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FlashBack - Arafat's Assassination - Mark Bruzonsky on Toronto Radio Program at the time, 5 Nov 04
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  Flashback MER Articles

September 22, 2004
The real message to the tough-minded politicos in Washington is this: There's nothing to worry about from Arab Americans...working overtime they can only mobilize quite few in numbers...they are not even protesting against the upcoming agreement itself likely to be soon signed across the street...they know nothing about the power of civil disobedience...they have no powerful or even significant allies...their leadership is naive and oftentimes foolish...and the Arab organizations we work with can be counted on to keep them under control come what may.

July 17, 2006
Before the invasion of Iraq, no less a newman than Walter Cronkite was warning of World War III but prescribing a far different course. Even with Cronkite's unique stature however he was hardly heard. The corporate media wasn't even willing to report Cronkite's warning for he insisted that it was the policies of the United States and the Bush/Cheney Administration that were primarily responsible. He urged Americans to wake up and he urged when it mattered that the Iraq invasion/occupation not take place. MER almost alone reported the significance of Cronkite's speech back then -- October 2002.

29 October 2001
War of the Worlds - Playboy (Slovenia) October 2001
This article by the Publisher of MER, Mark Bruzonsky (http://www.MiddleEast.Org/mab) was written in the days immediately after 9/11 and published in the Oct 2001 issue of PLAYBOY Magazine in Slovenia.

The unusually unspoken reality is that the U.S. and Israel have been torture interconnected in the Middle East for quite a long time. Those now infamous hoods -- because of the dramatic pictures from the US prison in Iraq -- have long been used by the Israelis in prisons where Palestinians are treated far worse but the world has looked the other way for decades now. Indeed Israeli 'training' of Americans to 'deal with the Arabs' may well be the secret so-far untold aspect of the torture and abuse scandals of recent years.

June 8, 2005
KILLING IRAQ - MER FlashBack 5 Long Years Ago


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    Mark Bruzonsky live on CTV for the Arafat-Rabin-Clinton White House Ceremony
    Mark Bruzonsky, MER Publisher was the live on-air commentator for CTV during the historic Arafat-Rabin-Clinton ceremony at the White House in Sept. 1993
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    Palestinian Author Ghada Karmi on Two or One State Solution
    THE GUARDIAN - One State Solution? Ghada Karmi writes how the Two-State Solution Has Failed and there is Now Just the One-State Solution left to fight for.
    Feature Program (Archives)
    MSNBC Interview with Mark Bruzonsky, December 1998
    MSNBC Interview with Mark Bruzonsky, December 1998
    Documentaries (Archives)
    Oslo Signing (CTV, 13 Sept 1993)
    The Rabin-Arafat Oslo signing commentary at the White House with live commentary from Mark Bruzonsky in the CTV Washington Studio. (1:17:54)

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      MER World

    President Bush on Election Night 2002

      Reader's Comments
    This is an excellent piece. Check out the UNRWA investigative material that appears on our website and you will see how our differing perspectives can come to the same conclusion, which is that this Oslo process was engineered to screw the UNRWA refugees. -- David S. Bedein, MSW BUREAU CHIEF: ISRAEL RESOURCE NEWS AGENCY

      Quotes from History
    'The use of force abroad, according to existing international laws, can only be sanctioned by the United Nations. This is the international law. Everything that is done without the UN Security Council's sanction cannot be recognized as fair or justified... I am being as restrained as I can be when I choose these words... We do not want the United States to lose their war on terrorism. We are US partners in the fight against terrorism. But as for Iraq, this is a separate matter. There were no international terrorists under Hussein. This is a separate problem.' [followed by a warning about 'empires' which have fallen due to over confidence and indiscriminate use of military power.] -- Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, Dec 19 2003

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