state*)
9¢ per minute!(within the state*)
and  5¢ per min to these selected international destinations:
Click here for the full listing of International Rates

 A $4.95 per line access fee applies in any month the service is used.

Extra Features: optional services:

  • $6.03 per line for monthly service fees which includes: $3.95 MRC, $0.59 PICC (Presubscribed Carrier Line Charge) and $1.49 USF
  • iPlan billing with a 5% discount.
  • Up to 3 travel cards.
  • Toll-free 800 service, $2.00 MRC per 800 # per month.
  • Follow Me 800 service, $10.00 set up fee, $2.00 per month per 800#.
  • Travel cards and 800 #’s will be charged at the same per minute rate as TalkCents xChanger.
To take advantage of this incredible offer,
follow these simple instructions:
10-10-275 + 1 + area code + the number

Then dial 205121 when prompted 


For more information 
call 1-800-724-6644, ID 202 362-5266 
24 hours, 7 days a week.
( or click here )

Calls are billed in one minute increments with partial minutes of usage rounded up to the next full minute. A $4.95 per line access fee applies in any month the service is used. The charges will appear on your normal local phone bill. 

Notice: All first time customers will automatically receive the rates listed when dialing 10-10-275. Customers who have previously used this service must call customer service at 1-800-724-6644, ID 202 362-5266 to determine eligibility requirements.

* Interstate calls will be billed at .05 per minute for 60 days from your first completed call with 10-10-275, after which the rate will increase to .07 per minute. Intrastate calls will be billed at .09 per minute. International calls will be billed at the regular rates specified - Click Here

** Intrastate service is not available in Alaska, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, N. Carolina, N. Dakota, S. Dakota or W. Virginia. Interstate and International calls can be placed from any state.  Florida Intrastate service is provided and billed by CTS Telcom, Inc.
