M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S  - http://www.MiddleEast.Org
News, Information, & Analysis that Governments, Interest Groups, and the Corporate Media Do Not Want You To Know!
NUCLEAR PRISONER OF CONSCIENCE MORDECHAI VANUNU ****************************************************************
MER VIDEO PROGRAMS ABOUT VANUNU AVAILABLE AT SPECIAL REDUCED PRICE ****************************************************************
VANUNU "HONEY TRAP" AGENT living in Florida
     MER - The American female agent who entrapped Mordechai Vanunu -- luring him from London to Rome in March of 1988 -- has just been discovered living comfortably in Orlando, Florida.
     Cheryl Ben Tov pretended to be enamored with Vanunu and enticed him into taking a vacation with her on behalf of the Mossad. The Israelis then drugged and kidnapped Vanunu, illegally took him from Italy to Israel, and after a secret military trial Vanunu was sentenced to 18 years for espionage. Vanunu was no longer even an Israeli citizen and his "crime" was giving information in London to the Sunday Times about Israel's extensive nuclear weapons program -- information, since verified, that contradicted Israel's repeated assurances about its nuclear program in forums throughout the world.
     Vanunu -- Israel's best known Jewish prisoner -- remains today in isolation and in solitary confinement. His case has been taken up by Amnesty International and discussed worldwide. A yearly demonstration is held in Washington at the Israeli Embassy on his behalf. And last year there was a major conference in Israel attended by a number of world-known personalities, including Julie Christy and one of last year's Nobel peace prize winners, who then met with Israeli President Ezer Weizmann pleading for Vanunu's release.
     MID-EAST REALITIES TV has prepared and shown on cable a number of programs about Vanunu -- Israel's "Nuclear Prisoner of Conscience".
     We are making available at this time a special 4-part 2-hour VANUNU video -- including considerable coverage from the yearly Israeli Embassy demonstration featuring the reading of a letter and poem from Vanunu from his jail cell. Excerpts from interviews with Sam Day, U.S. coordinator of the "Free Vanunu Campaign" in the U.S., and Gidon Spiro in Israel, are included.
These programs, combined on one VHS cassette, are available this month for $29.95 plus $5 shipping (for orders received no later than 30 April).
     Vanunu did what he did to alert the world to the still-growing danger of a future nuclear conflict in the Middle East. For doing so he languishes in a closet-size prison-cell in solitary confinement. The least we all can do is concern ourselves and inform ourselves by watching these special MER-TV programs and then passing the video along to others.
1) In the USA orders can be simply faxed to (202) 362-6965. The check should be made out to MER in the amount of $34.95
2) Or orders can be sent to:
P.O. Box 18367
Washington, D.C. 20036
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MER - 202 362-5266, Ext 638 - Fax (202) 362-6965 - MER@MiddleEast.Org
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