Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions about Skype

What is Skype?
Skype is a free program that uses the latest P2P (cutting edge p2p technology) technology to bring affordable and high-quality voice communications to people all over the world.
How do you pronounce the word Skype?
Skype rhymes with ripe and type.
How does it work?
When you use the free Skype software, you can connect to other Skype users so that you can talk and chat. Behind the scenes, cutting edge p2p technology manages the connection for you.
How do I get it?
Just click here to download Skype, the download should take only a few minutes depending on your connection speed – and installation is a snap!
Is Skype available for Mac OS, Linux, Palm OS, Pocket PC...?
Currently, Skype is available for Windows 2000, XP, Pocket PC and Linux. Stay tuned for more information about other platforms.
Can I use Skype with Windows 98 or Windows ME?
Because it hasn’t been fully tested, we have not yet certified Skype for use with these operating systems. Skype may work with Windows 98 or ME but we cannot yet guarantee compatibility. Some WinME/9x video (and possibly other) drivers tend to use 100% of processor for their needs for relatively long periods of time. This can cause the audio quality to degrade significantly. In addition, WinME/9x does not offer full unicode support, which means that some things may not display properly. Skype does not work on WinNT at the moment. We may support these platforms in the future and will make any future announcements on our website.
What does it cost?
For non-commercial use, Skype will always be free. Some features and services of Skype will require a paid subscription or prepayment. Our ambition is to keep the basic functionality of Skype (PC to PC calls) free forever.
Why is Skype better than Net2Phone, ICQ, AIM, MSN, etc?
Because it works! Most Voice-over-IP applications don’t work from behind firewalls and NAT (Network Address Translation) devices. Nearly all broadband users are behind a NAT or firewall and so they cannot use VoIP applications. Skype is not a typical VoIP application – it’s P2P Telephony! Because of its advanced design, Skype works behind nearly any firewall and NAT!
High Call Completion Rate
No other Internet telephony system has a call completion rate as high as that of Skype.
Superior Sound Quality
Current Voice over IP and chat applications just don’t measure up. Skype has created proprietary software and partnered with the best acoustic scientists in the business to deliver sound quality superior to even your fixed telephone line!
Extremely Easy to Use
Current Voice-over-IP applications are difficult to configure and it seems the provider assumes its users are experts in engineering. With Skype there is no difficult configuration of hardware or software. You shouldn’t have to work to use our software, software should work for you!
Totally Secure Communications
Your calls are encrypted “end-to-end” and are thus totally secure.
Can I use Skype to make 3-way or conference calls?
Yes you can! Starting with version - Skype allowed you to speak with up to 4 other people at the same time!
I have a webcam. Can I use Skype to make video calls as well?
Our current focus is to make the best voice-application on the planet. But we will be adding many new and exciting features in the future and video-calling is high up on the wish list.
Can I get Skype in my favorite language?
Yes. We are working hard to translate Skype into as many languages as possible. If you would like to volunteer to help us translate Skype in your language, please visit our Forums.
Does Skype contain any advertising or spyware?

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Questions About Using Skype

How do I start using Skype?

To get started using Skype, Skype software is free to download and you can always get the latest version here. If you have any problems using Skype, please first make sure that you are using the most recent version of the software.

To download Skype to your computer, simply click the download link. Save the installation file to your computer. Be sure to remember where you saved the file (the desktop might be a good place). Please read also our userguide

The very first time you start Skype you must create for yourself a new user account. Choose it from the options by selecting radio button in front of ”I would like to create a new Skype account” then press enter or click ”Next” in order to move on to the next level. Now fill the empty fields. You will be asked to choose a Skype Name and password. The Skype Name and password fields are required in order to use Skype. You can choose any name but it must be at least 6 characters in length and without spaces in between, such as JohnDoe or John_Doe or John123 etc. If the name is already in use by someone else you will have to try another name. Then check the box in front of ”Yes I have read and I Accept the Skype End Users License Agreement”. Finally press ”Finish”. The new password will be sent to the e-mail in case you have forgotten the password you chose before. Tha’ts why we recommend you to fill also the e-mail field. You can change the e-mail given for the registration later.

How do I install Skype?
To install Skype, after clicking the DOWNLOAD button, choose the option ”open” in the downloading window. Skype will choose itself the location and the installation process starts immediately after downloading without clicking anywhere. Please read also our userguide
How do I use a headset?
A computer headset has two separate connectors - one for the microphone, and one for the speaker (some newer headsets connect via USB, these are typically a bit more expensive but in general quite good). Also make sure that the headset has a microphone. You can also buy a handset, just as long as it has two connectors so that it can be plugged into your computer. You should not need to pay more than 10-15 USD/Eur for it. You can buy a headset from the Skype Store or by visiting your local computer or electronics retailer. Note that if you don’t own a microphone, you may be able to use an existing pair of headphones as a temporary solution. Connect your extra headphones to the microphone input of your sound card and speak directly into the ear piece. We are not responsible for any damaged equipment so please try this at your own risk! Check out our Skype Store.
How do I make a Skype call?
There are several ways to call a Contact:
  • Right-click the Skype Name in your Contact List or the search result and select ”Call”
  • Double-click the Skype Name in your Contact List or the search result
  • Select a Skype Name and then click the ”Call button” at the bottom of the window.

Please read also our userguide.

I dialed a number but it didn't work?
You need to have SkypeOut credits to call to the telephone network.
How do I answer a Skype call?
If someone is calling you, you will hear the sound of a telephone ringing and the Skype icon in your system tray will flash. Go to the Skype application (if not already visible) and select whether you would like to answer or reject the call in the incoming call tab. As soon as you decide to answer a call, a two-way voice conversation will begin and the duration of the call will be visible. Please read also our userguide.
How do I add a contact?
To add a contact, simply right-click the Skype Name from the search results and select ”add to Contacts” please read also our userguide.
How do I search for a contact?

To search for a contact so that they can be added to your Contact’s, select the Search option from the Tools menu or press the Search toolbar button. A new search window will open where you can search for friends by name, or any other information they have listed in their Personal Profile. Please read also our userguide.

Skype user information is not stored centrally, so you can only find your friend for 3 days after he/she was last seen online. Also, it is very important to make sure that you are online at the time that you’re looking. A final reason for possibly not being able to see your friends is that you may or may not have authorized each other to see one another yet.

Why do I see a user as offline when I know they are online?
Because user information in Skype is not stored centrally, it may take a few minutes after your friend has registered for them to be visible online. We are working to improve the timing of this.
Can I log in from multiple computers with Skype? What about my contact list?
You can log in to Skype from multiple computers, but you won’t have access to your contacts since this is stored locally (on the computer where your first installed Skype). You will have to add and authorize your friends once again. We will be implementing a feature soon that will allow you to get access to your friends list automatically from multiple computers.
How can I recapture my contact list?
Unfortunately there is not much you can do to rebuild it. Skype does recommend to backup often. If you have lost your Skype setup and previously had settings configured to allow only people in your Contact List to contact you, then we suggest you change that to let only authorized people contact you, until you have rebuilt your Contact list. As always - backup often.
How do I back up my Contact List and Skype settings?
Skype for Windows stores Contact List files in C:\Documents and Settings\yourwindowsusername\Application Data\Skype directory. You should back up all files and directories beneath it. To restore your Contact List, simply copy files back to directory mentioned above.
How do I block someone from contacting me?
To block a user, you can edit the list of blocked users in the Tools.ManageBlocked users dialog (or under File->Options->Privacy->Manage Blocked Users dialog) the user will no longer be able to communicate with you (and vice versa). You will always appear offline to the users that you have blocked.
How do I make a conference call?

It is now possible for up to 5 people to conference call with Skype! Starting a conference call is simple and there are several ways to do it. If you want to dial several people all at once and start a conference call with them, you first need to select participants from your Contact List by holding ”ctrl” and clicking them. Once they have been selected, click the conference toolbar button. This will show you the conference tab and you will see the names of the participants you have called. If and when these participants answer your call, they will be added to the conference.

Or, if you are already in an active call and would like to add an additional participant to a conference, you can select the person you want to add to the conference from your contact list and click the conferencing toolbar button OR you can simply right-click a new contact from your Contact List and choose ”Invite to conference”.

Keep in mind that the host of the conference (the person who started the conference) is the only person that can add new participants. In addition, because Skype conferences are done Peer-to-Peer, it’s important that the conference host (the person who starts the conference) has a good Internet connection and computer. If you are planning to conference with many participants you should choose the person with the best internet connection to be the initiator (host) of the conference. Please read also our userguide.

Don’t Type… Skype!

How do I send instant messages?
To send an instant message, please read our userguide.
How do I change my Skype Name?
It is possible to change the real name and not the Skype Name. For changing the real name select File->Your Personal Profile. Make the changes you wish and then update it. If you want to change your friends name in your friends list right click on the name and select ”rename” from there. For changing the Skype Name you will need to register as a new user. From the File menu, select ”log in as new user” and then create a new Skype account.
How do I change my password?
If you would like to change your password please login and then select File->Options->Personal, and choose Change Password
How do I change my e-mail address in my profile?
To change your e-mail address please login and then select File->Your Personal Profile-> Change your e-mail in the e-mail field. Click Update
How do I delete my instant message history?
You can delete instant message history by clicking on the Skype Name of the IM history you wish to delete. Open Instant Messaging box with this user and click on recycle bin icon.
How do I delete my call list?
You can delete the ”my call list” by going to the call list and then choose the trash-can.
How do I improve the sound quality?
Please see our Sound and Voice guide.
How do I make a Skype Me email signature?
Please see our goodies section.
How do I delete my Skype Name or personal profile?
Your profile record (except the Skype Name!) is not stored permanently. Your profile will automatically expire and will be deleted from the user directory in approximately 72 hours after you’ve last used Skype. If you login again with the Skype Name you wish to delete, the Skype Name will get refreshed and you may get the impression that the name has not disappeared yet.
How do I transfer a file?
You right-click on a user and ”send file” or you push the small send-file button in the IM toolbar. Next you chose the file you which to tranfer and click ”OK”. The transfer will begin when the other party (the receiver) accepts to receive the file. You can only send files to people who have authorized you.
How do I receive a file?
When someone tries to transfer a file to you, you must accept the tranfer by pressing the ”Save as...” button. This will allow you to chose a location where you would like the file to be saved. When the transfer is completed you can open the file to open it or chose ”open folder” to open the folder which contains the file you saved.
Is there a limit to the size of the file I can I send?
The current limit is 2 GB. We may increase this in future.
Can I drag a file to a user?
Not yet, but this will be available soon (might be available when we launch if there is time to do it).
Can I send multiple files at the same time?
Can I get a virus through Skype file transfer?
Just like with email software, files that people send you can contain viruses. You should take precautions when receiving a file from someone you don’t know and we recommend to all of our users to use updated anti-virus software.
Can the files I transfer be intercepted or viewed by a third party?
All file transfers on Skype are encrypted end-to-end. This is necessary when using the public internet to transfer files and ensures that only the sending and receiving parties will be able to view or access the files send with Skype.
My file transfer is slow. What’s wrong?
The speed of the file transfer depends on the bandwidth available to both the sending and receiving party. Internet congestion can also cause file speeds to decrease. If your transfer is relayed, your file transfer speed will also be limited. Read more about that in the next question.
My File transfer is ”relayed” and slow. What does this mean?
If your file tranfer is relayed, it means that you were not able to establish a direct connection the the person you are transferring the file to/from. When you are not able to establish a direct connection, your transfer is relayed through another peer on the network who is able to establish a connection. When a transfer is relayed Skype will limit the file xfer speed to 0.5 kB/second. Only peers with plenty of available bandwidth are used for relay purposes.
How does Skype work?
When you use the free Skype software, you can connect to other Skype users so that you can talk and chat. Behind the scenes, cutting edge p2p technology manages the connection for you.
How do I uninstall Skype?

In order to unistall Skype please look at the right hand corner of your PC screen. There, in the system tray is a small green spot - Skype icon - click on it and choose ”quit” from the menu that pops up.

To uninstall Skype, open your control panel (Start->Control Panel, or Start->Settings->Control Panel) and choose ”Add/Remove Programs”. Select Skype from the list and click on ”Remove”. You will be asked if you would like to keep or remove your Friends List and Call History. This may be useful in case you think you may want to reinstall Skype sometime in the future (that way you don’t lose your Friends List). Choose the appropriate option to remove Skype from your computer.

For the illustration see uninstall visual guide.

What do I need to use Skype?
In short: practically all home computers purchased within the last 2-3 years can run Skype and if you pick up a headset, you’re good to go! You can even purchase one in the Skype Store.
The long story: You need a PC with Windows, a sound card (full-duplex is best), microphone (built-in or external) and speakers or headset. You’ll get the best results if you go out and spent 10-20 Euro/USD on a headset with microphone – most computer or electronics stores carry these items.
What kind of headset should I use?
You need a computer headset, not a telephone headset. A computer headset has two separate connectors – one for the microphone, and one for the speaker (some newer headsets connect via USB, these are typically a bit more expensive but in general quite good). Also make sure that the headset has a microphone. You can also buy a handset, just as long as it has two connectors so that it can be plugged into your computer. You should not need to pay more than 10-15 USD/Eur for it. You can buy a headset from the Skype Store or by visiting your local computer or electronics retailer. Note that if you don’t own a microphone, you may be able to use an existing pair of headphones as a temporary solution. Connect your extra headphones to the microphone input of your sound card and speak directly into the ear piece. We are not responsible for any damaged equipment so please try this at your own risk!
I don’t have a microphone or headset. Can I still use Skype?
You can still use Skype for text messages, and if you don’t own a mic, you can try using a pair of headphones by plugging them into the microphone jack in your computer. Note that Skype is not responsible for any damage to your equipment so try at your own risk!
I received a sound device error when I tried to call someone. What’s wrong?
A sound device error can occur in some rare instances, depending on your network and hardware configurations and those of the person you are trying to call. We are working hard to eliminate this problem. If you have this problem repeatedly, please let us know by using the bug report form. Don’t forget that we need your input to improve Skype!
I want to use a USB headset/phone or multiple sound cards. How do I do this?
If you use a USB headset or USB phone or use multiple sound cards, you can configure which device to use for AUDIO-IN (microphone), AUDIO-OUT (headphones or speakers) and Ringing (sound alerts) by going to the I/O devices Tab under Options. For USB phones, its probably best to configure AUDIO-OUT and AUDIO-IN so that it uses the USB device. If you want Skype to ring using your speakers, set the “Ringing” device so that it uses your default windows device.
What are callto:// links and how do I use them?
When you install Skype, you can chose to associate Skype with callto:// links. This allows you to simply click on a link in an email or on a website to call someone directly using Skype. You can even add a Skype me! Button to your website or e-mail signature. For complete instructions, please visit the Skype Goodies Page.
I lost my password. How can I retrieve it?
If you entered an email address when you registered for Skype, you can request a new password by filling out this form and a new password will be sent to you. If you did not enter your email address, you will have to register again as a new Skype user.
I would like a new Skype Name. What do I do?
You will need to register as a new user. From the File menu, select “log in as new user” and then create a new Skype account.
I am connected to the Internet with a modem. Can I use Skype?
You can use Skype when you are connected with a 33.6 Kbps modem or faster. However, when you are using a modem for other types of Internet traffic, such as web surfing, file sharing or email you may experience disruptions in the voice communication.
Can I use other clients, e.g. Windows Messenger to connect to the Skype network?
No you can’t. We have crafted Skype with a proprietary technology that is not compatible with other clients at this time.
Can I use Skype to send instant messages to my friends who use AOL/ICQ/Yahoo/MSN Messenger?
Skype is not currently compatible with these applications but may be in the future. Why don’t you tell your friends to use Skype instead? :)
What does the error message [1101/1102/1103] mean?
The error message you got means that Skype was not able to connect to the Skype p2p network. You may be behind a corporate firewall or proxy that is blocking your access to the Internet. Please check with your system administrator or try again later. To be able to connect to Skype network, and use Skype reliably in the first place, Skype needs unrestricted outgoing TCP connections to some TCP ports. If you fail to connect to the Skype network, it is likely that your firewall is blocking these and you need to open up some outgoing TCP connections. Note that this is about outgoing connections, not incoming connections. In most firewalls, you have to specify a destination port or port range to open. There are four options for Skype to work:
  • Ideally, outgoing TCP connections to all ports (1..65535) should be opened. This option results in Skype working most reliably.
  • If the above is not possible, open up outgoing TCP connections to port 443. This will only work if you are using Skype version 0.97 or later.
  • If the above is not possible, open up outgoing TCP connections to port 80. Some firewalls restrict traffic to port 80 to HTTP protocol, and in this case Skype can not use it since Skype does not use HTTP. In some firewalls it is possible to open up all traffic to port 80, not just HTTP, and in this case Skype will work.
  • If the above is not possible, Skype versions 0.97 or later can use a HTTPS/SSL proxy. In order to do that, you have to configure the proxy address in Internet Explorer options. Then Skype will be able to use it as well. Please see also the Technical section of the FAQ for more information.
Where can I report bugs?
We appreciate the help to make Skype a better application – please click here to let us know about any problems.

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Questions About Skype for Pocket PC

Please see our Skype for Pocket PC FAQ page.

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Questions About Skype for Linux

Please see our Skype for Linux FAQ page.

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Technical Questions

I can’t hear the person calling me or they can’t hear me! What’s wrong?
Please see our windows sound configuration guide.
I can’t connect to Skype from work or due to a restrictive firewall. Which ports need to be opened in order to use Skype?
If you aren’t familiar with firewalls or ports, it may be a good idea to ask a system administrator or tech-savvy friend to help you. The minimum requirement is that Skype needs unrestricted outgoing TCP access to all destination ports above 1024 or to port 80 (the former is better, however). If you don’t allow either of those, Skype will not work reliably at all. Voice quality and some other aspects of Skype functionality will be greatly improved if you also open up outgoing UDP traffic to all ports above 1024, and allow UDP replies to come back in.
In the quest for even better voice quality, it is also advisable to open up incoming TCP and/or UDP to the specific port you see in Skype Options. This port is chosen randomly when you install Skype. In the case of firewalls, this should be easy to arrange. In some routers, however, you cannot configure incoming UDP at all (but you still can configure incoming TCP port forwarding, which you could/should do).
The randomness in port selection is to improve NAT traversal for cases where several users are behind the same NAT; if they all used same ports, many NATs would behave in a way that would reduce Skype voice quality.
Also make sure that you have the latest version installed. You can do it by clicking Check for Update in Help menu in Skype or just go to the download page where you can always download the latest version.
Please see separate page for more information about Skype and firewalls.
Does Skype support connections through proxies and authenticating firewalls?
Currently, Skype does not support proxies or authenticating firewalls. Stay tuned for more enhanced features in the future.
Can I connect to a SIP server with Skype?
No you can’t. We have crafted Skype with a proprietary technology that is not compatible with SIP. SIP was simply not good enough for us. Later, we may add functionality so you can call other SIP phones, and normal mobile or POTS (plain old telephony system) as well..
How much bandwidth does Skype use while I’m in a call?
On average, Skype uses between 3-16 kilobytes/sec depending on bandwidth available for other party, network conditions in between, callers CPU performance, etc.
How much bandwidth does Skype use when there are no active calls?
On average Skype uses 0-0.5 kilobytes/sec while idle. This is used mainly for buddy presence updates. The exact bandwidth depends on many factors.
Which protocols does Skype use?
Skype uses a proprietary protocol which we have developed. We looked at many available protocols when designing Skype and none were good enough for us. We hope you agree!
Is the source code for Skype available? Can I have a copy?
No. Skype is proprietary and closed-source software.
I get a ”sound device error” - What’s wrong?
A sound device error can occur in some rare instances, depending on your network and hardware configurations and those of the person you are trying to call. We are working hard to eliminate this problem. If you have this problem repeatedly, please let us know by using the bug report form. Don’t forget that this is Beta software and we need your input to improve Skype!
What is a headset?
A headset as we define it in Skype, is a piece of hardware composed of a microphone and 1 or 2 speaker/s. There are different models and you can find some at our Skype Store.
Do I need a headset to use Skype?
Many computers have built-in speakers and microphones, but in order to have the best possible quality we recommend our users to use a headset. Please check out our Skype Store.
My headset is not working. What’s wrong?
We recommend you to check that the headset is correctly plugged-in. You should also try to record a voice in order to see whether the mic works, Open Start->Programs->Accessories->Entertainment->Sound Recorder. Please see also our Sound and Voice guide.
I want to use a USB headset/phone or multiple sound cards. How do I do this?
If you use a USB headset or USB phone or use multiple sound cards, you can configure which device to use for AUDIO-IN (microphone), AUDIO-OUT (headphones or speakers) and Ringing (sound alerts) by going to the I/O devices Tab under Options. For USB phones, its probably best to configure AUDIO-OUT and AUDIO-IN so that it uses the USB device. If you want Skype to ring using your speakers, set the ”Ringing” device so that it uses your default windows device.
I don’t have a microphone or headset. Can I still use Skype?
You can still use Skype for text messages, and if you don’t own a mic, you can try using a pair of headphones by plugging them into the microphone jack in your computer. Note that Skype is not responsible for any damage to your equipment so try at your own risk!
Why does Skype seem to use all of my CPU?

Skype might start using 100% of CPU if you have TotalRecorder software installed and it is set as default Input/Output device for Skype. To avoid this change the I/O devices to your soundcard or USB Phone in the Skype options menu or change the default Windows I/O device from the Windows Control Panel to your soundcard or USB Phone. In most of the similar cases it has turned out that the reason is incompatibility with some other software components installed on the computer (for example: antivirus Nod32, network monitoring software like Netlimiter).

If you don’t have these programs and your PC has enough resources, please let us know about it by using the bug report form.

How do I add or change My Picture?
Open Skype and go to “File” on the menu. Select “Your Personal Profile” and open up your Skype Personal Profile. You’ll see the display picture box at the bottom left of your profile screen.

To upload a Photo you that you already have saved on your computer, just click browse and import the image you want. You can upload both jpeg and bmp files.

To check out Skype My Pictures, click here or you can access them from the Skype Goodies page in the Download section of the website.
My Picture is fuzzy/stretched/pixelated. How can I make My Picture appear the way I want it to?
Skype will automatically resize your picture so that it will fit the default picture size. If you want to control exactly how your picture appears then please chose a picture which is 96x96 pixels.
Which file formats can I make My Picture in?
The current version of Skype software allows JPG (.jpg) and bitmap (.bmp) as file formats for your picture.
How much bandwidth does Skype use while I’m in a call?
Skype automatically selects the best codec depending on the connection between yourself and the person you are calling. On average, Skype uses between 3-16 kilobytes/sec — depending on bandwidth available for other party, network conditions in between, callers CPU performance, etc.
How much bandwidth does Skype use when there are no active calls?
On average Skype uses 0-0.5 kilobytes/sec while idle. This is used mainly for contact presence updates. The exact bandwidth depends on many factors.
Which protocols does Skype use?
Skype uses a proprietary protocol which we have developed. We looked at many available protocols when designing Skype and none were good enough for us. We hope you agree!
Is the source code for Skype available? Can I have a copy?
No. Skype is proprietary and closed-source software.
How does Skype ensure that the user records (stored in p2p) cannot be tampered?
All profile data in the public directory is digitally signed. A digital signature is based upon the use of two keys - one public and one private. The public key is used to encrypt data (to scramble the data) so that only one person with the right key can make it readable again.
What do I do if I have problems with the download of Skype? [Error 9904]

We recommend you to try to download again as follows: Close your current Skype by clicking in system try Skype icon (down near the right corner green spot) and choosing “Quit” from there if needed. Make sure that the SkypeSetup-Beta.exe is not cached on your computer. (Check in your browser cache or any 3rd party download management software (e.g. Download Accelerator).) Disable any kind of download management software. You can also delete all the files from Temporary Internet Files Folder to make sure you don’t get again the old version. Go to download page. Click download->Download File->Open… Then follow the instructions Skype installation gives. Later when you have logged in, check from Help->about whether you have the right version 0.97.x.xx

Where can I get Skype for Pocket PC or the Desktop/Laptop (Windows version of) Skype?
In case you wish to download for desktop/laptop, please go to download page and click the green tab: Download latest version. For the Pocket PC version, you should download ActiveSync first and then download Skype for Pocket PC here.
How do you handle harrasment issues?
Please report any abuse to
Keep in mind that you can always block individual users from contacting you with Skype by choosing “Manage blocked users” from the tools menu. You can also set your privacy options so that only your trusted contacts are able to call you with Skype.

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Privacy Questions

Does Skype contain any advertising or spyware?
Can I get a trojan or virus from using Skype?
With Skype, one can only transmit encoded voice traffic and text messages. There are no worms or viruses that can be spread through this communication since there is no executable code transmitted. One cannot use Skype to share or transmit files and therefore there is no risk of opening up your computer or being infected by viruses.
How can I block unwanted callers?
You can force Skype to only allow calls from people in your Contact list. Select “Options” from the file menu and then navigate to the “privacy” tab. Check the box next to the option “only allow calls from people in my Contact List” and then save the changes.
What is the difference between authorizations and Contacts?
Having someone on your Contact List makes it easier to communicate with him/her - it’s then just a mouse click away to make a call. Authorizations are different in that they grant the right to see the online status of the other party. Your Contact list is stored locally. For example, if you have home and work computers and you use the same Skype account on both of them, you need to place your friends into the Contact list of both computers. Authorizations that you have been granted are not stored locally on your machine. So if you grant authorization to one person, they will see your online presence each time you login with that Skype Name.
Can I have a person in the Contact List without receiving authorization from them?
Yes. In that case they always appear with a question mark in their online status. For example, you may add someone to your Contact List and you may cancel sending the authorization message or the other party may not authorize you or the other party may take time thinking if they are going to authorize you or not. If you want you can always re-send authorization request to other party by right-clcking on a contact.
Can I have person in my Contact List without having authorized them?
Yes. In that case you see their presence but they will always see you as offline.
Can I remove a Contact List entry?
Yes you can always remove a Contact List entry by right-clicking on a Contact and selecting “Remove from Contacts”.
Can I see list of those who have authorized me?
Yes, that is usually part of the Contact List which has no question marks in their presence icon. However you can also delete Contacts from your list - This action does not revoke authorization that was given to you. In that case you have been authorized and you don’t see that in your Contacts list. You can later add that person to your Contact List again and you will re-use previously given authorization. You can also set up Skype on another machine with the same Skype Name. In that case all the authorizations that were given to your first setup also apply to second setup and you will see the person’s online presence on your second setup when you add them to your Contacts List there.
Can I see list of persons whom I have authorized?
Your authorizations are stored at the people’s machines whom you authorized so you can’t browse them.
Can I remove or revoke authorization?
You can do that by blocking the user. If you use Skype from multiple locations (e.g. work and home), you may have to block the user from both work and home.
What should I do to be able to communicate if I lose my Skype setup?
If you have lost your Skype setup and previously had settings configured to allow only people in Contact List to contact you, then we suggest you change that to let only authorized people contact you, until you have rebuilt your Contact List. As always - backup often.
Can you give generic guidelines about when should I choose to allow anyone to contact me, or just authorized people to contact me or just people from my Contact List to contact me.
Allow anyone to contact you (default setting) when you do not yet have a big Contact List and authorized people. Continue to allow anyone to contact you if you are interested in getting random calls from people who just want to meet new people on Skype. Note: Describing your interests in your public profile (menu.file.profile) helps others to decide if they may/should call you. Allow just authorized people to contact you if you have multiple Skype installations and are granting authorizations from both and have different Contact Lists on them. Allow just people from Contact List to contact you if you frequently receive unwanted calls from strangers and only want to receive calls from your own Contacts. In general, the Contacts List is more restrictive when compared to authorizations. The only difference being the setup where you have listed number of people on your friends list but have denied their requests for authorization.
Which fields in my profile are public?
Everything you write in your public profile is viewable by other Skype users except for the e-mail field. Your e-mail address is encrypted prior to sending it to the network so nobody will be able to see it when they search for contacts. However, others can still look you up in the directory if they already know your full e-mail address when they search for contacts.
How can I delete my public profile?
Your profile record (except the Skype Name!) is not stored permanently. Your profile will automatically expire and will be deleted from the user directory in approximately 72 hours after you’ve last used Skype.
Is Skype secure?
Yes. When you call another Skype user your call is encrypted with strong encryption algorithms ensuring you privacy. In some cases your Skype communication may be routed via other users in the peer-to-peer network. Skype encryption protects you from potential eavesdropping from malicious users.
Why are Skype calls encrypted?
Skype is encrypted end-to-end because it uses the public Internet to transport your voice calls and text messages and sometimes these calls are routed through other peers. Skype encryption ensures that no other party can eavesdrop on your call or read your instant messages.
What type of encryption is used?
Skype uses AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) – also known as Rijndael – which is also used by U.S. Government organizations to protect sensitive, information. Skype uses 256-bit encryption, which has a total of 1.1 x 1077 possible keys, in order to actively encrypt the data in each Skype call or instant message. Skype uses 1536 to 2048 bit RSA to negotiate symmetric AES keys. User public keys are certified by the Skype server at login.
How does Skype ensure that the user records (stored in p2p) cannot be tampered?
All profile data in the public directory is digitally signed.

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Questions About SkypeOut Service

Please see our SkypeOut FAQ page.

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