Questions, Answers & Important Information


SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION - While we get everything going, we suggest you use the auto-responder procedures outlined below. We also suggest you DOWNLOAD the free


as we will soon begin regular Internet PHONE discussions allowing persons from throughout the world to participate over the Internet without long-distance charges. You can usually reach COME on-line from 4 to 6 pm weekends (Eastern USA time) via Webphone.

Note: The self-installing WebPhone is very easy to install in either Windows or Windows 95 and downloads in just a few minutes.

The following information is available at this time:

  1. What is COME?
  3. Where can I view MER on TV or order video copies?
  4. How can I get MER weekly via email?
  5. How can I talk & learn on the Internet about Middle East issues? NEW!
  6. Click here to download free trial version of MER WEBPHONE - If you have any difficulties, just email to MER@MiddleEast.Org and ask for the Webphone which we will then send to your email address along with the latest helpful information and the current time-schedule for Webphone conferencing.
  7. How can I help? Very important to make our efforts possible and effective!


What is COME?

Message to autoresponder at INFOCOME@MiddleEast.Org and you will be quickly sent the latest updated information.


Message to autoresponder at INFOMER@MiddleEast.Org to quickly receive the latest information.

Where can I view MER on TV or order video copies?

Message to autoresponder at INFOMERTV@MiddleEast.Org to quickly receive latest information. For a printed and easier to ready list of MER-TV programs and order form sent directly to your fax machine call (202) 362-5266, Ext 637.

How can I get MER weekly via Email?

To be added to the MER List send a message to LISTSERVER@MiddleEast.Org with the words "Subscribe MER-L" (without quotations) in the subject and message areas. You will begin receiving MER QUOTES AND LIES OF THE WEEK along with other occasional information. You can leave the MER List at anytime by sending a message to the same address with the words "Unsubscribe MER-L" in the subject and messages areas.

How can I talk on the Internet about Middle East issues? New...WEBPHONE!

We are making arrangements to make it easy for you to leave voicemail as well as email messages here on the Internet and to talk with key persons during certain weekly hours -- all free of all costs through your Internet connection. Click on WEBPHONE here to have it downloaded to you. Or send a message to LISTSERVER@MiddleEast.Org with the word Webphone in the subject and message areas.

If you have any problems downloading the new special MER WEBPHONE just send an email message to MER@MiddleEast.Org asking us to download the Webphone along with special instructions and times to reach us on the Web.

The special MER Webphone is fully functioning and has been thoroughly tested and it is by far the best such program available. It is very easy to install in Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 -- just run the self-installing file which is 883,390 bytes in size and follow the simple directions. You can use it as much as you like free of charge -- and we encourage you to share it with friends and relatives (just email them a copy if you like). This free version of WebPhone is limited to 3-minutes of talk time per call (though you can just hit the reconnect button if you want to continue talking). If you decide to register you will find the one-time $49.95 cost for unlimited usage well worth it; plus a number of other very advanced features will be become active upon registration -- including 4-line phone capability, unlimited voicemail messaging, automatic connections, music-on-hold, and even conferencing of multiple persons.

Of course the WEBPHONE can also be immediately used for all kinds of Internet phone conversations between persons, and groups, throughout the world. We've tested the different options, and this new WebPhone is by far the best. So please go ahead, download and install it, and feel free to pass it along to friends and family as well.

How can I help and maybe get further involved?

Your help and encouragement, including financial support and sponsorship of the weekly MER-TV program, are very much needed. Checks may be sent to COME at POBox 18367, Washington, DC 20036. You can contact Chairperson Mark Bruzonsky easily by email at MAB@MiddleEast.Org, by phone to 202 362-5266, Ext 276, and by fax to (202) 362-6965.


Copyright © Committee On The Middle East. All rights reserved.
COME - POBox 18367 - Washington, DC 20036 / 202 362-5266, Ext 266 / Fax: 202 362-6965 / Email: COME@MiddleEast.Org
Last Revised: 25 Nov 96