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Hamas' Christian convert: I've left a society that sanctifies terror
"Send regards to Israel, I miss it. I respect Israel and admire it as a country," he says. "You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have ...
John Hagee`s CUFI Conference Mixes End-Times Prophecies With With Lobbying
Philip Weiss attacks J Street. Why he`s wrong.
Why This Election Is the Armageddon of the Neocons and the 2-State Solution
Obama on Iran, Syria, and Jerusalem - Interview in Jerusalem Post
On Wednesday evening, toward the end of his packed one-day visit here, Barack Obama, the Democratic senator who is leading the race for the White Hous ...
Memo to '60 Minutes' Producers: Take 'The Israel Lobby' to the Israel Lobby
China plunges into controversy with Internet backflip
'J Street' Is Gutless Re AIPAC
J-Street Says We Are Not Anti-AIPAC
Israel revives West Bank settlement plans
Arabs under siege as Israel tightens grip on Holy City
The battle for Jerusalem is entering a new phase as Israel continues to build new settlements in the east of the city and a series of violent attacks ...
Obama and Appologizing to American Indians
Obama Tells Dems ISRAEL Likely to STRIKE IRAN outrage, no opposition, no sense of let's stop this... Is Obama being used by AIPAC and the Israelis? Is Obama just naive not realizing t ...
Reviving U.S. Leadership in the Middle East - Report from Dem Party Think-Tank
Torture of Palestinians Widespread
Of course it all started with widespread torture by the Israelis of Palestinians with American connivance. Then it spread to Palestinian torture of ...
ANALYSIS: Israeli security forces losing control in the West Bank
Hamas to Fatah: Only Zionist protection keeping you safe in West Bank
Barak: U.S. to provide Israel with defense systems against Iran strike
Abbas Ultimatum to Israel: Don't Release Hamas Prisoners! PA and Abbas In Danger of Going Down
Imagine this. It's not an ultimatum about settlements, about Apartheid, about raids and killings and brutality by the occupying military. It's inste ...
Palestinian conflict hits cyberspace
Stop War on IRAN
Perle Linked to Kurdish Oil Deals and Money
Nightmare on J-Street Says New Republic
Jerusalem Ignored Says Moshe Arens
J-Street Ex Dir Writes in Haaretz
Olmert: Syria must choose between peace and isolation
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Tuesday that Syria must make a strategic choice between peace and isolation, as a new round of mediated peace talks be ...
The Military-Industrial Complex It's Much Later Than You Think
High court in Turkey expected to ban party
A legal expert, asked by the court to review the AKP case, concluded in his report that the party should not be banned, but the recommendation is not ...
Pak Newspaper receives threats for liberal voice
Campaign ads attack GOP candidates for oil industry ties
McCain's Many Lobby Connections
Richard Perle Cashing In - True BLOOD for OIL Deals
Pelosi: 'I'm trying to save the planet'
Scarborough: Spy thriller on Middle East offers unique insights
U.S. Alliance With the Kurds?
How Barack Obama learned to love Israel - 2007
A Counterinsurgency Guide for Politicos
Eighth in a Series: The Rise of the Counterinsurgents
Rice Adviser: Iraq Invasion Was 'F*cking Stupid'
Who Are We? One World, One Humanity, One Family
Leftists' dreams die hard in Egypt
'Mubarak has kept us so distracted by trying to earn a living that we have time or energy for nothing else,' says one. 'We've lost a younger generatio ...
Pakistan plans a push into its tribal areas
Who Are We? One World, One Humanity, One Family
Bush Forced al-Maliki to Back Down on Pullout in 2006
Bush Will Issue a Mass Pardon
The Military-Industrial Complex It's Much Later Than You Think
Ford Foundation still funding anti-Israel groups
Fourth World War by Subcommander Marcos - VIDEO
The Israel Lobby - Video Documentary
For many years now the American foreign policy has been characterized by the strong tie between the United States and Israel. Does the United States i ...
Gates Says NO to IRAN War...but...
A war with Iran would be "disastrous on a number of levels," according to U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.In an article appearing in the latest ...
Israelis Use Ceasefire with Hamas to Prepare for WAR
VIDEO - Iraqi Testifies Before Congress
New Israeli Anti-Nuke Organizations Goes Public
This debate cannot be suppressed any longer
John Hagee`s CUFI Conference Mixes End-Times Prophecies With With Lobbying
Lieberman At CUFI Conference: U.S. Should Attack Iran, God Hates Israel`s Enemies
'Compared to Us, Hamas Is Islamism Lite'
NYTimes Lets Top Israeli Argue for Nuke Attack on IRAN!
Benny Morris argues for nuclear genocide against Iran by Justin Raimondo July 21, 2008 Evil usually hides its face, because the sight of it repulse ...
Obama is wrong about Afghanistan - Juan Cole
The Smallest, BUT VERY IMPORTANT, New Israeli Settlement
Iran in the Spotlight at Christian Zionist Confab
Officials: US talks to Iran to legitimize attack
Chaim Yavin - Israel Walter Cronkite - in 2005
CHAIM YAVINWhat Israel must doBy Chaim Yavin
Defense Dept. imposes loyalty test on American Jews - IL
STRATCOM Cancels Controversial Preemption Nuke Strike Plan
The U.S. military has canceled a controversial war plan designed to strike adversaries promptly - even preemptively - with conventional and nuclear we ...
Obama is saying the wrong things about Afghanistan
If Iran is Attacking It Might Really be Israel
Free Gaza Movement - Boat to Gaza
Sailing to Gaza
Gates Says NO to IRAN War...but...
A war with Iran would be "disastrous on a number of levels," according to U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. In an article appearing in the late ...
Father of bulldozer terrorist: 'Someone messed with my son's head'
Syria envoy to U.S.: Israel has chance for peace with all Arabs
Syria is interested in securing a peace agreement with Israel that would see a normalization of ties and end to the longstanding state of war between ...
UN report: At 45%, Gaza unemployment is highest in the world
Olmert: Living with 270,000 Arabs in Jerusalem means more terror
Allawi Testifies before Congress
Israel's Debate Over an Iran Strike
Active and retired Israeli intelligence officials interviewed by TIME tended to dismiss Iran's threats of retaliation against Israel and the U.S. Ephr ...
Top-level U.S.-Israel War Meetings Accelerating
Tangled Web of Allegiances Leads Back to Tehran
Christian Zionists Target IRAN - CUFI 2008
Palestinian family fights settlers - Jerusalem Battles - Jonathan Cook
Jerusalem Area Palestinians Fight Back with New Mosque - E1 Encroaches
A Brazen Evil Benny Morris argues for nuclear genocide against Iran
Obama's Romantic Revolution
Barack Obama's promises to heal the world were lapped up in Berlin on Thursday. His speech was a masterpiece in the art of political magic -- and it w ...
CENTCOM's Master Plan and U.S. Global Hegemony
Israel Tries to Assassinate Hamas Head in Amman in 1997 - Victor Ostrovsky
Bungled Amman Assassination Plot Exposes Rift Within Israeli Government Over Peace Negotiations By Victor Ostrovsky There is only one thing more dan ...
Peace Now Interviews Syrian Amb
Rice presses Israel, PA to agree on document ahead of UN meet
Beilin Calls It Wrong Again about 'Peace Process'
If Iran is Attacking It Might Really be Israel
The Benny Morris op-ed in the NYT last Friday should provide convincing evidence that Israel really really really wants an attack against Iran sooner ...
Report: Ex-Mossad chief says strike on Iran could 'affect us for 100 years'
Obama to Israeli PM: Iran action legitimate only if talks fail
Obama reportedly told Olmert that he is interested in meeting the Iranians in order to issue clear ultimatums. "If after that, they still show no wil ...
Moon astronaut says we're not alone
Israel's Walter Cronkite on WHAT ISRAEL MUST DO
My answer is: Let's not base our existence on the acquisition of more and more land, but on building, within recognized borders, a better society, bas ...
All About Israeli Settlements
Who is doing real journalism?
VIDEO - War Crime Sold By Neocon Deception, IMPEACH NOW
Israeli in Boston Globe - WHAT ISRAEL MUST DO
Zbig Says NO to Obama's Afghanistan Surge
NYTimes Op Ed - Ta.king Sense About IRAQ
300 Foreign Policy Advisers for OBAMA
LATimes Middle East Blog
Debut of Salon Radio with Glenn Greenwald: An interview with Dan Ellsberg
Obama Vs. Susan Rice On Meeting With Iran's Ahmedinejad
Hagee, Lieberman at Strategic Pivot to Possible War With Iran
CUFI, and the Christian Zionist/Jewish alliance represented by Senator Joseph Lieberman's appearance at Christians United For Israel 2008, has conside ...
Defense Dept. imposes loyalty test on American Jews
JERUSALEM - 3-part special in the LATIMES
Tom Friedman doesn't understand why America is unpopular in the world
I say Bomb Eye-ran! (Parody)
AIPAC is pushing us to war with Iran for Israel - Eric Alterman
Re-Thinking Jeffrey Goldberg
VIDEO - The "wiping Israel off the map" myth part 1 of 2
VIDEO - Rumour of the century (wiping Israel off the map)
Europe's Obama cheers ring hollow in the Middle East
Here the US leader has much less power. Israel calls the shots, and the reality on the ground is gloomy and anti-peace
Hiroshima: Last military act of World War II or first act of the Cold War? by William Blum
GAZA Today
Sibel Edmonds - Greatest Hits
Rumour of the century (wiping Israel off the map)
Obama Op Ed on IRAQ - NYTimes
Obama Interviewed on Zionism and Palestinians
Zionist CNN, Sky & Fox Won't Show U This About Israel -Part1
GAZA - THE KILLING ZONE -- Zionist CNN, Sky & Fox Won't Show U This About Israel -Part1
Journalist Receives Death Threat for Talking About Israel - Alison Weir
If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!
Democrats Risk War with Iran to Serve Israel's Agenda
Cost Of Iraq War Reaches Vietnam Levels
Here are the report's estimated costs of major wars, in 2008 dollars, and their costs as a percentage of GDP in each of their peak years:--American R ...
Obama's Western Wall Prayer to God Retrieved and Reported for All
FAA Cutting Back Flights from Israel for Security Concerns
Top Astronaut Says ALIENS Already HERE!
They appear to be intelligent, inquisitive, and not hostile! Lucky for us they are not like us!
Rice Rushes Against Time
Obama's Younger Brother Found in UK and Kenya
Guard Confirms Late-Night Hotel Encounter Between Ex-Sen. John Edwards, Tabloid Reporters
National Enquirer Reporters File Law Suit Against Hotel to smoke out Edwards
Obama's Western Wall Prayer to God Retrieved and Reported for All
Obama's People Jump Overnight on NYTimes Reporter
Obama and the Dems also court and get the Big Money...
Yes they do. And yes they have to pay the price for what they do.
Top Dem Wesley Clark Says ‘N.Y. Money People’ Pushing War With Iran
Former Astronaut and Moon Walker Says ALIENS are here!
Chillingly, he claimed our technology is "not nearly as sophisticated" as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned "we would be been gone by now ...
London Times both Hypes and Mocks Obama
And it came to pass, in the eighth year of the reign of the evil Bush the Younger (The Ignorant), when the whole land from the Arabian desert to the s ...
Media Donations Favor Dems 100-1
AIPAC is pushing us to war with Iran for Israel
Why has Ameinu embarked upon this video initiative about the West Bank settlements?
Arabs Cave Again to American Pressure
Sen. Joe Lieberman praises pastor who said Holocaust was God's work
Obama to PM: Talks with Iran necessary to legitimize action
Here you have it. The Democratic Party wants to play the diplomacy card in order to line up the cards for an Israeli-U.S. war on IRAN, et. al.
Editorial: We need a U.S. leader unfettered by the Israel lobby - Haaretz
Haaretz Says U.S. Pres Free of Jewish Lobby Pressure Badly Needed
Obama Sticks to the U.S.-Israeli V ersion of the "Two-State Solution"
Obama Berlin Speech - Transcript
BARACK OBAMA BERLIN SPEECH: 'A WORLD THAT STANDS AS ONE' THURS JULY 24 2008 12:58:02 Thank you to the citizens of Berlin and to the people of Germany ...
Hagee's Jewish Ex. Dir. Explains
Hagee, Israel, and American Jews
McCain Dumps Hagee
Survey of American Jews
Open Letter from an Iranian to Congress
Jon Stewart on the Different Between Obama and Osama
Egyptian Police State Cracks Down on FaceBook Activists
Obama Live-Ticker in Germany: Der Spiegel
Most Expensive Cities, What a List!
FaceBook Expanding And Opening Up To New Applications
McCain's Big IRAQ Surge Error Not Shown by CBS
BUSH/Cheney Crimes and Misdemeanors
Slate's interactive guide: Who in the Bush administration broke the law, and who could be prosecuted?
Why the Press Is Ignoring the Edwards "Love Child" Story
100 Greatest Movies
Lieberman Talks To CUFI...NYTimes calls it 'Hagee's Group'
Blog - Jeffrey Goldberg of THE ATLANTIC
Like DC, NYC Subways Increasingly Slow and Unreliable
CUFI Starts - Media Doesn't. Wash Post Page 3 take on Hagee, CUFI, and being told they weren't welcome
Lieberman, CUFI, and Hagee Get Little Mention in Wash Post
They had quite a major banquet, dinner, rally, last night at the Convention Center in downtown Washington. Must have been 4 or 5 thousand of them sin ...
McCain Ad Mocks Media Adoration of Obama
The Truth About Torture
To get a full accounting of how U.S. interrogation methods were used, the president should give those accused of 'war crimes' a pass.
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Blasts Obama for ‘Fake Interviews’
John Edwards CAUGHT by the National Inquirer
Growing Food Problems in Cairo
CUFI on YouTube - Third D.C. Summit
This on the Internet from CUFI even as the Washington Post reports on 22 July 2008 that the media that turned up to hear Hagee and Bauer at the CUFI T ...
Coalition of Evangelicals Voices Support for Palestinian State - Opposes Hagee and CUFI
Will Lieberman Skip Hagee and CUFI Summit?
Will Lieberman Skip Hagee Event?
Netroots Wants Lieberman 'Punished'
Cell Phone - Cell Ranger - Review
Against the Wall: Israel's Barrier to Peace (Paperback)
NYT REJECTS MCCAIN'S EDITORIAL; SHOULD 'MIRROR' OBAMA Mon Jul 21 2008 12:00:25 ET An editorial written by Republican presidential hopeful McCain has ...
UK Brown Speaks to Knesset Focused on IRAN, as did Bush
Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Reparations Racket
Holocaust Cash Went To Shadowy Pal Of Ousted WJC Leader
William Blum on Dr. Stranglove Back Then
Bush's Banned Interview: An Insight Into Insanity
I came across an interview with President Bush on Irish television that caused a bit of a storm in 2004. The interview conducted by the tenacious Caro ...
Israelis And Palestinians - The Great Divide Has Gotten Greater
Coexistence projects bring Jews and Arabs together within Israel, but it is much harder to bridge the larger gap between Israel and the Palestinian te ...
Resistance in Palestine
The iron resistance of one Palestinian hamlet to Israel's 'ring of steel' has caught the imagination of the world's media
Goldberg of The Atlantic Interviews Obama on Hamas and Zionism
US NOT Changing Course on IRAN - Prelude to WAR
Democrats Risk War with Iran to Serve Israel's Agenda
Re: AIPAC is pushing us to war with Iran for Israel
War Crime Sold By Neocon Deception, IMPEACH NOW!
Obama Interviewed about Israel, Zionism, and Hamas
Re-Thinking Jeffrey Goldberg
Intrigued (and alarmed) by the new science of “neuromarketing,” our correspondent peers into his own brain via an MRI machine and learns what he reall ...
The Peace Process in THE ATLANTIC - Jeffrey Goldberg
The latest iteration of the never-ending Middle East peace process, launched in Annapolis late last year by President Bush, is in many ways a farce. O ...
US-led forces killed 9 Afghan police + others
U.S.-led troops and Afghan forces killed nine Afghan police Sunday, calling in airstrikes and fighting on the ground for four hours after both sides m ...
Gillerman: Iran likelier to use nukes via proxies
"The real fear is not that the Iranians will be crazy enough or stupid enough to launch a missile at Israel, but that they will have no compunction ab ...
US Election: Senior aide to Barack Obama says Obamamaniacs' hopes unrealistic
Afghanistan: The 'forgotten' war is back in the spotlight
Preparing the IRAN War
What is needed isn't just a new President – we sorely require a new foreign policy. Or, rather, a return to the old one, a policy derived from the tra ...
Seniors Use Internet
"Free Gaza" initiative to try and enter Gaza by sea and open port
More Gazan Students Trapped by Israel in Gaza
PLO Leader Challenges ICC About Sudan
Chinese HoneyTrap Bags Aid to British PM Brown
Thought control: it's the computer world's latest game plan
Israeli Soldiers Shoot at Palestinian Journalist
Israeli shoots Palestinian with hands bound point blank
Frances First First-Nude-Lady
Beijing Olympics: Battle for gold offers China first chance to 'defeat' America
The Olympic host is straining every sinew to dislodge the US from the top of the medals table, a badge of global superpower status.
Peace Now buses turned back from Hebron again after settlers protest
Hebron settlers successfully thwarted Peace Now's attempt to bring five busloads of visitors to their city on Friday. The tour was meant to highlight ...
Banks Dig Customers Deep Into Debt
GAO Says Little Political Progress in IRAQ
Pressing the President -- U.S. Comptroller General David Walker
What the Iraq War Is About - John Craig Roberts
What the Iraq War Is About
Bomb Eye-ran and let freedom ring!
I say Bomb Eye-ran! The inherently evil Ahmadinejad brought it upon himself by demanding oil compensation in euros. Oil has always been bought and so ...
US gives Iran two weeks to think again on enrichment
Deadline? Bluff? Preparations for Attack? Meanwhile, during this 'two-week deadline' the top Israeli military brass are on their way for a major 'v ...
Begin told British: quit Palestine or die
Should we be headlining this: Menachem Bin Laden?
Top Israeli Military on Way to U.S. for Major 'Visit'
July 19th, 2008 IDF SPOKESPERSON'S ANNOUNCEMENT IDF Chief of the General Staff Visits the United States Army The IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt ...
McCain Calls Obama 'Socialist'
White House Accidentally E-Mails to Reporters Story That Maliki Supports Obama Iraq Withdrawal Plan
Tom Friedman doesn't understand why America is unpopular in the world
'Compared to Us, Hamas Is Islamism Lite'
All about Israel Singer and the WJC
Wikipedia Tries Approval System to Reduce Vandalism on Pages
Iraq's Maliki Says Please Get Out Soon, Obama's Timeline About Right
Obama's aides furious at McCain for blabbing about Dem's Mideast trip
The Neocons, CUFI, Hagee, Lieberman, and the coming war with IRAN
Iraq : Celebrating 50 Years As A Republic. A Quick Look From 1958 Till Present.
IRAQ - 50 Years Ago Iraqi Revolution Expelled British
Fifty years after the Iraqi army toppled the pro-West monarchy on 14 July 1958, Iraqis who live in their now terror- stricken nation are too preoccupi ...
LATimes - Tough Talk in IRAN Continues as U.S. Envoy speeds to European Mt
Holocaust Cash Went To Shadowy Pal Of Ousted WJC Leader - Israel Singer
WJC Corruption over Holocaust Claims Money - Singer, Bronfman
Israel and the Clash of Civilisations - Jonathan Cook
We're Being Set Up for Wider War in the Middle East
Bigtime Gitmo Lawyer Takes Off Pants to Demonstrate Abuses
Obama Lifts off in Secrecy
Obama's Mid-East Tripped with Secrecy and Concerns
Obama Gives Final Burial to 'Undivided Jerusalem' Statement
Interviewer Fareed Zakaria asked: "One area where you're outside the international consensus -- and certainly, perhaps, some others -- is the statemen ...
Holocaust Cash Went To Shadowy Pal Of Ousted WJC Leader - Israel Singer
Finkelstein on Carter about Israeli Apartheid and His Critics
As Jimmy Carter's new book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid[1] climbs the bestseller list, the reaction of Israel's apologists scales new peaks of lun ...
Video THE WALL - Finkelstein and Weisglass on alJazeera
Democrats Aim to Reframe Iraq Debate
Israel's Benny Morris Threatens IRAN with nuclear obliteration in NYTimes
This frightening and threatening Op Ed rushed into print by those in power in both Israel and the U.S. the day before a critical meeting with the Iran ...
Nasrallah Wins Again
That is the essence of Zionism, which meant - or once meant - that Jews would never again be hapless murder victims with no one to defend them and av ...
Abbas slams Obama for saying Jerusalem to stay Israel's undivided capital
Ahead of Obama Visit Israelis Arrest Palestinian Plotters Against Bush
Olmert Jumps Right into Nasrallah's Trap
Ahead of Mideast trip, Obama backtracks on 'undivided' Jerusalem
Even Arab and Palestinian Ambs came to Israeli Amb Apartment to Say Goodbye
Samir Kuntar: I'm yearning more than ever to confront Israel
Anti-Semitism in the USA?
Haaretz Quotes DrudgeReport about Obama Security Concerns in Israel
U.S. Shifting in the Middle East - NYTimes
Listing of Palestinian Refugee Camps
GEORGE W. BUSH Sewage Plant on the Ballot in San Francisco
Israelis Make Arrests In Jerusalem Plot Against Bush
Indeed, if one things back abit, during Bush's visit to Israel earlier in the year a planned helicopter trip was traded in for a motorcade. That one ...
Cast of hundreds advises Obama on foreign policy
Behind the e-mail messages is a tight-knit group of aides supported by a huge 300-person foreign policy campaign bureaucracy, organized like a mini St ...
Poll: 55% Of American Jews See Mideast Peace As 'core' U.s. Interest
Israelis Beat Award-Winning Journalist with Diplomats Waiting
Obama Op Ed on IRAQ - NYTimes
NYTimes Editorial Endorses Obama on IRAQ and Afghanistan
Obama Speech on Foreign Policy - 15 July 2008
The Land of the Settlers - Chaim Yavin
McCain's AIPAC Speech - NYTimes
Lebanon Gives Hero Welcome to Released Fighters
ISRAEL and IRAN - Be Very Afraid
Israelis Target More Hamas Orgs, Schools, Philantropies
Israelis Kidnap and Imprison More Hamas Members from West Bank
Fearful and Under Israeli Control Blair Cancels Visit to Gaza
What Israel Must Do - Boston Globe Op Ed
China - Building Well and Big!
Prisoners' homecoming a triumph for Hezbollah
Cairo pines for its golden era
Obama's Israel Problem
Pope says world's resources being squandered
The world's natural resources are being squandered in the pursuit of "insatiable consumption," Pope Benedict XVI said Thursday in a speech urging foll ...
Syria says Sudan genocide charges dangerous
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - Syria's foreign minister says genocide charges against Sudan's president have set a dangerous precedent. Walid al-Moallem says ...
The Zionist Freedom Alliance: Pro-Israel Revolution on Campus
Iran president would welcome direct talks with US
ran's hardline president said Monday he would welcome direct talks with the U.S. if both parties are on equal footing, adding such talks could happen ...
IRAN Plans Large-Scale Air Force and Military War Games
Lieberman Rips Obama for LACK OF CONVICTION
McCain Defends Non-existent Czechleslovakia
Dedication of Abrahams Herberge in 2003
Abrahams House: A Reality at Last: After seven long years of prayer, work, construction, delays, curfews, closures and determination, Abrahams House ( ...
Now National Review Pokes at John and Cindy on the Cover
Palestinian conflict hits cyberspace
Hillary Alrady Preparing for 2012 Race
Prof Richard Falk, now U.N. Official, Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11
Obama Iraq Speech: US Strategy Is Unsound
OBAMA - Huge Racial Gap
Americans are sharply divided by race ahead of the first presidential election in which a black candidate will represent a major party, a New York Tim ...
Iran has clear "red lines" in nuclear talks
Metallica - New Music and Video Games
Baghdad Under Urge - March 2007