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  • April 2002 Archives

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    More Attacks in U.S. Now 'Inevitable'

    Back to all-out 'existential' war

    'Permanent Terrorism' Say the Feds
    Largely it was the policies of the past that then led to 9/11; and now it is the policies of the present that hvae lead to 'permanent war' against 'pe ... more

    Saudis Can't Even Buy Their Publicity In New America

    Apartheid in the Holy Land by Desmund Tutu
    It took him a very long time to reach this understanding; and all the while it was none other than Nelson Mandella who has actually visited Israel dur ... more

    Hebron Attacked, UN Blocked, US/Brit Guards for Palestinians, Arafat 'Free'...Again

    Israel Bans U.N.; but when will the U.N. Ban Israel?
    It's long past time for the General Assembly to go around the U.S. veto in the Security Council and suspend Israeli participation in the G.A. just as ... more

    Jenin Massacre Now Goes Down in History
    And history has a long memory and unforetold ramifications.

    China Building Up Military Fast
    One of the results of what the Americans have been up to in East Europe, the Middle East, and now south-center Asia, is an escalating Chinese arms bui ... more

    Two very uncomfortables - George and Abdullah

    Simple Straight Mediocre Dubya really is President
    Just imagine; this "straight talking", simple thinking, black and white knowing, C student, is in fact President of the United States leading us all o ... more

    "We want to be martyrs!"
    The Americans are so in love with the term "hero"...they just don't get it that for the Palestinians their heros are "martyrs" and their circumstances ... more

    More CIA and Brit 'help' for Israel - now as prison guards for the Palestinians
    Looks like the Americans and Europeans (Brits in this case) can't pass up the opportunity to put more CIA and intelligence operatives into the Palesti ... more

    US Prepares Iraqi Invasion
    This is what the talks with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah were really all about; this is why the President of the U.S. spent so much time with Abdullah ... more

    Turkish Elite Stands Up to Israel...finally...a little

    Apocalyse Ahead Scenario for M E

    'Costs' rise for the U.S. because of Israel

    More Saudi Woman 'Problems'
    Now that the Saudis are so visible, the blatant contradictions between societies are becoming more difficult to always cover up; and in the end the Sa ... more

    It's the 'Saudi Bluff' for the American right-wingers and the Israeli-Jewish lobby which now toys with them all

    Bush versus Abdullah - Part 1
    The far-right 'conservatives' in the US are in holy alliance with the Israeli-Jewish lobby, especially its far-right Sharon-oriented wing, and dumping ... more

    Bush versus Abdullah - Part II
    The far-right 'conservative' are out there Saudi-bashing flag-waving right on que. The far-right 'conservatives' in the US are in holy alliance with ... more

    Drug up those 'terrorists'
    The Americans specialize in 'smart' bombs and 'smart' torture; but one has to wonder if the other side isn't going to catch on even more and respond i ... more

    Once Holy Land moving to various kinds of weapons of mass destruction

    Sen. McCain 'Unhappy' with the Saudis

    Saudis as well as Iraqis paying Palestinian families

    Bush Gives Israel Presidential Security Pact
    Such things use to be considered international treaties ratified by the U.S. Congress. But since coming to power the Texan cowboy President whose grad ... more

    The Israeli-lobby Media guys...loosing their grip?
    [Eric Boehlert of remarks that recently the "neoconservative punditocracy" that attempts to shape the American public's views on Israel -- ... more

    Just How Angry, and Desperate, are the Saudis?

    American Interrogation Techniques
    The Israelis use torture, coercion, and subterfuge. The Arab regimes use even worse torture. And the Americans use their greater forms of sophistica ... more

    Palestinian Infrastructure Wrecked

    Howdy Saudi
    A good review of how the Americans see it all; and how the Saudis get it all...except for what they really want and need.

    German leader caves under Israeli/Jewish pressure

    Did They or did They Not...Saudis lost in space as Americans manipulate them and 'the street' worries them

    Israelis continuing Killing and Mutilating As Abdullah and Bush meet.

    Top Israeli Singer Compares Israel to Nazis

    Saudis Buckle to US As Expected While Mounting Expensive P.R. campaign

    The Plan to Exile Arafat to Gaza or Somewhere

    Battle to Plunder Caspian Riches Heats Up

    EU Parliament Slams American 'Military Tribunals'

    More American Propaganda To Fill the Ears of the Middle East

    Bush and Abudllah Dance Around Each Other
    If anyone things the Saudi Crown Prince -- a man representing a regime which has been tricked and manipulated so many times in the past by the West -- ... more

    War Not Peace is on the Horizon
    The Bush/Abdullah meetings this week are not really about the so-called "peace plan", for that's nothing more than what has been discussed for the pas ... more

    End Israel's 'War Dance' Warn Saudis
    As usual when it comes to the Saudi Royals, they've been taken for an American Ride - 'Howdy Abdullah' in this case, 'We now have a close personal rel ... more

    NYC and US on 'Dirty Nuke Alert'

    Sharon Says Saudi Plan 'Very Very Important'....BUT

    Now It May

    Norway is against us Israelis Complain

    Saudi Realities

    Israel's Battle To Coverup the Jenin Massacre

    Americans and Israelis actually want another 'international conference'
    Tbey did the same thing in 1991 after the Gulf War and to extinguish Intifada I. The history of U.S. sponsored 'international conferences' - always d ... more

    What Really Really Happened in Jenin
    They've done it before of course; and once again the Israelis are involved in a massive coverup, one Professor Tanya Reinhart at Tel Aviv University h ... more

    Egyptians Now Want Billions from the Arabs for War after taking Billions from the U.S. to stay out

    Saudis Claim/Pretend to be 'delivering a message' yet so far actually do nothing serious and credible

    Cyber War+ With China Looms

    India to escalate arms race still further

    US Military/CIA Moving Further into Pakistan

    French Foreign Minister Blasts American Jewry

    A Serious Warning from the Saudis?
    The Arab "client regimes" have very little credibility. The far greater likelihood is that the Bush people have summoned the Saudi Royals to plan out ... more

    Bush, Cheney, Business Leaders Host Abdullah Far Away from Washington spotlight.

    Powell Tries to defend U.S. policies against even harder line Israeli-fixated Congress

    Powell fronts for Bush fronts for Israel - No Evidence of Massacre Americans Insist

    Israel Goes After Journalists Again
    At least at the moment they're not shooting journalists as they have in the past....'by mistake' of course.

    Berkeley City Council Backs Down

    Shopping Malls Now Targeted?

    Gaza Next?

    Barghouti's Arrest Has Enhanced His Position Some Think

    Israel's Image and Status Not Damaged... Really?
    This is the Shimon Peres Foreign Ministry propagandizing its way as usual just as its chief has done for so long now.

    Jewish South African Minister Calls for BOYCOTT of Israel

    U.S. Military Help to Israel Still Going Up!

    World Jewry Says its going to 'track' the U.N.!
    What's really needed is some group to 'track' the WJC and other Israeli-connected and dominated Jewish organizations

    Amnesty Inter Calls For 'War Crimes' Inquiry...
    During Intifada 1 a decade ago Amnesty International pretty much sat on the sidelines as well, it's strong Jewish supporters hesitant to seriously spe ... more

    Happy to Be 'Alive', Hoping one day to be 'free'

    Brutalized A Savage Mob of Palestinians Turns on its own

    Israelis Hint Gaza is Next
    Abdullah obeyed his summons and is in the U.S. to speak with many government officials, including Bush of course. But don't expect a real Palestinian ... more

    Israel's Nuclear 'Upgrade' Causing a little storm in UK

    Saudis Nervous as Hell with Abdullah about to visit Bush

    Israel with U.S. help blocking U.N. Mandated Investigation
    It's time the U.N. showed some determination; it's time in fact that Israel be suspended from the General Assembly just as was done to South Africa in ... more

    Israelis Toy with U.N. Investigation of Jenin Massacre
    They've done it before and gotten away with it -- most recently a few years ago when the U.N. refugee camp at Qana Lebanon was attacked and another ma ... more

    Ashcroft Sued for Arrests of Arabs and Muslims

    The Israeli Spy Scandal the Government Wants to go away

    More Turmoil in "Saudi" Arabia
    While the de facto King, Abdullah, obeys his summons to appear at the Bush Ranch this weekend for "consultations" with the American Commander-in-chief ... more

    World Jewry getting worried...but WJC still not speaking up about the Palestinians
    The current World Jewish Congress sold out to the Israelis some time ago, even 'disassociating' itself from its two previous Presidents, Nahum Goldman ... more

    Washington Worries about 'Dirty Bomb'
    As Washington worries about a possible 'dirty bomb' being used to strike the capitol, VP Dick Cheney remains mostly 'out of sight' at an undisclosed l ... more

    Little Israel continues to get most American money and arms

    Even Kuwaitis Protest to the Saudis about their ban on anti-Israel and U.S. demonstrations

    Saudis try to play it all ways...
    On the one hand the Saudi regime continues arresting those who publicly try to demonstrate against Israel and the U.S., on the other the near-death Sa ... more

    U.S. and Israel manipulate and outmanuever the U.N. one more time

    U.S. now says it is investigating Jenin
    Now if anyone really thinks the Americans can be trusted to truly 'investigate' what their ally Israel did with American weapons and support...well th ... more

    Fisk Tours U.S. Like a 'Rock Star' for concerned readers

    The Siege in Bethlehem - a Personal Account
    How history turns - at the birthplace of Jesus and the epicenter of today's Middle East.

    Bin-Laden Likely in Peshawar Area
    Anyone who has been to this 'frontier' region of Pakistan knows it is a world onto itself. Now the Americans will no doubt use their high-tech gadetr ... more

    France Moves to the Nationalist Anti-Arab Anti-Jewish -- truly Anti-Semetic - Right-wing
    As the Israelis and their Jewish communities in Europe and the US stoke the fires of racism and hatred in the Middle East, there is a convoluted count ... more

    German Jews Warned Against Possible Attacks

    Elder British MP Takes on the Israelis
    It's been a long time in coming in the UK, now who among the elder Jewish Statemen in the crucial U.S. has the balls to step up and be counted?

    Carter Finally Says U.S. Aid to Israel should be used
    But there's a great big problem of credibility here. For at the time of Carter's 'Camp David' he not only promised the Arabs there would quickly be a ... more

    Powell Tells Jimmy and Bill to dream on

    Talk of Religion Provokes Amens as Well as Anxiety
    The U.S. today is governed by an essentially Christian Fundamentalist administration, top-heavy with Evangelicals, Militarists, and true-nationalist b ... more

    It's the same Newseek author who recently termed the Palestinian resistance fighters a "rat's nest" needing to be cleaned out. But it's America after ... more

    Iran and China Contemplate Making a Move on the Palestinian Issue and World Affairs

    Bush Trains behind the wheel and behind the gun

    Major Washington Demo Rally for Palestinians
    Lots of people, energy, slogans, and shouting. And some excellent young speakers. But no known speakers, no politicians big or small, no major pers ... more

    Dear Natalie/Harvard - It's not about color...but it sure is about being 'Palestinian', being 'dispossed', and being treated in an apartheid-like manner

    Escalating to Nowhere -
    Unofficial Washington CIA-related thinktank, CSIS, weighs in with questions. Meanwhile, the official CIA Director is said to be waiting until the Pal ... more

    Sharon-like....but not Sharon it appears...unless that is
    Our Mistake for which we apologize and quickly correct the record regarding the article MER published yesterday, 17 April, about Sharon and 1982. The ... more

    Get Ready for Camelpox?

    Bethlehem Monks Make Defiant Stand

    Amos Oz Calls for Overturning 'Settler Gov'
    Problem with Oz, as with so many other Israelis, is that the seem unaware how much it is Israeli society itself, especially the once dominant Labor Pa ... more

    Powell Retreats as more evidence of Jenin massacres accumulates

    Sharon Reveals His True Self in an Old Interview

    Europeans Demand International Investigation of Palestinian Massacres

    15 Horrible Days in Jerusalem

    Jewish MP Accuses Sharon of 'Barbarism'

    Devastation Like Hiroshima and Dresden

    The Israelis Know Very Well Jenin was a 'Massacre'...Now What is the World going to do about it?

    US Gov and US People Not in Sync - A Visit to American Beyond Washington

    War Crimes and Bodies Buried Hastily by Israelis

    Subways and Tunnels Identified as Major Terrorist Targets

    AIPAC pushing Arafat is Senile Line
    And the new and additional problem is....they may well be right!

    Blaming it all on Sharon
    Many of the Israeli "liberals", and in this case former Israeli academics, like to heap all the blame on Sharon as if when he is gone things get back ... more

    Is There a Solution?
    Read Anthony Lewis very carefully, for in the end he's a Tom Friedman-like New York Times 'moralist' and 'appologist'. Even's important to kn ... more

    Bin-Laden Escaped Tora Bora We're Now Told,
    They're planning to send more CIA and Special Forces into Pakistan to try to get Bin-Laden. It's a bit complicated as the Musharraf Government is ext ... more

    Arafat Appeals, Begs, Fades

    An Interview with Zbig
    Zbig forgets to atone for his own sins, original sins in this case. For it was back at Camp David in 1978 that the first major lies were told and act ... more

    No Ceasefire Possible Says Arafat Camp

    Mark Bruzonsky Speech about our world

    The Shocking Massive Israel Rally in Washington - 15 April
    This is the complete, official, transcript

    General PM Barak Wants a Sturdy Long Fence
    Generals Barak and Sharon are friends as well as comrades in arms. Indeed General PM Rabin when in office had a standing Friday meeting with his frie ... more

    'What Massacre' Asks Massacre Expert Ariel Sharon


    U.S. Surrounding Iraq With Military Bases and Force

    U.S. Flirting With Democratic Fascism

    Tom Friedman - Favorite Phony Liberal Indeed

    Barghouti Trial Will Be Politically Explosive
    It's thought the Israeli higher-ups wanted Barghouti shot on sight; and were themselves surprised when he was taken alive. A trial, if it is to have ... more

    The Grisly Evidence of Israeli War Crimes

    Today's Lunar Landscape that was Camp Jenin

    Blasted to Rubble by the Israelis

    The Plot Thickens - Arafat to be used to endorse rump and false 'Palestinian State' while extinguishing Palestinian Intifada

    Israel's Massive Campaign to De-Legitimize Arafat and Company Continues
    He was the most frequent foreign visitor to the previous Administration's White House; now he is being vilified as never before. He didn't do what he ... more

    Al-Qaida Claims Tunisian Synagogue Attack

    Arab Reactions To Arafat Being Pushed to the Wall

    Oh No! A Starbucks Boycott in the Making

    Americans Now Pushing Sharon's 'International Conf' Idea
    Powell, representing the USA of course, but also representing the Israelis and the Arab 'client regimes' who themselves are dependent on the U.S., is ... more

    Suha Arafat (Tawil) from her Paris Salon Endorses the Suiciders

    Smooth-talking Powell Nevertheless Shatters All U.S. Credibility

    Palestinians Vow to Continue Intifada to Liberation

    Franciscans won't leave Church of Nativity, thus trying to protect Palestinian fighters
    As is much more often the case than not, the Israelis are dissembling and deceiving when it comes to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. On Amer ... more

    Britain's fearful Jews

    Refugee Camp Slaughterhouse

    Large Amsterdam anti-Israel demo turns violent

    Saudi Amb Lets Loose With Another Poem
    It's 'Another' Poem because many years ago the same now Ambassador wrote a devastating poem clearly attacking the rulers of the Arab world for their w ... more

    TIME's outline of the 4 hard issues

    Israeli Army proposed to nausea-gas Arafat compound

    Sharon Wins Again - More Jews Likely to go to Israel some think

    Time for Sanctions on Israel

    Arafat Statement Demanded by Americans
    (Statement hastily released Saturday complete with many grammatical and spelling errors). President Arafat and PA Leadership condemn all terrorist a ... more

    Israeli Bulldozers Bury Jenin Massacre Bodies and Evidence

    Arab Leaders are actually casting Arafat to the wind; Egypt and Saudi both shaking now

    Israel Advises US Hit Iraq Soon...don't wait for Palestinian deal

    The Slaughter of Palestinian people

    Wake Up World!

    Jenin: A Symbol of Legendary Courage

    Saudi Woman Prof Tells off the Americans in most spirited manner!

    Refugees flee camp with reports of Israeli attrocities

    Israeli 'Democracy' Bans Student Activism in name of "anti-terrorism"

    Iraq and the Palestinians

    Bahrain demonstrations rattle US Fifth Fleet

    Bush White House relents and retracts
    Once and awhile American Presidents wage their fingers in public. Bill Clinton did us to make us believe that he never did have sex with "that woman" ... more

    EU Threatens Israel with Arms Embargo

    Britain Warns of Possible Libyan Missile Strike on Europe!

    PLO in DC out on the street, loses lease, pressure building to push out entirely

    Palestinians Charge Israeli Mass Burials to cover up massacres

    Jew in California Attacked for Supporting Israel

    Synagogues Attacked in CANADA - Israel's Assault on Palestinians Reverberating Abroad

    Israel Now Desperate to Cover Up Jenin Massacre
    Adding gross insult to gross injury the Israelis are now looking for ways to cover up the terrible massacre perpetrated on the refugee camp of Jenin i ... more

    Calls Start for 'War Crimes' Proceedings Against Israel

    Credible Congresswoman says U.S. Knew In Advance of 9/11 Attack!

    French Jews Circle the Wagons

    US force may monitor ceasefire in Middle East
    There are many signs now that the U.S. is preparing to send forces to the Palestinian areas in the guise of 'peace-keeping'. And, there is a growing ... more

    An Open Letter to Tony Blair..."Do Something"!

    Arafat Speaks to Cairo crowd by cellphone

    Blast at oldest Synagogue in Tunisia kills six

    Story about Sharon in today's Washington Post
    Planted story of course; timed for Powell's arrival in Israel. But the real question is why in the world would the Americans have ever had faith in A ... more

    White House says it will back Taiwan against China come whatever it takes
    In the past few days the Japanese have warned the Chinese; the Chinese have warned Taiwan; and now once again the Americans are publicly warning China ... more

    Americans Revive Talk of "nuclear tipped" interceptors

    Some Palestinian Refugees Displaced Once Again
    The Israelis may well be preparing the way for far more of this in the months to come; even for the possibility of helping foment a revolution in Jord ... more

    Powell aspirin and tranquilizers won't cure life-threatening political cancer U.S. and Israel have brought about
    "I haven't set any departure date," Powell said. "I am prepared to stay for some while."

    Bibi Pushes for Arafat Ouster and Powell Impotence

    Japan Threatening to Go Nuclear Big Time
    "We have plenty of plutonium in our nuclear power plants, so it's possible for us to produce 3,000 to 4,000 nuclear warheads. If we get serious, we wi ... more

    17 rewrites before Bush spoke - The far right on their Champion's dilemma

    Saudi Guilt Money

    U Berkeley - 79 Arrested for Demonstrative Protest
    "Civil Disobedience". Today's situation calls for much more of this in new and creative, in peaceful yet assertive ways.

    Another Bomber Hits the Israelis

    Powell is making things up as he goes; everything including US diplomacy out of control

    Sharon: Profiled in Financial Times

    'Reports of Pure Horror' As Israeli 'Genocide' Continues, Powell making his way slowly

    Oil Crisis Could Loom If Israelis Invade Gaza

    Pakistan's Nuks at the ready

    Unholy War; More Arms for Israel

    Europeans Finally Threaten Economic Sanctions Against Israel

    The Christians Run Back to the Bible and the Apocalypse

    'Point of No Return' Say the Israelis
    "I'm pleased to hear that the prime minister says he is expediting his operations" - So much for Colin Powell.

    US Threatens to Make Arafat's Fatah "Terrorist Org" Once More; Cheney's Daughter Now In Charge of Money Programs for Mid East at Foggy Bottom

    Right-Wing Conservative American Jews Step Up the Pressure on Washington

    Israelis Want War...Regional War Planning Proceeds

    Expect Very Little from Powell and Washington -- more smokescreen and tranquilizer than real policy

    Finally A Name for it all - "Liberal Imperialism"
    Finally the same country that gave us "The Balfour Declaration", "Divide and Rule", and "the Empire never sets", has given us a more telling name than ... more

    Will the War come to American Jews and the USA?

    Israelis continue pulverizing Palestinians

    Americans Now 'Resigned' to War led by Bush

    Bush and Blair pursue the Iraqi part of the new Crusade

    Arafat's British Built former Israeli Army compound
    It's rather fitting actually...built by the Brits when they ruled, used by the Israelis before they turned it over to Arafat and is "Authority" to rul ... more

    'Humanitarian Crisis' Created by Israelis as world still watches in horror

    Israeli pummel the Palestinians as Americans pretend to want to stop it all.
    Given time and space, as well as the arms and money, by the Americans, the Israelis continue to pummel the Palestinians and Powell isn't even going to ... more

    Turkish PM Accuses Israeli Ally 'Genocide'

    John Pilger on the US, UK, and Iraq
    'Not in Our Name' writes John Pilger, one of the best, most informed, and most passionate, writers about the Iraqi conundrum.

    Sharon's Tactics Should Come As No Surprise
    Not only are they no surprise, the reality is that the U.S. and Israel have been planning what is going on together, and in fact Sharon and company we ... more

    With the American military machine on the march, the Chinese are stepping things up as well

    Another UN Commission - Poor Excuse for U.N. Inaction

    US Shamefully Blocs UN from sending observers to monitor what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians

    Nobel's Regrets on Peres Award
    Published on Friday, April 5, 2002 by the BBC Members of the Norwegian committee that awards the annual Nobel Peace Prize have ... more

    Another ruse to rule - Pakistan's Musharraf gets more U.S. advice

    Who really killed Daniel Pearl?
    Who really killed Daniel Pearl? By Tariq Ali* in Lehore The US is ignoring evidence of links with Pakistan's secret service It ha ... more

    Several wounded in Arafat's headquarters, little food, German peace activist says
    Fri Apr 5 2002 13:50:11 ET Ramallah, West Bank (dpa) - There are several wounded people in Palestinian President Yassir Arafat's besieged headquart ... more

    'Symbolic' Oil Embargo Urges Iran's Supreme Leader

    'Arab Silence is Humilation and Betrayal'

    Skeptical about Bush/U.S. - As well they should be!

    Iraqis Point to Conspiratorial Nature of Generals Powell and Zinni 'Missions'

    Israeli Onslaught Continues as Americans Give Israel More Time and Political Cover

    Realities of Bush's Speech - 'Sharon couldn't have done a better job'

    Iraq now jjoins Iran in public call for use of 'Oil Embargo' Weapon

    Preparing the way for U.S. Troops to Palestinian areas
    You can feel it in the political wind in the U.S. And the very forces that are preparing the way for U.S. troops to go to doubly occupy the "occupied ... more

    U.N. Falls for it one more time

    Sharon Vows

    Blair to Bush - Get Off Your Ass and Do Something

    Hosni Sends Dubya a few angry letters

    Saudis Loosing Oil Dominance as Russia Comes On Strong

    Marketing 'Morality'

    Jihad vs McWorld

    A 20th Century of Global U.S. Military Interventions

    Bloody Tragic Bethlehem

    Israel reoccupies most of West Bank
    The reality is that the Israeli military occupation of West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem never ended; it was just repackaged during the years of the 'Osl ... more

    Abdullah of Arabia

    The 'War of the Womb' Heats Up Too

    Pressures Grow on US to Act

    Arafat is 'overdue' - health option could wisk him to Jordan

    The US and Israel - A CSM Report

    Former Head of Shin Bet tries to repent a little - a kind of Israeli Ross Perot

    The school-girl martyr from the 'Pope's Refugee Camp'
    She's from the very refugee camp the Pople chose to visit in 2000; though after he left the Pope did nothing to really help and support the Palestinia ... more

    Hmmm.. Billy Graham's Son Chimes In

    Egyptians Squeak
    So little, so late, it's like a tragic joke coming from such an inept, corrupt, and co-opted Egyptian government

    Pope Pleads
    This is the same Pope whose Church, and himself personally, never visited a Palestinian refugee camp in all the years from 1947 to 2000. Then, having ... more

    Europeans Cast Off Responsibility on the Americans

    'Arab leaders' Under Growing Pressure
    'Arab leaders' as a term is a bit of a misnomer; just as is 'peace process'. The regimes that today rule the Arab peoples -- especially those in Egyp ... more

    Fears Grow Whole Middle East May Ignite
    Actually doing just this may well be what Ariel Sharon and the Revionist Zionists actually have in mind. When the smoke clears they hope to have 'rem ... more

    Israel launches 'image management' campaign

    More Preparations for the Great Gulf War Ahead

    Israel Threatens Press and pushes intimidation and censorship further

    Arab rage growing, still contained and co-opted

    The End before the beginning of an independent Palestinian State

    Farrakhan heading to the Middle East

    Streets Shout but Arab regimes Cower

    Widening Europe/US Middle East Split

    Israelis Who Want to Leave - No Easy Feat

    The Waning American Jewish 'Liberal'

    Preparing the way for 'Transfer' and 'Palestine State' in Transjordan

    China Further Prepares

    Arab summiteers set stage for Arafat's demise
    Barel is right when pointing out that it was the 'Arab leaders' themselves at their Beirut summit who set the stage for Arafat's disgrace and downfall ... more

    Will Sharon exorcize Arafat or beatify him?

    'Oil Weapon' Rumblings

    Arafat's Key Aides Hunted Down

    Humiliating Palestinian Surrender as Arafat Prepares for Morocco Exile

    US and Israel Warn Iraq, Iran, Syria, and any who dare oppose Israeli/American dictate

    Islamic States Warn of "all-out war"...but have little crediblity or power

    US Wants Arafat Exiled to Morroco
    The likelihood this was secretly arranged by the Israelis and the Americans as the way to deal with Arafat. The likelihood is this is one of the thin ... more

    CBS Dan Rather has close call with car bomb

    Cairo, Amman Demonstrations - More Likely

    The Big Lies of both Sharon and Arafat

    And in Japan

    Spreading to France so far

    Peace Activists Arrested, Boston Globe reporter shot

    Give Me Martyrdom Says Arafat

    Egypt and Jordan Threaten a little

    Schoolgirl 16-year-old From Deheishe Strikes

    Beware the Martyr - David Hirst

    Arafat and Sharon play chicken with tanks and cellphones

    Israelis Kill Arafat's Elite Guards Without Mercy

    The Silence of the Arab World

    Hey Mr Bush, What About Justice for All?

    Israel told U.S. in advance of attack
    That Israel told the U.S. in advance...that much is believeable. But most of the other things the U.S. wants the world to believe about what is going ... more

    US paves way for war on Iraq
    As we first reported more than a week ago the main reason for Vice-President Cheney's stop everywhere (except to see Arafat) mission to the Middle Eas ... more
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