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Flashback MER Articles | |
December 3, 2004 9/11 was foreseeable one way or another What has happened in recent years, indeed what happened on 9/11 and then it's aftermath, were in general quite foreseeable, no matter how much official Washington keeps pretending otherwise. The aggressive, imperialistic, self-righteous, deceptive, and oh-so-arrogant policies of the United States and Israel were at work for decades provoking and creating a kind of historical blowback that the whole world is now forced to live with. The following MER Editorial was published on Thanksgiving day in November 1997.
June 25, 2004 The Historical Moment - MER Flashback Four Years MER FLASHBACK to 25 June 2001: Months before what is now known as "9/11" MER published these articles indicating that a major strike by Osama
February, 2004 Bush Commission - Coverup and Whitewash Bush Commission is both not so hard to see Whitewash and Coverup -- but don't expect the corporate media or the on-board Washington press to fess up.
April 23, 2005 Interview with Boutros Boutros-Ghali in 1979 - Considerable Historical Insights
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| | Mark Bruzonsky live on CTV for the Arafat-Rabin-Clinton White House Ceremony Mark Bruzonsky, MER Publisher was the live on-air commentator for CTV during the historic Arafat-Rabin-Clinton ceremony at the White House in Sept. 1993
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| | This Week's Interview | | | | Palestinian Author Ghada Karmi on Two or One State Solution THE GUARDIAN - One State Solution? Ghada Karmi writes how the Two-State Solution Has Failed and there is Now Just the One-State Solution left to fight for.
| | Feature Program | | | | MSNBC Interview with Mark Bruzonsky, December 1998 MSNBC Interview with Mark Bruzonsky, December 1998
| | Documentaries | | | | Oslo Signing (CTV, 13 Sept 1993) The Rabin-Arafat Oslo signing commentary at the White House with live commentary from Mark Bruzonsky in the CTV Washington Studio. (1:17:54)
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'We're All Doomed' - New Year's Headline in Britain
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First I would like to thank you for always keeping me in touch with MER. I think that Western Media are under the control of Jewish-Zionist Lobby, but MER is an exception. Thank you very much for your objectivity . -- Ademar, Birzeit University - PALESTINE
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P e a c e c a n n o t b e k e p t b y f o r c e . I t c a n o n l y b e a c h i e v e d b y u n d e r s t a n d i n g . -- Albert Einstein
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