M I D - E A S T    R E A L I T I E S
"News, Analysis & Commentary They Don't Want You to Know" ***************************************************************
R E A D E R ' S   C O M M E N T S




    R  E  A  D  E  R  '  S      C  O  M  M  E  N  T  S
    F R O M    T H R O U G H O U T    T H E   W O R L D

             For all Readers' Comments go to:
   You can now call our 800 number to leave a message for MER:
   Simply Call 1800 724-6644 and when asked put in 202 362-5266

NOTE TO READERS:  As promised we are continuing to publish recently
received Readers Comments after we were forced to suspend MER. If
financial contributions allow we very much would like to resume and
even expand MER. But we can do so only with your help and support. The
following messages were among those received during the second week of
December.  Checks made out to MER can be sent to:
MER - POBox 18367 - Washington, D.C. 20036

       Dear MER,

       I am a college student with not much money, but my check's in
the mail to try to do my part to keep you going....   With the U.S.
making war noises against Iraq every few months, with what only the
severely depraved would deign to call the "peace" process lurching
towards final catastrophe. . . people who want to stay informed simply
cannot do without MER.  Please keep publishing.


        John P. Lacny

Dear MER staff,

My sincere regards and deep gratitude to your unique efforts to speak
up the truth about the middle-east region. I have been a MER-
subscriber for about two years now, maybe more, and I recommended it
to many friends. I always enjoy being informed reading your articles
although the information is either depressing, frustrating or
infuriating. Believe me, it made a difference for me and for others.
Leaving the scene now, would make a new difference, a negative one
this time. Lies yield only to truth as darkness yields only to light.
You certainly and courageously shed some penetrating light on the
seemingly hopeless state of the middle-east. Let not the dark creep

I want to help with more than words and...maybe others would like to
contribute too.


        Adil Sabihi

You guys rock, as I've said before! I can only provide encouragement
to you right now. Keep it up and don't let them get to you.


Has MER gone off the net? There are usually regular messages and for
the past week I have not received anything. Have I missed a message
about an interruption in the info service you provide?

      Carla Obermeyer
      Harvard Univ.


It would be good to have your sense of what it would take to un-
suspend MER.  Right now all the MER-valuing community has is "you have
to help".  What exactly would be needed...?  MER is important and
unique, and worth saving!  Thanks for all your work.

        Marc Estrin

Dear MER,

I have been a subscriber of MER from nearly its inception. I value
your work, dedication and courage tremendously. At present, I am
finishing a degree in Anthropology and History at the University of

MER has been eyeopening for thousands of individuals who need your
honest and important reporting. For many it is a major source of
information to connect them to their heart and home. It's just the
thing to keep apathy away and able to regenerate our sense of humanity
for our brothers in the Middle East. Sure we get angry at the
mainstream media, but because we know that that are all lies and
skewed perceptions of reality. But...WITH MER...we know what really
goes on in the Middle East today and we know that you are not afraid
to expose it.

Unfortunately, as a student, I haven't the financial means to send a
check now, (In fact, I think I've never been so poor in my life!)...
Certainly, as soon as I am able, I will send a monthly financial
contribution to your efforts...Your work is important and valuable
and I do NOT wish to see it end...

All the best to you.




To all at mid east realities,
 I was sad to receive the message that you have to stop publishing.  I
would be willing to give some money to you.  I can’t give allot being
on a very limited income, but I’m willing to give something.
 I think it would be very, very sad to see MER have to stop
publishing. I like reading your articles.  They are full of so much
truth.  It’s almost impossible to get news agencies that are not only
out for the interests of corporate America.
 The mainstream press is so bias... I would hate to see mid east
realities go, because so many Americans don’t get educated the way
they should in a free society about the truth of the middle east, and
US imperialism.  You all there at mid east realities fill that void.
I hope that you’ll be able to find a way to be able to continue to
   Vicki Andrada

    For latest information about MER including how to receive
          MER regularly email to INFOMER@MiddleEast.Org.
 MID-EAST REALITIES is published a number of times weekly and the
          MERTV Program shows weekly on Cable TV.

      M  I  D  -  E  A  S  T      R  E  A  L  I  T  I  E  S
   MER@MiddleEast.Org / Fax: 202 362-6965 / Phone: 202 362-5266
             MER - POBox 18367 - Washington, DC 20036


For latest information: http://www.MiddleEast.Org
To receive MER regularly and free email to:  INFOMER@MIDDLEEAST.ORG
News, Information, & Analysis that
Governments, Interest Groups, and
the Corporate Media Do Not Want
You To Know!