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LATimes Editorial on Talking with Iran and Syria
The Bush administration will finally sit down with Iran and Syria. Even if the only topic is Iraq, it can't hurt.
Safety fears force last major British charity to quit Iraq
The Shah of Iran in 1974 on The Jewish Lobby
Cooper Union - From Lincoln to Israel Lobby to Cuomo/Gingrich
But they didn't give Cooper Union this kind of notoriety some months back when last year there was 'The Israel Lobby' debate right there in the same ...
Cooper Union - From Lincoln to Israel Lobby to Cuomo/Gingrich
But they didn't give Cooper Union this kind of notoriety some months back when last year there was 'The Israel Lobby' debate right there in the same ...
The Human Massacre of the Elephants Resumes Worse than Ever
Pakistan Denies Hosting Bin Laden, Camps
Woodward urges 'more aggressive' U.S. media
Rightwingers Target Kent State U Prof for Promoting Bin-laden Victory
Read carefully. The far right -- aligned with the Jewish Neocons, Christian Evangelicals, and Israelis -- is constantly looking to intimdate and frig ...
IRAN dabbles with IRAQ-US Conference
"One should not commit suicide because one is afraid of death"
Hezbollah Warns U.S., Israel, entire Middle east
Three out of four Israelis would like to be part of EU
Three-quarters of Israelis want to be in the European Union and more than a tenth would actually leave Israel for Europe if they were granted EU cit ...
Robert Fisk: Lebanon will be first victim of Iran crisis
Korean Author Refers to Power of the Jews and Gets Blasted
Israel and American Jews Pushing Hard for Pollard Release
American Jewish organizations have organized a massive nationwide campaign to call the White House every afternoon for the next two months and reques ...
Robert Fisk: A legacy that will haunt us for years
I wouldn't wish such a fate on Lord Blair. But I wonder what our fate has to be.
Robert Fisk: 27 July 1880. A date the US and UK should look up
Israelis beat to PUSH THE BUTTON
Black and White Destinies in US Merge: Strom Thurmand and Al Sharpton
Lawrence of Arabia was really a Zionist, historian claims
More historical twisting and propaganda (they call it 'hasbara') from the Israelis, the Zionists, and world Jewry. Anyone not familiar with historia ...
'PUSH THE BUTTON' - Nuclear Bomb Fear Song Represents Israel at Eurovision
Now what does this say to the world when the Israelis go out of their way to have the song 'PUSH THE BUTTON' 'represent' them at the major Eurovision ...
How the war on terror made the world a more terrifying place
Primarily the US and Israel have done it. But headlines and analysis of this kind don't ever appear in the grey New York Times or the red-white-blue ...
The No Underwear at the Oscars QUEEN
Robert Fisk: In Iraq, the killing of 18 teenagers is a horrible routine
U.S. Oil Grab now A Done Deal
The Bundlers...
Crack in the Axis: Signs of Syrian-Iranian Split?
Charles: Ban the Big Mac
Prince Charles today said banning McDonald's fast food was the key to a healthy lifestyle.
Congress After Dark: An Insider's Guide to the Hot Spots
CIA: Bin Laden In Pakistan Establishing New Camps
Did the Drudge Report Help Tank the Stock Market?
Speaking at Virginia Tech, the son of a 1960s Democratic icon said the nation is living a "science-fiction nightmare."
HPV infections seen in over quarter of U.S. women
Its prevalence was highest among those 20 to 24, with 44.8 percent infected, and nearly a quarter of teenagers aged 14 to 19.HPV infects about half o ...
The Battle for Iraq's Oil - CNN View
Supreme Court Awards Gore's Oscar to Bush
It's humor....but well-placed and well-time humor!
New York Prepares for IRANIAN Counterattack
Vietnam Ghosts Haunting Washington
Taliban 'knew of Cheney visit'
Dems Hesitate, Waffle, Stumble about IRAQ
How could we even think that we could more from the Dems after what they've done and not done for so many decades now.
Another Israeli Attack: Our World: Jihad's campus collaborators
Nostalgia for the Clintons Rather Misplaced
Iraqi 'Insurgents' Take to YouTube
Muslim Nations Warn Against War with IRAN
ABC News Achor Bob Woodruff Cheats Iraq Death and Tells Story
Israelis Settlers Come to New Jersey to Sell Homes - investments and rentals
Mild words from Pakistani P M
An Israeli Interview with Martin Gilbert
Human Jesus - What Israeli Role in Questioning Core Christian Beliefs?
Smearing Like It's 2003
Smearing Like It's 2003 By E.J. Dionne Jr. The Washington Post Monday 26 February 2007 Even as jurors pondered whether Vice Pres ...
Hersh: U.S. Funds Being Secretly Funneled To Violent Al Qaeda-Linked Groups
US Israel Lobby Targets Lebanon's Construction Company Jihad al-Bina
"An American Strike on Iran is Essential for Our Existence" - AIPAC Demands "Action" on Iran
The Real Failed State - U.S. and Israel
The US and Israel The Real Failed States By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Growing references by the US and Israel to the Muslim Middle East as a collection of f ...
Bush prepares speech for War with IRAN - a good foretaste
Sometime this spring or summer, barring an unexpected turnaround by Tehran, President Bush is likely to go on national television and announce that he ...
Article Promotes Nuclear Free Middle East in 2003
David Harris of the AJCommittee in Jerusalem Post
Israelis Appoint New Minister for Diaspora Affairs
Why Israelis Hate the Left
Israel Prof Forced To Retract Conclusion Jews May Have Killed Christians for Blood in Midieval Times
U.S. synagogue holds event promoting sale of West Bank homes
IMPEACH! Ralph nader Declares Bush/Cheney Threat to U.S. National Security
General Wesley Clark Warns War With IRAN Almost Upon Us
Tehran lashes out at nuclear ‘bullies’
After nearly a century, Israel’s first kibbutz calls time on communism
The kibbutz has just voted to privatise itself and assume the trappings of capitalism.
BLIX warns: Stop Humiliating IRAN
Lebanon UNIFIL head to meet with Israelis
'Jesus, Magdalene & son in Talpiot tomb'
The Discovery TV Channel has released new details of the "Lost Tomb of Jesus" documentary that is to be officially launched at a New York press confer ...
Egyptians Block Popular Iraq Cable TV
Of course this is done because of ever-growing American pressurs and threats against everyone it seems. From Mubarak to Musharraf to Maliki to Abbas. ...
'Iranians don't hate Americans'
US Jews toughest foes of Iraq war
Israelis Told to Prepare for War with SYRIA
Lieberman Warns He Could Switch Parties over IRAQ
Lieberman on IRAQ in the WSJ
Bush/Cheney Say U.N. Gave them Authorization to Attack IRAQ
Hagels Positions himself for bi-partisan Ticket in 2008.
Lieberman is doing it...just from the oppositive direction. Now Hagel is stepping forward positioning himself as a possible Democratic Party VP Candi ...
New Claim - Jesus Buried with Wife and Son?
Mrak Bruzonsky SkypeCasts
U.S. Patrols Still Unable to Tell Friend From Foe
Rice faces uphill battle to revive Mideast peace
Mrak Bruzonsky SkypeCasts
CHINA - Major Changes in TV with a Chinese Oprah
Diplomacy Not War With IRAN - Bill Richardson
Playing Nuclear Poker with IRAN - Boston Globe Ed
Jordan's King says peace hopes dimming
New Iraqi 'Oil Law' Pushed Hard by U.S.
Carter Comes Forth But Again Refuses To Utter the Term 'Israel Lobby'
Farrakhan in speech: 'My time is up'
Farrakhan Makes Last Address
AIPAC Demands "Action" on Iran
February 24 / 25, 2007 "An American Strike on Iran is Essential for Our Existence" AIPAC Demands "Action" on Iran By GARY LEUPP Former CIA countert ...
Report: 3 Gulf states agree to IAF overflights en route to Iran
Israelis Racing to build more illegal settlements
Bones of Jesus & son uncovered in Jerusalem? Airing new evidence
Rev Moon, the Washington Times, and the Republican Party
What Iraq Tells Us About Ourselves
Damascus close to multi-million dollar deal to buy modern anti-tank missiles from Russia
IRAN 'Ready For War'
Revolt of the Generals Over IRAN
This 'revolt' has been going on in various ways and various forms for some time now. As usual it is nearly all behind the scenes. Some Generals have ...
Titanic New News about JESUS
It's amazing really. Christianity can be exposed. The Vatican can be undermined in fiction. Top U.S. government officials can be lambasted. But yo ...
Hersh in The New Yorker Says Big Shift in Middle East strategy
...“the Middle East is heading into a serious Sunni-Shiite Cold War.” Martin IndykAs usual Hersh downplays the tremendous involvement ...
U.S. Secretary of State Bandar Bin Sultan?
And Condi doesn't even make the New Yorker's list...
Lieberman Fronts for Bush War but keeps Israel in background
Shut Up Dick
America's Worst President
IRAN - The Sequel
Helen Thomas Moving Back After 46 Years Down Front
Every theater-style seat in the White House briefing room, now closed for renovation, had a brass plaque inscribed with the name of a news organizatio ...
Even if Joe Switches Senate Leadership Stays
NEWSWAR - Watch All Programs On Line
watch the full program online Buy the DVD » Buy the VHS » In a four-hour special, News War, FRONTLINE examines the political, cultural, legal, and ...
Suicide bomber kills up to 40 at Baghdad college
A suicide bomber wearing a vest packed with explosives killed up to 40 people in a Baghdad college on Sunday, a day after Prime Minister Nuri al-Malik ...
King Abdullah: 'Last opportunity' for Mideast peace
"I think the circumstances in the Middle East have changed so much that really this is our last opportunity. We have all this momentum moving in the r ...
Cheney Fires Shots From Around the World
American Armada Prepares to Attack Iran
Uri Avnery on Israel's Terrible Racism and Apartheid
The Future of Israel as Nation State By URI AVNERY "I DON'T care about the principles! All that I want is that my wife can live with me and that we ...
An Iraq inquiry could stop war on Iran
Israel Readies for War with IRAN, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine
"There may not yet be gas masks in the street in Tel Aviv but no one should underestimate Israel's determination to prevent a nuclear Iran." Make no ...
Israelis Ready Strike on Iran - coordination closer than ever with U.S.
Israel is negotiating with the United States for permission to fly over Iraq as part of a plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, The Daily Telegra ...
Rush Limbaugh - Dick Cheney Is My Hero
Obama Ridicules Cheney's Iraq Comments
Long live American Jews
Israeli-connected Lieberman Says War Vote Could Prompt Party Switch
Now more publicly than ever Joe Lieberman -- Jewish, Zionist, and known for his exceedingly close connections to Israel and the Israel Lobby on Capi ...
The Clintons - The Art of Politics Without Conscience
Chomsky - On Iran, Iraq, the Democrats and Climate Change
The True Extent of Britain's Failure in Basra Reflects the Larger U.S. Disaster
Revealed: The true extent of Britain's failure in Basra
The partial British military withdrawal from southern Iraq announced by Tony Blair this week follows political and military failure, and is not becaus ...
Impeachment of Bush: Vermont takes the lead and calls for U.S troop withdrawal from Iraq
a rising group of Vermont politicians are also working for a state bill in the Vermont General Assembly calling for impeachment of the U.S. President ...
The Criminalization of US Foreign Policy
1. The contemporary context The World is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, ...
Iranian Nuclear Ambitions and American Foreign Policy
"Theater Iran Near Term" (TIRANNT)
Foreign ministers of seven Arab countries issue joint statement following Madrid conference, expressing desire to 'advance together toward recognition ...
US Blitzkreig of IRAN Approaches
First Iraq, then Iran
US poll: Israel alone named 'vital friend'
"All candidates are pro-Israel" How Come?
Israeli rule 'like apartheid'
Oil Grab in Iraq
Americans arrest son of top Iraqi Shiite who met Bush in White House
'An investigation is underway' has become the constant American refrain... But rather clearly this is all a way of further warning Muktada al-Sadr ...
Tortured "24" politics
The hit show has turned the tables in the censorship debate, with the left saying it goes too far and the right saying it's only TV.... But 'the left ...
LATimes Editorial: Is Pakistan an ally?
Musharraf's agreement with Taliban-friendly tribesmen has proven to be just as bad as Afghanistan warned.
Europeans Fear Even More Final Two Years of Bush/Cheney
Pakistan To Expel Millions of Afghan Refugees
Of course the Pakistanis are using the Taliban excuse now. And once again it is the most defensely and in need, homeless destitute refugees, who are ...
Anti-American Feelings Soaring among Muslims
The War on Terror has radicalised Muslims around the world to unprecedented levels of anti-American feeling, according to the largest survey of Muslim ...
Israel 'Blind' Minister of Defense Amir Peretz
PBS Guro Suzie Orman a 55-year-old Virgin
Saddam's Lawyer Going to Spill His Secrets
"You will discover the depth of the injustice and the farce and the depth of the American aggression against the Arab and Muslim nation," Najdawi sa ...
Congresswoman Fingers IRAN - Wanrs Iran to get half of Iraq!
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann claims to know of a plan, already worked out with a line drawn on the map, for the partition of Iraq in which Iran will c ...
Now former Sec of State Albright Declares Iraq 'Greatest Foreign Policy Disaster in American History'
"I think that Iraq is going to go down in history as the greatest disaster in American foreign policy," Albright said, with former President Jimmy Car ...
Impeachment Movement Growing
IMPEACH Bush/Cheney - Elizabeth de la Vega on the Colbert Report
United States v. George W. Bush et al.
Computer - New Much Faster N Routers
Impeachment Movement Growing
Nine Easy Web-Based Collaboration Tools
90 Percent Of E-Mail Will Be Spam By Year's End
Top Dems Again Warn Bush/Cheney on IRAN
"Our Iran policy is a train wreck in the making," said committee member Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut). "The combination of our increasingly confrontation ...
Anti-wall protests hit second anniversary
Ellen in 2001 - Joking aobut Terrorists, Women, Lesbians, and Jews
"We're told to go on living our lives as usual, because to do otherwise is to let the terrorists win, and really, what would upset the Taliban more th ...
The American Way: Psychologically Torturing to Insanity
Following in the footsteps of the Israelis the Americans proclaim 'We Do Not Torture' and then proceed to torture in all kinds of ways bring about dea ...
Again - U.S. 'intelligence' about IRAN more propaganda than real
Much of the intelligence on Iran's nuclear facilities provided to UN inspectors by US spy agencies has turned out to be unfounded, diplomatic source ...
The woman who typed Israel's first press release makes first visit to Israel
"I still remember what the last sentence read," recalled the now 81-year-old in an interview with The Jerusalem Post Thursday. "It said: 'A Jewish sta ...
Saddam: A Dictator Created Then Destroyed by America - Robert Fisk
A Dictator Created Then Destroyed by America By Robert Fisk The Independent UK Saturday 30 December 2006 Saddam to the gallows. It ...
Physicist blows whistle on US missile defence
MORE BIG LIES from the USG and the military-industrial complex. THE credibility of President Bush’s multibillion-dollar missile defence plans are bei ...
Cheney warns China over military build-up
The wide-ranging speech came after Mr Cheney visited Japan, where he met with Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister. The issue of China’s military rise is s ...
Mobile phones 'will democratise the web'
New Generation of CELLPHONES to integrate with computer features
The main theme of this year’s show, attended by more than 60,000 people, was the integration of instant messaging, blogs and mapping to blur the line ...
I’m firing an Uzi
American education thriving ... in Qatar
A closer look at what '$100 laptop' will be
Software - Media Portal
Great and Free Open Source Software
The £50 laptop to change the world
European Fears grow over Iran
Iranian students torch U.S. and Israeli flags at nuclear rally
Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzook: US 'sowing sedition'
A senior Hamas official on Monday accused the United States of "sowing sedition" among the Palestinians, hours after US Secretary of State Condoleezza ...
Blog Example - MichaelTotten in Beirut
International known Blogger Says Hezbollah Stronger than Ever
S. African Jewish minister sends support to 'Israeli Apartheid Week' organizers
Top Israeli Tells All About Olmert +
In Israel's media world Dan Margalit is an icon. His many roles as anchorman and pundit have made him and his friends Amnon Dankner and Tommy Lapid - ...
Study: 50% of Palestinians hungry
The report states that the situation is especially serious in the Gaza Strip, where four out of five families lack even the most basic food supplies a ...
'Israel resembles an apartheid state'
An independent report commissioned by the United Nations compares Israel's actions in the West Bank and Gaza to apartheid South Africa - charges that ...
Martin Gilbert: Lawrence of Arabia was a Zionist
According to the Israelis and the Zionists themselves...: Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Ed-ward Lawrence - better known as "Lawrence of Arabia" - and ren ...
Republicans Sponsor FIND THE ILLEGAL at NYU amidst uproar
Egyptian Blogger Gets 4 Years Imprisonment
Israelis Say Condi Wants To Devote Rest of Years to the 2-state solution
Major Syrian Arms Built-Up Underway Say Israelis
Farrakhan to Make His Last Major Address
Both FBI and Iraq Now Maybe Implicated in Ok City 1995 bombing
High-ranking FBI Agent involved in Oklahoma City Bombing?
Pentagon, Neocons, and Wash Times Set Stage for IRAN Attack
UN anti-racism panel questions Israel over holy sites
Newsweek Debates Whether Its OK to Criticize Israel
This is quite an unusual debate really. It seems only when it comes to Israel and Jews does noe ask these days whether it is "OK to Criticize" and f ...
Report reveals U.S. plans for Iran attack
Can you be critical of Israel and not be anti-Semitic? Can you be critical of Israel and be a faithful Jew?
Rice Looks Back for a Way Forward on Mideast Peace
Her conclusion: A diplomat needs to quietly build support behind the scenes in informal talks between the Israelis and Palestinians, seeking the right ...
China Building Air Defenses to Protect Key Cities
The Pentagon announced last year that as part of a new “hedge” strategy, it was building a new long-range bomber that could penetrate deep inside Chin ...
Pelosi Challenges Bush over Cheney and Patriotism
"You cannot say as the president of the United States, 'I welcome disagreement in a time of war,' and then have the vice president of the United Stat ...
Rice Looks Back for a Way Forward on Mideast Peace
“Iran’s becoming a superpower”
Group: TV Torture Influencing Real Life
Jack Bauer of '24,' The Interrogator's Marquee de Sade?
The problem, Finnegan told Mayer, is that his students at West Point see Americans torturing terrorists on "24" -- which happens nearly every week -- ...
On the Road with RICE - Poor Reporters
Eroticism and Celibacy in Hinduism
Top Military Types Try To Hold Back FOX and '24' -- not much success
What Did Clinton People Fear So Much Might Get out about 9/11?
The ghost of pardons, Marc Rich, Bill Clinton -- and the future of Scotter Lewis Libby?
They fell out in 2000, when Mr. Clinton gave a pardon to Marc Rich after rebuffing Mr. Geffen’s request for one for Leonard Peltier. “Marc Rich getti ...
Fifth Fleet Commander Issues 'Unprecedented' Warning to IRAN
Fifth Fleet commander warns of 'unprecedented tension' in Gulf SPECIAL TO WORLD TRIBUNE.COM Wednesday, February 21, 2007 ABU DHABI — Iran may po ...
Bush Speech at Mt. Vernon on Presidents Day 2007
Bush Speech at Mt. Vernon on Presidents Day calls for worldwide Freedom Crusade in all but name
Speech by VP Cheney on board the USS Kitty Hawk in Japan
Cheney Invokes Survival of ISRAEL
While the Libby trial goes to Jury the VP has managed to get not only out of town but out of the country, far away in Asia. He wasn't very well recei ...
France ‘was seconds’ from downing Israeli jet
Brits like Americans Push the 'Middle East Rare Opportunity' Line
Masked Israel Lobby Goes to Qatar
The mask isn't all that deceiving, unless one wants to be. Years ago one of Ariel Sharon's close friends, an Israeli American billionaire, bought him ...
Jerusalem Post Features Column Warning Against Attacking IRAN
A MILITARY strike, either from the US, or from Israel, would derail these developments and be welcomed by regime hard-liners. During a recent visit to ...
The Corsican Che Guevara
Pasquale di Paoli was the Che Guevara of the 18th century - probably the greatest fighter for freedom of that century, an inspiration to democrats ev ...
Jew-friendly' cities rated by Americans
"Coalition Forces" in Iraq as of February 2007
COALITION FORCES US -132,000 UK - 7,100 South Korea - 3,200 Poland - 900 Georgia - 800-850 Australia - 900 Romania - 600-865 Denmark - 460 El Salvador ...
Not to be Forgotten: The Tom Lantos Global Anti-Semitism Awareness Act
Israelis and US Try to Get UN To Further Back Anti-Hezbollah Sanctions via Iran
Undercover Israeli Squad guns down Palestinian Leader in Jenin
The United States has placed a bounty on the head of Islamic Jihad, Ramadan Shalah, based in Damascus, and the organization has warned that if its lea ...
Time for U.S. Boldness on Israel and Palestine
Condi's Charade in Jerusalem - NYTimes Editorial
So what's new, other than things are more nakedly exposed than usually and the NYTimes is a little more assertive in pushing the 'liberal' Israeli age ...
Mecca Deals Highlights Confusion in both Saudi Arabia and Washington
The crosscurrent is a case study in how the divergent worldviews of America and Saudi Arabia, its closest Arab ally, will color the two countries’ att ...
Russians Again Edge Toward New Cold War
Lavrov said that having the ability to shoot down Russian missiles could allow the United States to consider the possibility of a nuclear strike on Ru ...
Cheney Repeatedly Attacked in Tokyo
More and more, and in places near and far, the Bush/Cheney administration is not only despised and feared, it is being attacked. This even as the Am ...
Not Much Of A 'SUMMIT'
Bush's Maliki Orders Forces to Brutally Crush All Who Oppose
Major Attack on IRAN's entire military planned by US
Jon Edwards Trips Over the "I" word in Jewish, Zionist, Liberal Hollywood
There are other emerging fissures, as well. The aggressively photogenic John Edwards was cruising along, detailing his litany of liberal causes last w ...
Ari Emanuel, Rahm's brother, handles stars and Israeli matters in Hollywood
Hiccup Girl Tormented by Media Frenzy
Edwards mentions the "I" word - "greatest threat to world peace" at the moment
There are other emerging fissures, as well. The aggressively photogenic John Edwards was cruising along, detailing his litany of liberal causes la ...
Obama Takes Hollywood at Oscar Time
Blogs Don't Have to Blare
US Set to Attack IRAN - ExpressIndia
US Attack IRAN Plans Revealed - BBC
Obama will soon make the case that he'll be as strong on Israel as anyone
My weekend column for the Hebrew print edition is a lengthy piece on U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois). Most Israelis don't know him, and my editors ...
Can a U.S. War With Iran Be Prevented?
Rice to Haaretz: The year is not 1938, Iran is not Nazi Germany
Israelis Worry About Dual Loyalty
Book - Parliament of Whores
While Others Struggle, Norwegian Newspaper Publisher Thrives on the Web
Cellphone Voice Mail to Email
Anglicans Ponder Uniting with Catholics Under the Pope
Bush Compares His 'War on Terror' with the Revolutionary War on Presidents Day!
Christian Born-Again Evangelical President Bush talks about the 'crusade' of 'freedom and liberty' invoking George Washington at Mt. Vernon on Presid ...
Patriots Question 9/11
Another step toward New Cold War
Making Bill both First Man and Senator Clinton...
Oh my God!
Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire - The Neocons
America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order (Hardcover)
Americans Built Palestinan Abbas a New Gleaming Press Center
The new and gleaming Press Center was meant to obscure as much as possible the old Arafat style, and photo, and to give President Abbas a nice new pla ...
The Architects of the Iraq War - Then and Now
Feith lied on Fox News Sunday - the Follow-up
Feith defends claim on Iraq, Al Qaeda
Transcript: Former Defense Undersecretary Douglas Feith on 'FNS'
Transcript: Former Defense Undersecretary Douglas Feith on 'FNS' Sunday , February 11, 2007 FC1 ADVERTISEMENT WASHINGTON — The following is a part ...
True ‘Fair And Balanced’ Coverage: Wallace Calls Out Feith For Lying On Fox News
Computer Review - D-Link MediaLounge DSM-520
Bush's Roadmap to Peace Came in 2003 After the Iraqi Invasion
Bush's "Christian" Blood Cult
Bush and fellow self-anointed neo-Christians like House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, John Ashcroft, and sports arena Book of Revelations carnival hawke ...
Israel and the US Jointly Made War on IRAQ
Marines Corps were dispatched to Israel to learn of the 'successful' Israel army tactics used to 'quell the Palestinian uprising in the Jenin refugee ...
Iraq War: Worse Lies Ahead - A Policy of Christian and Jewish Fundamentalism
American Killing at Fallujah - 2003 - Sam Hamod
The Shia of Lebanon - Hezbollah arose from Israel's 1982 invasion/occupation of Lebanon
And that invasion/occupation of Lebanon arose from the clash between Israel and the Palestinians that erupted in decades before that... ...
A conversation with Jeff Halper: Israeli activist joins rising chorus of those describing Israel as an "apartheid state." Bishop Tutu and others are calling for massive divestment
Kevin MacDonald - Understanding Jewish Influence - IL
Wash Post Reports, a bit anyway, about Rice's 'Summit' with Israelis and Palestinians
The Fabrications of the Neo-Cons - May 2003! Wayne Madsen - IL
Hans Blix on Iran, North Korea, the US and the UN
Gee...guess we shouldn't expect more from or Hans. Nothing about the Israeli connection. Nothing really strong when it comes to the US, the Neocons, ...
New BBC Poll - The middle ground on Islam and West
Douglas Feith - Sharon's Agent? by Juan Cole
In the build-up to the Iraq War, Feith had a phalanx of Israeli generals visiting him in the Pentagon and ignored post-9/11 requirements that they s ...
Did Israel and the Neocons Engineer 9/1, the Iraq War, and the Clash of Civilizations?
Bush's War for Israel and Ariel Sharon
Poll - Clash of Civilizations - Details, Country by Country
Japan anger at US sex slave bill
Japan has expressed its displeasure at a resolution before the US Congress calling on Tokyo to apologise for the country's use of sex slaves in wartim ...
Global poll: Most reject idea Islam and West face 'clash of civilizations'
The IHT, the BBC, and the pollsters, all twist the results in a 'positive' way. But with such sizeable minorities in such key countries believing the ...
Poll on Islam and West 'clash of civilizations' reported 'positively'
The BBC Report, and the pollsters, twist the results in a 'positive' way. But with such sizeable minorities in such key countries believing the Clash ...
The Clash of Civilizations Poll
The pollsters twist the results to say a majority thinks a clash not to be inevitable. But look at how many do; and look at the key countries, includ ...
The U.S. vs Europe Clash
Goodbye Uncle Sam, Hello Team Europe
Poll = Clash of Civilizations Inevitable?
In U.S. and Egypt a large miniority say yes; even thought the pollsters are not emphasizing that and trying to twist their results probably to please ...
US and Israel Keep Dangling 'Palestinian State' While Never Delivering
They never deliver on their many times many times made promise of a 'Palestinian State'; and they keep blaming the Palestinians themselves. But as l ...
White House Claims Members of Congress trying to 'Protect' IRAN
Weapons used in Iran attacks came from the U.S.
Baghdad Explodes Again Despite Everything
Just a few hours before the blasts, Lt. Gen. Abboud Qanbar led reporters on a tour of the neighborhood near the marketplace that was attacked and prom ...
Iraq War Architects; Where Are They Now
Headteacher in honours row 'driven to brink of suicide' by Blair
The Downing Street adviser whose revelations sparked the cash for honours scandal accused Tony Blair of driving him to the brink of suicide. Des Smit ...
Hume: Murtha Is Senile, Doesn’t Have ‘The Foggiest Awareness’ Of What’s Going On In The World
As Capitals Cautiously Greet Palestinian Deal, Israel’s Allies in D.C. Push for Pressuring Hamas
Even as American and Israeli officials reserve judgment on the new Palestinian unity deal, some of Jerusalem’s allies in Washington are opposing the F ...
Jewish Natalie Portman Comes Forward to help the Israelis
Executive Director of '24' in The New Yorker
“Most terrorism experts will tell you that the ‘ticking time bomb’ situation never occurs in real life, or very rarely. But on our show it happens eve ...
Israeli-controlled Congress globbers Abbas and Mecca
Obama Courts Jews and Israel - Prepares Major Pro-Israel Speech
Rice emphasizes importance of two-state solution
If it weren't so tragic and so dangerous, the attempt by the U.S. (following in the footsteps of the Israelis) to rhetorically champion while actually ...
Saban Buys Think-Tanks, Politicians, and Parties for ISRAEL
Sex and Cash Gets US Businessman Imprisoned for IRAQ deals
PA official: No one expects anything to come from summit
A highly-placed source in the bureau of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has said that the agenda for tomorrow's summit between Abbas, U.S ...
Rice tells FM Livni: Summit must focus on two-state solution
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday that she expects the trilateral summit tomorrow with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinia ...
Jerry Segal keeps calling for rump Palestinian State
Iran, Syria vow united front to thwart U.S. and Israel
ran and Syria will form an alliance against what they referred to as U.S. and Israeli conspiracies against the Islamic world, Iranian President Mahmou ...
For first time since Six-Day War : Court orders settlers to evacuate East J'lem building
This is the first time settlers will be forced to evacuate a building in East Jerusalem since the association began its settlement activities there af ...
ABC NEWS This Week PODCAST - 17 Feb 2007
The Holey Roadmap - Not what you Think
The Wash Posts mistake about Feith, the Pentagon Report about Feith, and Congress
Oil Reserves and Problems and Lobbyists
It's Chinese New Year: Time to Respect Old People
Chinese Hit the Road for New Year's
THE IRAN OPTIONS - Wash Post Editorial
Field Day for Militarists in IRAN as Standoff with U.S. Continues
Whether or not the military posturing by the United States and Iran in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman actually results in armed hostilities, mil ...
All About the Neocons
NEOCONS - Off Message or Playing Coy about IRAN?
Brazen Israelis Offer Land in Occupied Territories for Sale to American Jews in New Jersey!
Believe it or not, this isn't being made up!
Rove and Neocon Cabal Blocked IRANIAN Peace Initiative in 2003
Note the Date on this story about what happened in 2003 - February 2007 -- as more leakers in Washington are spreading the word trying to prevent the ...
"Cabal" Blocked 2003 Nuclear Talks with Iran
Note the date on this: 28 March 2006.
Iran Proposal to U.S. Offered Peace with Israel
Note the date on this - May 2006: From the Article: Iran offered in 2003 to accept peace with Israel and to cut off material assistance to Palestini ...
House demolitions -- Palestinians given "15 minutes to leave..."
The Real Site of Herod's Temple in Jerusalem
WARNING: Analysis: The price of not keeping Iran from going nuclear
There is a minority view in the defense establishment that the country has to be at least prepared for the possible reality of Iran with the bomb. Thi ...
A 'Manhattan Project' for Israeli science urged by WorldClass Israeli Mathematician
Greenpeace launches campaign for nuclear-free Middle East
A two-month campaign by Greenpeace aimed at alerting Middle Eastern countries to the danger of the Iranian nuclear threat begins on Sunday in Iran, an ...
Ahha - 'Muslim room found in Mughrabi ramp'
Only now, three years, later, with the attention of the world focused on it, with the Turks now in agreement with the Israelis to 'monitor' it, and wi ...
Cashing In on Communism
In the land of Mao, getting rich is finally glorious. It's also complicated.
Khamenei: U.S. Will Lose in Middle East
"Realities in the region show that the arrogant front, headed by the U.S. and its allies, will be the principal loser in the region," the broadcast qu ...
Iran's Elite Guards to Hold War Games
Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards will launch their second war games in a month on Monday, just days ahead of a U.N. deadline regarding Iran's nuclear ...
Gore Really Rules Out 08 - Or Does He?
The extraordinary photo that reveals just how little MPs knew about the Iraq war
Under Pressure Hillary Begins to Bite the Iraq Bullet
Iran's 'Quds' Force - Now the Americans Are Fingering It
Calling it the 'Jerusalem' force would seem to have implications in itself...
Hillary and IRAQ - Make Or Break?
Syria and Iran vow unity against US
Al-Assad said: "We should co-operate and work to make the public aware of the sinister aims of the United States and the Zionists."
Madonna Wants to be like Gandhi
Israelis Say Jewish Voters Need Be Convinced by Obama
It won't be long, expect Senator Barak Obama to make a pilgrimage trip to Israel sometime this year.
Column one: Bush's inevitable showdown
Reached seven months after North Korea tested an intercontinental ballistic missile and four months after it conducted an underground nuclear test, th ...
At the trial in Turkey for bombings in 2003 one of those sentenced to life imprisonment delivered a 4-hour Islamic Manifesto.
A Manifesto From the Left Too Sensible to Ignore
Bush, even after the thumping of the Republicans in November, equates criticism of the war in Iraq with defeatist weakness. Much of the left, in both ...
Al Aqsa Imam Calls for 'Third Intifida'
"They want to build their temple at a time when our blood is on their clothes, on their doorsteps, in their food and in their drinks. Our blood has pa ...
Ricky Martin Defends Obscene Gesture Made During Puerto Rico Show As He Sang Bush's Name
"My convictions of peace and life go beyond any government and political agenda and as long as I have a voice onstage and offstage, I will always cond ...
Jeb Bush Being Groomed as well as pressured by his own
'Demeaning' of Indians Coming to an End
VIDEO - Jeff Halper and Naim Attalah - Two-State Solution Still Possible?
Italy to put CIA on Trial - all in abstentia of course
VIDEO - Confessions of a Hit Man - John Perkins
Now hear this! Iraq PM tells Bush of 'dazzling successes' in Baghdad
Now hear this (say Bush/Cheney)...On the very day the House is to vote about Iraq, and just before a rare Saturday Senate session on Iraq, we hear of ...
Assassinations, Terrorist Strikes and Ethnic Cleansing: Bush's Shadow War in Iraq
The constant sectarian violence in Iraq is not purely of domestic origin -- much of it is directed by covert U.S. and British military: Here is Bush's ...
No Real Palestinian State Now Likely...
It’s unlikely that there will be any truly sovereign palestine in the next 10 years. Indeed, all signs are pointing to the contrary, says Ramzy Baro ...
Gideon's Spies - The Secret History of the Mossad (Updated for 2007)
BN: 0-312-36152-1 Created in 1951 to ensure an embattled Israel’s future, the Mossad has been responsible for the most audacious and thrilling feats o ...
Before the Invasion, There Was Feith
How the scheming of Douglas Feith created the illusion of an Iraq-Al Qaeda partnership and led the U.S. into war.