"There would be regime change in Iraq," writes Gold, "All that the Neo-Con war hawks, in the Bush administration and out, needed to bring it about was an excuse to invade. Looking back a half-decade and knowing what we now know, who could doubt that if al Qaeda hadn't obliged the Neo-Cons with 9/11, the Kristolites would have torn a page out of history and, with Rupert Murdoch playing the role of William Randolph Hearst, given us a reprise of the sinking of the Maine?"
William Randolph Hearst was the founder of Hearst Publishing, which today owns Popular Mechanics, the government's foremost mouthpiece for selling the official 9/11 story. Look in the encyclopedia and Hearst is the very definition of yellow journalism. He colluded with the McKinley government to manufacture and propagate through his chain of newspapers, the hoax that the Spanish had sunk the USS Maine in 1898, an event that provided the catalyst for the Spanish-American war...
"Had it not been for 9/11, the Bush White House, determined to go to war, would no doubt have seized on some synthetic provocation, on the order of the one LBJ used to push through the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1965," Gold writes.