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Understanding the Existential Threat - Israel's Demographic Obsession
The Bush Administration's Dual Loyalties - The Israel Lobby
Countless My Lai Massacres in Iraq
Countless My Lai Massacres in Iraq By Dahr Jamail 05/30/06 "t r u t h o u t" -- The media feeding frenzy around what has been referred to as "Iraq's ...
Could a ruthless new breed of cyber-terrorist cause meltdown at the click of a mouse?
Noam Chomsky: Why it's over for America - USA as 'Failed State'
Who Will Question the Drive to Attack Iran?
The Latest Neocon Lie About Iran
The Israel Lobby and the Left: Uneasy Questions
The DLC and Israel - Zionist Democrats
Ten Reasons to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
The Unholy Alliance in the Terrorities - Settlers, Military and Police
" From Iraq to the Occupied Territories: Counting the Cost of America's Middle East Policy"
Sowing the Whirlwind: Israel, America and the Coming War - 2002
Ehud Olmert's "convergence plan"
Palestine Factions Control TV on Demand
The Bi-national State: The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb
Zionism As A Racist Ideology - online credit card shopping and contributions, used by
Iran Prepares for Invasion and Guerilla War - Front Page Washington Times
A New Endgame in Iraq
The United States, Israel, and the Possible Attack on Iran
Syria's silent purge
Malaysia: Fatah-Hamas rivalry erodes respect for Palestinians
The Day Israel Ceased to Exist
Israeli UN Ambassador Says World War III Has Already Begun
Haniyeh calls US 'an enemy of Islam'
Gore: Bush is 'renegade rightwing extremist'
Iran: Planning the Whack
Dispatches From The Edge Iran: Planning the Whack; Nepal & Somalia: Red Faces By Conn Hallinan May 30, 2006 . Anyone who thinks the Bush Administr ...
Abbas Accused of appointing 'terrorist' to protection force
Helen Thomas Bumps White House Snow
Helen Thomas calls new Bush aide 'contemptible,' tangles with Tony Snow Tue May 30 2006 13:34:41 ET Helen Thomas, doyenne of the White House press ...
Israel accuses British-funded Islamic charity of being front for terrorists
Gore: Bush is 'renegade rightwing extremist'
Academic Anti-Semitism - Boycotting Israeli scholars in Britain’s universities.
Israel's Wall - Defining the Barrier - Washington Post Interactive
Palestine - Village To Nowhere
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Transcript Washington Post
Iraq's Legislature - Map and Details
"A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America and American in Iran"
Government Officials Further Curtailed Not To Speak Up
Jewish Conference of Presidents Lays Out Policy on Iran
“Why are you here?” They Ask Us - General Anthony Zinni
Iraqi Palace Looters - Quite An Inside Job
Paying Reports in Iraq, The Lincoln Group, and the Pentagon's Self-Study
VIDEO - Former Ranger Jessie MacBeth Tells All about Iraq
Video - Hidden Massacre Fallujah
The Vosonic VP8360 MultiMedia Viewer!
Helicopter Force Takes Measure Of Two Wars
Abbas Gambles Bigger As He Sinks - Palestinians eye referendum gauntlet
'First' Saudi feature film aims high
Haditha is Just the Tip of the Iceberg, As My Lai Was in Vietnam
Net ad spend poised to overtake national press
Democrats Eye November Landslide
Running from one “secret room” to another - 'Liberal Capitalism'
Neocons in the Democratic Party
'The Israel Lobby' Professors Versus the 9/11 Commission Ex Dir
US Pushes to Isolate and Sanction Iran
Anti-American Riots Erupt in Kabul After Traffic Accident
And this is what Americans have done to Afghanistan, turned it into a hot-bed of hatred for themselves.
It's Time to Engage With Iran - Wash Post Columnist
KILLING FIELDS - Iraq Is the Republic of Fear
This is what the Americans have done to Iraq, turned it into a Killing Field far worse than it was in the past days of the Baathist regime.
The Case for Bargaining With Iran
June LA Scholars 9/11 Conference
AID to Africa - Special Report, The Guardian
Africa cannot catch up until the west keeps to its deal
Last Opportunity For Agreement Confronts Israel
Afghans Riot After U.S. Accident; 8 Dead
U.S. Policy Was to Shoot Korean Refugees
24 children held at Guantanamo, many as adults: Time
Emotional Bush says US must finish military campaign in Iraq
The 'Protocols,' 21st century style - Israelis Lash Out At Boycotters And Israeli Critics
On behalf of Hamas - Mahmoud Abbas
J Post Article in Advance of UK Academic Vote Boycotting Israel
Blair Govt 'Regrets' Academic Decision to Boycott Israel
Israel Tightens NATO Ties With Iran Confrontation Looming
Israelis Slam UK Academic Boycott of Israel - 29 May Vote is Yes
Israel Kicks Hamas Officials Out of Jerusalem
The boycott and Lawrence of Arabia Syndrome
Gingrich pushes Jeb Bush For President
Star Trek Captain Kirk in Israel Claiming to make horse peace
Zogby for the Palestinians
Recalling the horrible massacres of the Vietnam War, the American Marines have now done it again, worse than ever, with repeated attempts to lie and c ...
Documentary 'Preventive Warriors' - The film examines a bold new foreign policy paper introduced by the White House in September 2002 entitled: “The National Security Strategy of the United States.”
The rise of the Washington 'neo-cons'
What People Believe - Charlie Reese
Mearsheimer and Walt Respond to Critics of 'The Israel Lobby'
Where’s the line between criticizing Israel and anti-Semitism?
Playing the Anti-Semitism Card - 2002
Israel Lobby Nutjobs on the Loose
Harvard Takes On the Israel Lobby
AIPAC articles on Alternet
Horowitz: Cornel West is a 'political animal'
Krauthammer, you ignorant slut …
The Intelligence War Over Iran
Iraq's Oil and Money
Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State
Arundhati Roy in the USA in May 2006
Ahmadinejad: Not Hitler After All
The Neo-Con Bradley Foundation Works with Bill Kristol and AEI et. al.
Neoconservatives push for a new world order By DICK POLMAN Knight Ridder Newspapers 05/04/03: (Mercury News) WASHINGTON - For seven long years, Bill ...
9-11 Unanswered Questions - Comprehensive Article on 29 May 2006
Pentagon pressing for new rapid-strike weapon: report
On 29 May 2006 this matter made it to being the lead story on the front page of the NYTimes.
New Super Fast Strike Weapon Coming from the Americans
International Bertrand Russell Commission Investigation of PNAC and the Neocons and the Iraq War
British Union Weighs Boycott Of Teachers From Israel
The Rise of the Neocons
Zogby Poll: Over 70 Million American Adults Support New 9/11 Investigation
Jury of Conscience on Iraq - Arundhati Roy
China - The Click That Broke a Government's Grip
Poland - The Pope's Birthplace Was A Quarter Jewish
Israel's 'Realighment' - Washington Post Editorial
Iran uses militias to gain foothold in Iraq
Iraq's Uncertain Progress - Washington Post Editorial
Forceably Trying to Prevent the Coming Mexican U.S. Marriage
Blair Again Bows to Bush
Bush Speech at West Point - Truman and Cold War...Bush and War on Terrorism
THE PRICE OF IRAQ - NYTimes Editorial
Why the Democratic Ethic of the World Wide Web May Be About to End
At West Point, Bush Draws Parallels With Truman
British Academics Vote On Boycotting Israel
World Tribuna on Iraq - Closing Speech Arundhati Roy
List of Iraqi Academics Assassinated by Israel Group Charges
The Project for the New American Century - 2003
The Project for the New American Century. Click here for other articles on this topic The People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human hi ...
Neoconservatives push for a new world order - May 2003
Neoconservatives push for a new world orderBy DICK POLMANKnight Ridder Newspapers05/04/03: (Mercury News) WASHINGTON - For seven long years, Bill Kris ...
Iran: U.S. Will Fail to Spark Unrest
Clintons - Back to the White House
When US turned a blind eye to poison gas
Breaking democracy's back in Palestine
Baghdad ER - Documentary
Questioning the New Imperial World Order - And PNAC
Countdown to Apartheid: Olmert's (and Elie Wiesel's) Roadmap
Who Will Question the Drive to Attack Iran?
"The Palestinians Must Pay a Price for Their Choice"
Questioning the New Imperial World Order
The BRussells Tribunal: Conclusions of the commission Consistent with the tradition of the 1967 Russell Tribunal on the Vietnam War and the work of ...
The Next World War
'The Israel Lobby' - Enough Is Enough!
Letter From Tehran - Why Don't We Want To Talk
Fiddling while the earth burns
Apocalypse now - Bill Moyers to college grads: "We're really sorry for the mess you're inheriting." - Bill Moyers
Paul Wolfowitz - The Believer
Conquest for Fun and Profit - The Neocons
Conquest for Fun and Profit “As the 20th century draws to a close, the United States stands as the world's preeminent power. Having led the West to v ...
Bill Kristol's Dream - Neoconservatives push for a new world order
Neoconservatives push for a new world order By DICK POLMAN Knight Ridder Newspapers 05/04/03: (Mercury News) WASHINGTON - For seven long years, Bill ...
Hamas Says Not So Fast to Abbas And His Latest Feint
"Victory"? Forget it - Sidney Blumenthal - Lies About Iraq
'Victory'? Forget it - Salon - Sidney Blumenthal
"Victory"? Forget itBush is trying to keep Americans from abandoning his disastrous war by claiming victory is at hand. But even his own generals k ...
Eavesdropping, Gagging, and the Constitution - Ray McGovern
Academics resist boycott of Israeli universities
Abbas' ultimatum for Hamas to accept peace talks could force Israel to abandon unilateral realignment plan
Kissinger sought 'small friendly' Israel
Interview with Prof. Norman Finkelstein
Israelis Arm Fatah Palestinians Facing Civil War with Hamas
Last update - 03:37 27/05/2006 Defense official: Arms transfer to help Abbas take on Hamas By Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent, Haaretz Service and ...
Intifada III Coming - Pat Buchanon
VIDEO - 2nd Intifada - Noam Chomsky, Edward Said
Op Ed in Seattle Says 9/11 Commission Report A Lie
A Million Iraqis Flee Civil War
Iran's military exercises emphasizing asymmetrical warfare
Kissinger Tries to Minimize the Israel Problem Back in 1975
IRAN - Direct Talks with USA Coming
Israel Prepares for Gaza 'Invasion'
Middle Israel: Who's a complete Jew?
Interesting Times: Join the conspiracy - More on 'The Israel Lobby'
Gulf States Fear Iran More Than Iraq
Israeli intel: Bush lacks political support, reliable intelligence for Iran attack
Iran sees global, anti-U.S. entente: Russia, China, India . . .
Warning Olmert addresses Congress on Iran
India warns against attack on Iran - FT
Fading Abbas Tries to Reassert and Keep Relevant and Alive
US Tries To Organize World Against WMD
Palestinians Referendum Text
Newspaper apologises for erroneous tale about Iran
Grumpy man on a bus becomes star of the internet
China in moral dilemma after tale of girls who sold virginity
Palestinian president puts Hamas on the spot with ultimatum to revive peace talks
Pope misses memorial to Jewish uprising on first day of visit
Bush says "bring 'em on" was big mistake
Murdoch's Times of London to launch US edition
Galloway says murder of Blair would be 'justified'
Bush and Blair admit to mistakes in Iraq
Antiwar activists take struggle to Capitol Hill: Massacre spurs opposition to Iraq war
The Palestinian Lobby? in Frontpage about 'The Israel Lobby'
'The Israel Lobby' in The Peoples Weekly
“Olmert is not in Washington to propose peace but to give orders to the vulnerable American president”
Spending Spree - Shanghai - Bay Fang
Kurdish Hopes - Awaiting the day they can return to Kirkuk - Bay Fang
Interview with Chalabi in Washington - 2001
HIV Came from Wild Chimps in Cameroon
Abbas Stuns Hamas With Talk of Referendum
Bay Fang Interviews Bremer 2003
Pacifica Radio - Michael Massing, Arundhati Roy
Arguing the World - The full transcript of the debate on neoconservatism, Iraq, and the West between Bernard-Henri Levy and Anatol Lieven
The war within America - ABID ULLAH JAN
The Irony of Iraq - The neocons have come to embody everything they once mocked and despised in '60s liberals.
The Irony of Iraq The neocons have come to embody everything they once mocked and despised in '60s liberals. By Harold Meyerson Web Exclusive: 05.25. ...
The Important Letter from Tehran the Press is Muzzling
Fitzgerald Implying Cheney Ordered the Plame Outing?
Fox News: ‘Al Gore’s Global Warming Movie: Could It Destroy Our Economy?’
* How the Neocons Hijacked the 'War on Terror"
How We Got Into This Imperial Pickle: A PNAC Primer
U.S. plans “star wars” bases in Europe to counter Iran
Kroc Institute for International Peace on Iraq
Jordan: Between Iraq and a hard place
How the neocons hijacked the “war on terror"
Bay Fang - Bagdad Confidential - 2003
Israelis Arming Palestinian Fatah Forces Further
Israel agrees on arms transfer to Abbas' presidential guard By Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent, and News Agencies 25 May 2006 ...
CHINA - Spending Spree - They're young. They have money to burn. And the race is on to win them as customers - Bay Fang
They're young. They have money to burn. And the race is on to win them as customers - Bay Fang in Shanghai
Press Watch: The Hersh Paradox
Bay Fang on VOA about Iraq
As Israelis Push Palestinians Attempt to Prevent Civil War
Michael Massing on Pacific Radio about 'The Israel Lobby'
Dylan Lives
Israel's Olmert calls for peace talks in US Congress speech
Jordan vows never-ending support to Palestinians
Abbas gives Hamas 10 days to recognize Israel
Now They Tell Us - Iraq War - Michael Massing in 2004
Deal Breakers - AIPAC and Jews in America - Michael Massing
U.S. resorts to blackmail to pressure Iran - Report
How much longer should the U.S. underwrite Israeli crimes? - Kevin Zeese
The U.S. and Israel once again redefine terms of peace
Iraq's oil: A neo-con dream gone bust
Olmert tells US Congress world must confront Iranian threat
Olmert Goes To Congress Saying 'We will Win the War on Terror"
PA troubles deteriorate into spat
Iran, Iraq scenarios: Similarities and dissimilarities, by Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar- Part I
Iran, Iraq scenarios: Similarities and dissimilarities, by Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar- Part II
Israel, eyeing Iran, seeks long-range missiles
Famous Persons Support Impeachment - Chomsky, Asner, Robbins
Will Neocon Fanaticism Destroy America? - John Craig Roberts
Intentional Obfuscation about Permanent Bases in Iraq
Iran's Nuclear Ambitions - FT
Bush Is Cooking Up Two More Wars
How Dick Cheney Got His Cold War On
How Bush Brewed the Iranian Crisis
Bush: U.S. would aid Israel if attacked
US Staying in Iraq Despite Claims Otherwise
Bush Praises Israel's Olmert's Plans
Pentagon Warns of Growing Chinese 'Threat'
Time for a Debate - Bush Says But Doesn't Really Do
Egypt Moves To Put Egyptian Troops Again in Gaza!
IRAN offered talks and peace with Israel in 2003 - vetoed by hard-line Washington neocons and Israelis
What's outlined here is likely to be true though in this world of subterranean politics and political/media manipulations it's harder than ever to kno ...
Bush's Requests for Iraqi Base Funding Make Some Wary of Extended Stay
US Military to Build Four Giant New Bases in Iraq
Permanent Bases in Iraq - Washington Monthly
US Bases in Iraq - Asia Times
Building permanent U.S. bases in Iraq sends wrong signal
IRAQ - Operation: Enduring Presence
America's Secret and Permanent Bases in Iraq
'Permanent' Bases in Iraq
FBI's First 'Raid' on Capitol Hill Office in 219 Years
Historians say it was the first raid of a representative's quarters in Congress' 219 years.
Congress Gives Israel's Olmert Sustained Standing Ovation
Olmert drew a sustained standing ovation when he declared, "We will not yield to terror."
Bush has his hand in the Monkey Trap
Former U.S. Navy Senior Council Says Bush Administration Open To War Crime Charges
Architect of New War on the West