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  • July 2008 Archives

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    Hamas' Christian convert: I've left a society that sanctifies terror
    "Send regards to Israel, I miss it. I respect Israel and admire it as a country," he says. "You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have ... more

    John Hagee`s CUFI Conference Mixes End-Times Prophecies With With Lobbying

    Philip Weiss attacks J Street. Why he`s wrong.

    Why This Election Is the Armageddon of the Neocons and the 2-State Solution

    Obama on Iran, Syria, and Jerusalem - Interview in Jerusalem Post
    On Wednesday evening, toward the end of his packed one-day visit here, Barack Obama, the Democratic senator who is leading the race for the White Hous ... more

    Memo to '60 Minutes' Producers: Take 'The Israel Lobby' to the Israel Lobby

    China plunges into controversy with Internet backflip

    'J Street' Is Gutless Re AIPAC

    J-Street Says We Are Not Anti-AIPAC

    Israel revives West Bank settlement plans

    Arabs under siege as Israel tightens grip on Holy City
    The battle for Jerusalem is entering a new phase as Israel continues to build new settlements in the east of the city and a series of violent attacks ... more

    Obama and Appologizing to American Indians

    Obama Tells Dems ISRAEL Likely to STRIKE IRAN outrage, no opposition, no sense of let's stop this... Is Obama being used by AIPAC and the Israelis? Is Obama just naive not realizing t ... more

    Reviving U.S. Leadership in the Middle East - Report from Dem Party Think-Tank

    Torture of Palestinians Widespread
    Of course it all started with widespread torture by the Israelis of Palestinians with American connivance. Then it spread to Palestinian torture of ... more

    ANALYSIS: Israeli security forces losing control in the West Bank

    Hamas to Fatah: Only Zionist protection keeping you safe in West Bank

    Barak: U.S. to provide Israel with defense systems against Iran strike

    Abbas Ultimatum to Israel: Don't Release Hamas Prisoners! PA and Abbas In Danger of Going Down
    Imagine this. It's not an ultimatum about settlements, about Apartheid, about raids and killings and brutality by the occupying military. It's inste ... more

    Palestinian conflict hits cyberspace

    Stop War on IRAN

    Perle Linked to Kurdish Oil Deals and Money

    Nightmare on J-Street Says New Republic

    Jerusalem Ignored Says Moshe Arens

    J-Street Ex Dir Writes in Haaretz

    Olmert: Syria must choose between peace and isolation
    Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Tuesday that Syria must make a strategic choice between peace and isolation, as a new round of mediated peace talks be ... more

    The Military-Industrial Complex It's Much Later Than You Think

    High court in Turkey expected to ban party
    A legal expert, asked by the court to review the AKP case, concluded in his report that the party should not be banned, but the recommendation is not ... more

    Pak Newspaper receives threats for liberal voice

    Campaign ads attack GOP candidates for oil industry ties

    McCain's Many Lobby Connections

    Richard Perle Cashing In - True BLOOD for OIL Deals

    Pelosi: 'I'm trying to save the planet'

    Scarborough: Spy thriller on Middle East offers unique insights

    U.S. Alliance With the Kurds?

    How Barack Obama learned to love Israel - 2007

    A Counterinsurgency Guide for Politicos
    Eighth in a Series: The Rise of the Counterinsurgents

    Rice Adviser: Iraq Invasion Was 'F*cking Stupid'

    Who Are We? One World, One Humanity, One Family

    Leftists' dreams die hard in Egypt
    'Mubarak has kept us so distracted by trying to earn a living that we have time or energy for nothing else,' says one. 'We've lost a younger generatio ... more

    Pakistan plans a push into its tribal areas

    Who Are We? One World, One Humanity, One Family

    Bush Forced al-Maliki to Back Down on Pullout in 2006

    Bush Will Issue a Mass Pardon

    The Military-Industrial Complex It's Much Later Than You Think

    Ford Foundation still funding anti-Israel groups

    Fourth World War by Subcommander Marcos - VIDEO

    The Israel Lobby - Video Documentary
    For many years now the American foreign policy has been characterized by the strong tie between the United States and Israel. Does the United States i ... more

    Gates Says NO to IRAN War...but...
    A war with Iran would be "disastrous on a number of levels," according to U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.In an article appearing in the latest ... more

    Israelis Use Ceasefire with Hamas to Prepare for WAR

    VIDEO - Iraqi Testifies Before Congress

    New Israeli Anti-Nuke Organizations Goes Public
    This debate cannot be suppressed any longer

    John Hagee`s CUFI Conference Mixes End-Times Prophecies With With Lobbying

    Lieberman At CUFI Conference: U.S. Should Attack Iran, God Hates Israel`s Enemies

    'Compared to Us, Hamas Is Islamism Lite'

    NYTimes Lets Top Israeli Argue for Nuke Attack on IRAN!
    Benny Morris argues for nuclear genocide against Iran by Justin Raimondo July 21, 2008 Evil usually hides its face, because the sight of it repulse ... more

    Obama is wrong about Afghanistan - Juan Cole

    The Smallest, BUT VERY IMPORTANT, New Israeli Settlement

    Iran in the Spotlight at Christian Zionist Confab

    Officials: US talks to Iran to legitimize attack

    Chaim Yavin - Israel Walter Cronkite - in 2005
    CHAIM YAVINWhat Israel must doBy Chaim Yavin

    Defense Dept. imposes loyalty test on American Jews - IL

    STRATCOM Cancels Controversial Preemption Nuke Strike Plan
    The U.S. military has canceled a controversial war plan designed to strike adversaries promptly - even preemptively - with conventional and nuclear we ... more

    Obama is saying the wrong things about Afghanistan

    If Iran is Attacking It Might Really be Israel

    Free Gaza Movement - Boat to Gaza

    Sailing to Gaza

    Gates Says NO to IRAN War...but...
    A war with Iran would be "disastrous on a number of levels," according to U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. In an article appearing in the late ... more

    Father of bulldozer terrorist: 'Someone messed with my son's head'

    Syria envoy to U.S.: Israel has chance for peace with all Arabs
    Syria is interested in securing a peace agreement with Israel that would see a normalization of ties and end to the longstanding state of war between ... more

    UN report: At 45%, Gaza unemployment is highest in the world

    Olmert: Living with 270,000 Arabs in Jerusalem means more terror

    Allawi Testifies before Congress

    Israel's Debate Over an Iran Strike
    Active and retired Israeli intelligence officials interviewed by TIME tended to dismiss Iran's threats of retaliation against Israel and the U.S. Ephr ... more

    Top-level U.S.-Israel War Meetings Accelerating

    Tangled Web of Allegiances Leads Back to Tehran

    Christian Zionists Target IRAN - CUFI 2008

    Palestinian family fights settlers - Jerusalem Battles - Jonathan Cook

    Jerusalem Area Palestinians Fight Back with New Mosque - E1 Encroaches

    A Brazen Evil Benny Morris argues for nuclear genocide against Iran

    Obama's Romantic Revolution
    Barack Obama's promises to heal the world were lapped up in Berlin on Thursday. His speech was a masterpiece in the art of political magic -- and it w ... more

    CENTCOM's Master Plan and U.S. Global Hegemony

    Israel Tries to Assassinate Hamas Head in Amman in 1997 - Victor Ostrovsky
    Bungled Amman Assassination Plot Exposes Rift Within Israeli Government Over Peace Negotiations By Victor Ostrovsky There is only one thing more dan ... more

    Peace Now Interviews Syrian Amb

    Rice presses Israel, PA to agree on document ahead of UN meet

    Beilin Calls It Wrong Again about 'Peace Process'

    If Iran is Attacking It Might Really be Israel
    The Benny Morris op-ed in the NYT last Friday should provide convincing evidence that Israel really really really wants an attack against Iran sooner ... more

    Report: Ex-Mossad chief says strike on Iran could 'affect us for 100 years'

    Obama to Israeli PM: Iran action legitimate only if talks fail
    Obama reportedly told Olmert that he is interested in meeting the Iranians in order to issue clear ultimatums. "If after that, they still show no wil ... more

    Moon astronaut says we're not alone

    Israel's Walter Cronkite on WHAT ISRAEL MUST DO
    My answer is: Let's not base our existence on the acquisition of more and more land, but on building, within recognized borders, a better society, bas ... more

    All About Israeli Settlements

    Who is doing real journalism?

    VIDEO - War Crime Sold By Neocon Deception, IMPEACH NOW

    Israeli in Boston Globe - WHAT ISRAEL MUST DO

    Zbig Says NO to Obama's Afghanistan Surge


    NYTimes Op Ed - Ta.king Sense About IRAQ

    300 Foreign Policy Advisers for OBAMA

    LATimes Middle East Blog

    Debut of Salon Radio with Glenn Greenwald: An interview with Dan Ellsberg

    Obama Vs. Susan Rice On Meeting With Iran's Ahmedinejad

    Hagee, Lieberman at Strategic Pivot to Possible War With Iran
    CUFI, and the Christian Zionist/Jewish alliance represented by Senator Joseph Lieberman's appearance at Christians United For Israel 2008, has conside ... more

    Defense Dept. imposes loyalty test on American Jews

    JERUSALEM - 3-part special in the LATIMES

    Tom Friedman doesn't understand why America is unpopular in the world

    I say Bomb Eye-ran! (Parody)

    AIPAC is pushing us to war with Iran for Israel - Eric Alterman

    Re-Thinking Jeffrey Goldberg

    VIDEO - The "wiping Israel off the map" myth part 1 of 2

    VIDEO - Rumour of the century (wiping Israel off the map)

    Europe's Obama cheers ring hollow in the Middle East
    Here the US leader has much less power. Israel calls the shots, and the reality on the ground is gloomy and anti-peace

    Hiroshima: Last military act of World War II or first act of the Cold War? by William Blum

    GAZA Today

    Sibel Edmonds - Greatest Hits

    Rumour of the century (wiping Israel off the map)

    Obama Op Ed on IRAQ - NYTimes

    Obama Interviewed on Zionism and Palestinians

    Zionist CNN, Sky & Fox Won't Show U This About Israel -Part1

    GAZA - THE KILLING ZONE -- Zionist CNN, Sky & Fox Won't Show U This About Israel -Part1

    Journalist Receives Death Threat for Talking About Israel - Alison Weir

    If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!


    Democrats Risk War with Iran to Serve Israel's Agenda

    Cost Of Iraq War Reaches Vietnam Levels
    Here are the report's estimated costs of major wars, in 2008 dollars, and their costs as a percentage of GDP in each of their peak years:--American R ... more

    Obama's Western Wall Prayer to God Retrieved and Reported for All

    FAA Cutting Back Flights from Israel for Security Concerns

    Top Astronaut Says ALIENS Already HERE!
    They appear to be intelligent, inquisitive, and not hostile! Lucky for us they are not like us!

    Rice Rushes Against Time

    Obama's Younger Brother Found in UK and Kenya

    Guard Confirms Late-Night Hotel Encounter Between Ex-Sen. John Edwards, Tabloid Reporters

    National Enquirer Reporters File Law Suit Against Hotel to smoke out Edwards

    Obama's Western Wall Prayer to God Retrieved and Reported for All

    Obama's People Jump Overnight on NYTimes Reporter

    Obama and the Dems also court and get the Big Money...
    Yes they do. And yes they have to pay the price for what they do.

    Top Dem Wesley Clark Says ‘N.Y. Money People’ Pushing War With Iran

    Former Astronaut and Moon Walker Says ALIENS are here!
    Chillingly, he claimed our technology is "not nearly as sophisticated" as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned "we would be been gone by now ... more

    London Times both Hypes and Mocks Obama
    And it came to pass, in the eighth year of the reign of the evil Bush the Younger (The Ignorant), when the whole land from the Arabian desert to the s ... more

    Media Donations Favor Dems 100-1

    AIPAC is pushing us to war with Iran for Israel

    Why has Ameinu embarked upon this video initiative about the West Bank settlements?

    Arabs Cave Again to American Pressure

    Sen. Joe Lieberman praises pastor who said Holocaust was God's work

    Obama to PM: Talks with Iran necessary to legitimize action
    Here you have it. The Democratic Party wants to play the diplomacy card in order to line up the cards for an Israeli-U.S. war on IRAN, et. al. ... more

    Editorial: We need a U.S. leader unfettered by the Israel lobby - Haaretz

    Haaretz Says U.S. Pres Free of Jewish Lobby Pressure Badly Needed

    Obama Sticks to the U.S.-Israeli V ersion of the "Two-State Solution"

    Obama Berlin Speech - Transcript
    BARACK OBAMA BERLIN SPEECH: 'A WORLD THAT STANDS AS ONE' THURS JULY 24 2008 12:58:02 Thank you to the citizens of Berlin and to the people of Germany ... more

    Hagee's Jewish Ex. Dir. Explains

    Hagee, Israel, and American Jews

    McCain Dumps Hagee

    Survey of American Jews

    Open Letter from an Iranian to Congress

    Jon Stewart on the Different Between Obama and Osama

    Egyptian Police State Cracks Down on FaceBook Activists

    Obama Live-Ticker in Germany: Der Spiegel

    Most Expensive Cities, What a List!

    FaceBook Expanding And Opening Up To New Applications

    McCain's Big IRAQ Surge Error Not Shown by CBS

    BUSH/Cheney Crimes and Misdemeanors
    Slate's interactive guide: Who in the Bush administration broke the law, and who could be prosecuted?

    Why the Press Is Ignoring the Edwards "Love Child" Story

    100 Greatest Movies

    Lieberman Talks To CUFI...NYTimes calls it 'Hagee's Group'

    Blog - Jeffrey Goldberg of THE ATLANTIC

    Like DC, NYC Subways Increasingly Slow and Unreliable

    CUFI Starts - Media Doesn't. Wash Post Page 3 take on Hagee, CUFI, and being told they weren't welcome

    Lieberman, CUFI, and Hagee Get Little Mention in Wash Post
    They had quite a major banquet, dinner, rally, last night at the Convention Center in downtown Washington. Must have been 4 or 5 thousand of them sin ... more

    McCain Ad Mocks Media Adoration of Obama

    The Truth About Torture
    To get a full accounting of how U.S. interrogation methods were used, the president should give those accused of 'war crimes' a pass.

    NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Blasts Obama for ‘Fake Interviews’


    John Edwards CAUGHT by the National Inquirer

    Growing Food Problems in Cairo

    CUFI on YouTube - Third D.C. Summit
    This on the Internet from CUFI even as the Washington Post reports on 22 July 2008 that the media that turned up to hear Hagee and Bauer at the CUFI T ... more

    Coalition of Evangelicals Voices Support for Palestinian State - Opposes Hagee and CUFI

    Will Lieberman Skip Hagee and CUFI Summit?

    Will Lieberman Skip Hagee Event?

    Netroots Wants Lieberman 'Punished'

    Cell Phone - Cell Ranger - Review

    Against the Wall: Israel's Barrier to Peace (Paperback)

    NYT REJECTS MCCAIN'S EDITORIAL; SHOULD 'MIRROR' OBAMA Mon Jul 21 2008 12:00:25 ET An editorial written by Republican presidential hopeful McCain has ... more

    UK Brown Speaks to Knesset Focused on IRAN, as did Bush

    Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Reparations Racket
    Holocaust Cash Went To Shadowy Pal Of Ousted WJC Leader

    William Blum on Dr. Stranglove Back Then

    Bush's Banned Interview: An Insight Into Insanity
    I came across an interview with President Bush on Irish television that caused a bit of a storm in 2004. The interview conducted by the tenacious Caro ... more

    Israelis And Palestinians - The Great Divide Has Gotten Greater
    Coexistence projects bring Jews and Arabs together within Israel, but it is much harder to bridge the larger gap between Israel and the Palestinian te ... more

    Resistance in Palestine
    The iron resistance of one Palestinian hamlet to Israel's 'ring of steel' has caught the imagination of the world's media

    Goldberg of The Atlantic Interviews Obama on Hamas and Zionism

    US NOT Changing Course on IRAN - Prelude to WAR

    Democrats Risk War with Iran to Serve Israel's Agenda

    Re: AIPAC is pushing us to war with Iran for Israel

    War Crime Sold By Neocon Deception, IMPEACH NOW!

    Obama Interviewed about Israel, Zionism, and Hamas

    Re-Thinking Jeffrey Goldberg
    Intrigued (and alarmed) by the new science of “neuromarketing,” our correspondent peers into his own brain via an MRI machine and learns what he reall ... more

    The Peace Process in THE ATLANTIC - Jeffrey Goldberg
    The latest iteration of the never-ending Middle East peace process, launched in Annapolis late last year by President Bush, is in many ways a farce. O ... more

    US-led forces killed 9 Afghan police + others
    U.S.-led troops and Afghan forces killed nine Afghan police Sunday, calling in airstrikes and fighting on the ground for four hours after both sides m ... more

    Gillerman: Iran likelier to use nukes via proxies
    "The real fear is not that the Iranians will be crazy enough or stupid enough to launch a missile at Israel, but that they will have no compunction ab ... more

    US Election: Senior aide to Barack Obama says Obamamaniacs' hopes unrealistic

    Afghanistan: The 'forgotten' war is back in the spotlight

    Preparing the IRAN War
    What is needed isn't just a new President – we sorely require a new foreign policy. Or, rather, a return to the old one, a policy derived from the tra ... more

    Seniors Use Internet

    "Free Gaza" initiative to try and enter Gaza by sea and open port

    More Gazan Students Trapped by Israel in Gaza

    PLO Leader Challenges ICC About Sudan

    Chinese HoneyTrap Bags Aid to British PM Brown

    Thought control: it's the computer world's latest game plan

    Israeli Soldiers Shoot at Palestinian Journalist

    Israeli shoots Palestinian with hands bound point blank

    Frances First First-Nude-Lady

    Beijing Olympics: Battle for gold offers China first chance to 'defeat' America
    The Olympic host is straining every sinew to dislodge the US from the top of the medals table, a badge of global superpower status.
    Peace Now buses turned back from Hebron again after settlers protest
    Hebron settlers successfully thwarted Peace Now's attempt to bring five busloads of visitors to their city on Friday. The tour was meant to highlight ... more

    Banks Dig Customers Deep Into Debt

    GAO Says Little Political Progress in IRAQ

    Pressing the President -- U.S. Comptroller General David Walker

    What the Iraq War Is About - John Craig Roberts
    What the Iraq War Is About

    Bomb Eye-ran and let freedom ring!
    I say Bomb Eye-ran! The inherently evil Ahmadinejad brought it upon himself by demanding oil compensation in euros. Oil has always been bought and so ... more

    US gives Iran two weeks to think again on enrichment
    Deadline? Bluff? Preparations for Attack? Meanwhile, during this 'two-week deadline' the top Israeli military brass are on their way for a major 'v ... more

    Begin told British: quit Palestine or die
    Should we be headlining this: Menachem Bin Laden?

    Top Israeli Military on Way to U.S. for Major 'Visit'
    July 19th, 2008 IDF SPOKESPERSON'S ANNOUNCEMENT IDF Chief of the General Staff Visits the United States Army The IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt ... more

    McCain Calls Obama 'Socialist'

    White House Accidentally E-Mails to Reporters Story That Maliki Supports Obama Iraq Withdrawal Plan

    Tom Friedman doesn't understand why America is unpopular in the world

    'Compared to Us, Hamas Is Islamism Lite'

    All about Israel Singer and the WJC

    Wikipedia Tries Approval System to Reduce Vandalism on Pages

    Iraq's Maliki Says Please Get Out Soon, Obama's Timeline About Right

    Obama's aides furious at McCain for blabbing about Dem's Mideast trip

    The Neocons, CUFI, Hagee, Lieberman, and the coming war with IRAN

    Iraq : Celebrating 50 Years As A Republic. A Quick Look From 1958 Till Present.

    IRAQ - 50 Years Ago Iraqi Revolution Expelled British
    Fifty years after the Iraqi army toppled the pro-West monarchy on 14 July 1958, Iraqis who live in their now terror- stricken nation are too preoccupi ... more

    LATimes - Tough Talk in IRAN Continues as U.S. Envoy speeds to European Mt

    Holocaust Cash Went To Shadowy Pal Of Ousted WJC Leader - Israel Singer

    WJC Corruption over Holocaust Claims Money - Singer, Bronfman

    Israel and the Clash of Civilisations - Jonathan Cook

    We're Being Set Up for Wider War in the Middle East

    Bigtime Gitmo Lawyer Takes Off Pants to Demonstrate Abuses

    Obama Lifts off in Secrecy

    Obama's Mid-East Tripped with Secrecy and Concerns

    Obama Gives Final Burial to 'Undivided Jerusalem' Statement
    Interviewer Fareed Zakaria asked: "One area where you're outside the international consensus -- and certainly, perhaps, some others -- is the statemen ... more

    Holocaust Cash Went To Shadowy Pal Of Ousted WJC Leader - Israel Singer

    Finkelstein on Carter about Israeli Apartheid and His Critics
    As Jimmy Carter's new book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid[1] climbs the bestseller list, the reaction of Israel's apologists scales new peaks of lun ... more

    Video THE WALL - Finkelstein and Weisglass on alJazeera

    Democrats Aim to Reframe Iraq Debate

    Israel's Benny Morris Threatens IRAN with nuclear obliteration in NYTimes
    This frightening and threatening Op Ed rushed into print by those in power in both Israel and the U.S. the day before a critical meeting with the Iran ... more

    Nasrallah Wins Again
    That is the essence of Zionism, which meant - or once meant - that Jews would never again be hapless murder victims with no one to defend them and av ... more

    Abbas slams Obama for saying Jerusalem to stay Israel's undivided capital

    Ahead of Obama Visit Israelis Arrest Palestinian Plotters Against Bush

    Olmert Jumps Right into Nasrallah's Trap

    Ahead of Mideast trip, Obama backtracks on 'undivided' Jerusalem

    Even Arab and Palestinian Ambs came to Israeli Amb Apartment to Say Goodbye

    Samir Kuntar: I'm yearning more than ever to confront Israel

    Anti-Semitism in the USA?

    Haaretz Quotes DrudgeReport about Obama Security Concerns in Israel

    U.S. Shifting in the Middle East - NYTimes

    Listing of Palestinian Refugee Camps

    GEORGE W. BUSH Sewage Plant on the Ballot in San Francisco

    Israelis Make Arrests In Jerusalem Plot Against Bush
    Indeed, if one things back abit, during Bush's visit to Israel earlier in the year a planned helicopter trip was traded in for a motorcade. That one ... more

    Cast of hundreds advises Obama on foreign policy
    Behind the e-mail messages is a tight-knit group of aides supported by a huge 300-person foreign policy campaign bureaucracy, organized like a mini St ... more

    Poll: 55% Of American Jews See Mideast Peace As 'core' U.s. Interest

    Israelis Beat Award-Winning Journalist with Diplomats Waiting

    Obama Op Ed on IRAQ - NYTimes

    NYTimes Editorial Endorses Obama on IRAQ and Afghanistan

    Obama Speech on Foreign Policy - 15 July 2008

    The Land of the Settlers - Chaim Yavin

    McCain's AIPAC Speech - NYTimes

    Lebanon Gives Hero Welcome to Released Fighters

    ISRAEL and IRAN - Be Very Afraid

    Israelis Target More Hamas Orgs, Schools, Philantropies

    Israelis Kidnap and Imprison More Hamas Members from West Bank

    Economist - THE VIEW FROM CLUB MED

    Fearful and Under Israeli Control Blair Cancels Visit to Gaza

    What Israel Must Do - Boston Globe Op Ed


    China - Building Well and Big!

    Prisoners' homecoming a triumph for Hezbollah

    Cairo pines for its golden era

    Obama's Israel Problem

    Pope says world's resources being squandered
    The world's natural resources are being squandered in the pursuit of "insatiable consumption," Pope Benedict XVI said Thursday in a speech urging foll ... more

    Syria says Sudan genocide charges dangerous
    DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - Syria's foreign minister says genocide charges against Sudan's president have set a dangerous precedent. Walid al-Moallem says ... more

    The Zionist Freedom Alliance: Pro-Israel Revolution on Campus

    Iran president would welcome direct talks with US
    ran's hardline president said Monday he would welcome direct talks with the U.S. if both parties are on equal footing, adding such talks could happen ... more

    IRAN Plans Large-Scale Air Force and Military War Games

    Lieberman Rips Obama for LACK OF CONVICTION

    McCain Defends Non-existent Czechleslovakia

    Dedication of Abrahams Herberge in 2003
    Abrahams House: A Reality at Last: After seven long years of prayer, work, construction, delays, curfews, closures and determination, Abrahams House ( ... more

    Now National Review Pokes at John and Cindy on the Cover

    Palestinian conflict hits cyberspace

    Hillary Alrady Preparing for 2012 Race

    Prof Richard Falk, now U.N. Official, Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11

    Obama Iraq Speech: US Strategy Is Unsound

    OBAMA - Huge Racial Gap
    Americans are sharply divided by race ahead of the first presidential election in which a black candidate will represent a major party, a New York Tim ... more

    Iran has clear "red lines" in nuclear talks

    Metallica - New Music and Video Games

    Baghdad Under Urge - March 2007

    Israel Lobby Says No to Senator Hagel

    Sen. Graham: Obama’s Speech ‘Breathtaking’ In That He ‘Completely Misunderstands the World’

    Obama Major Foreign Policy Speech - 15 July 2008

    Official: US envoy to meet Iranian nuke negotiator

    Video: Obama's Speech On Iraq

    Obama says New Yorker insulted Muslim Americans

    Gaza: Long History of Wars and Defiance

    Lebanese Plan Festive Ceremonies; Israelis Somber

    Hiroshima: Last military act of World War II or first act of the Cold War? by William Blum

    Israeli soldiers torture 10-year-old in his house

    This Recession could easily tip into a Depression
    The debt crisis, the banking crisis, the property crisis, the oil crisis, the shift to Asia, the bear market in stocks, are huge global adjustments t ... more

    Interview with NEW YORK Editor David Remnick on the OBAMAS COVER

    New Yorker OBAMAs

    CBS Lara Logan Says U.S. TV News Bad - She'd 'Blow Her Brains Out' If She Had To Watch Daily

    Abourezk Writes of World War III Blues

    Will Israel and / or the U.S. Attack Iran?
    Today it is already clear that the real American aim (as I have asserted in this column right from the beginning) was to take possession of the Caspia ... more

    Big War Preparations in Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Israel

    US Has 1 Million + on Terror Watch List

    South Africans Sign Statement Saying Israeli Policies are Worse Than Apartheid

    Ariel Sharon Quotes - Bush About "Sharon is Man of Peace"

    Cheney to Middle East to Prepare IRAN War

    Israelis Claim Iranians Now in Lebanon with Hezbollah

    Hizballah Brings out Iranian Silkworm to Hit Israel Navy Corvette

    SHELLING LEBANON - Another Israeli Tells
    Ron Gerlitz April 1996, Operation "Grapes of Wrath" is at its peak. I am a commander of a Dvorah-type naval war ship. The ship is sent every day to ... more

    WITH or WITHOUT NUKES - Israelis Fear IRAN because...

    IRAN's PLAN HELL - Tourists and Journalists sent as Spies to US and West
    ...Agents of Iranian intelligence are posing as tourists and journalists and collecting information about "diplomatic and military sites" in the West, ... more

    U.S. Top 'Intelligence Analyst' Says NO to WAR with IRAN...NO to the Neocons
    What he said was like a thumb in the eye to neoconservatives and assorted other sabre-rattlers.

    Arab Anger Forces Obama to Backtrack on Jerusalem

    'This is like apartheid': ANC veterans visit West Bank

    Video - Finkelstein about 'The Wall'

    Program - SCRIBEFIRE

    Israeli Spying on U.S. - Cover article in THE CONSERVATIVE

    Mediterranean union wants to rid Mideast of WMDs

    Oliver Stone "W" Stars Arrested;_ylt=Ao.BeIbr8mvT_sV2X74RnMcUewgF

    Syria and Israel Keep Apart in Paris

    Hamas Rejects Abbas As American-Israeli Agent
    He also described Fayyad as “the most dangerous man in the history of the Palestinian cause because of his US-backed ideas that he has tried to implem ... more

    Israel & Palestine: Demanding Co-existence: Book Review
    DARK HOPE Working for Peace in Israel and Palestine by David Shulman University of Chicago, 2007

    Bush/Cheney Trying End Run Around Collapsed US-Iraq 'Status of Forces' Agreement
    The UN Security Counsel is unlikely to intervene on its own against the proposed "status of forces" language. But increased rumblings in the Iraqi par ... more

    Saudi Interfaith Conf in Madrid Opens Wed

    Israel and U.S. Prepare to Attack IRAN - 'Different Middle East ' coming within 3 months Olmert Declares
    In Israel, Ehud Olmert, the prime minister, has his own domestic problems with a corruption scandal that threatens to unseat him and the media have be ... more

    The Iranian Oil Bomb - Major Step Toward Greater WAR!
    As War with IRAN approaches the Americans and Israelis are already secretly shooting and publicly threatening. Now IRAN is making a major economic sh ... more

    The Dogs of War - Treated Better than the People
    The US treats the canine victims of its adventure in Iraq better than it does the millions of humans displaced

    US, Iraq Long-Term Security Deal Abandoned

    9+ U.S. Killed in Massive Attack in Afghanistan
    A multi-pronged militant assault on a small, remote U.S. base killed nine American soldiers and wounded 15 Sunday in the deadliest attack on U.S. forc ... more

    IRAN Bombs America With 'The Oil Bomb'
    Before you get too excited, let me caution you that the assumption that that America will suddenly collapse is wishful thinking. It is we who are mor ... more

    With Indictment Looming Olmert Tries Proclaiming Peace with Palestinians Near
    "It seems to me that we have never been as close to the possibility of reaching an accord as we are today," he said, standing along Abbas and Sarkozy ... more

    Very Rare State Funeral for Thatcher Being Planned
    Margaret Thatcher is to be given the ultimate accolade of a State funeral when she reaches the end of her days – the first British Prime Minister sinc ... more

    An itchy finger on the taunt button
    Last week Iran fired a volley of missile tests. Was it the latest move from an apocalyptic president who loves to goad the West?
    Flop fears loom over Nicolas Sarkozy's grand plan for Mediterranean Union

    Cameras change picture of West Bank violence
    Palestinian victims of violence by Israeli settlers have been given a valuable weapon to bring their attackers to justice

    Exclusive: Bush lobbyist in ‘cash for access’ row
    A lobbyist with close ties to the White House is offering access to key figures in George W Bush’s administration in return for six-figure donations t ... more

    Analysis: Words that hide the withdrawal

    Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total and BP return to Iraq

    Liberal Jews support Obama in part because they blame the Jews too

    Obama, The Jewish Left And AIPAC

    International Justice and Impunity: The Case of the United States Review of Wiliam Blum's book

    How Bib and Mossad Bungled the Hamas Assassination in Amman

    Israeli Espionage in and on the U.S.A.

    Wash Post Hypes War with IRAN

    Selling War On IRAN - Nir Rosen

    CBS Lara Logan - From War to Tabloids
    The pregnancy was unplanned. Logan says she lost one of her fallopian tubes during an ectopic pregnancy years ago and believed at her age it was high ... more

    Shanghai Vs. Beijing - Wash Post Feature
    This is China's most fashion-conscious metropolis, its most dynamic business center and the Chinese city most open to foreigners. Shanghai is home to ... more

    Bush backs Israeli plan for strike on Iran - London Sunday Times
    President George W Bush has told the Israeli government that he may be prepared to approve a future military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities...De ... more

    Jewish “Klansmen” tie Palestinian to power pole, beat him savagely
    Jewish “Klansmen” tie Palestinian to power pole, beat him savagely [ 06/07/2008 ] From Khalid Amayreh in el-Sammou, Hebron Even in his wildest dream ... more

    Under the pretext of fighting Hamas: Israel launches all-out war on Islamic institutions in the West Bank
    Thousands of American-trained Palestinian “national security forces” are stationed in Nablus, but their tasks are confined to fighting anti-Israeli ac ... more

    Anniversary #2 - Siniora: 33-day war a blow to Israel
    Israel launched a devastating war against Lebanon on July 12, 2006 to 'crush Hezbollah' and secure the release of two Israeli soldiers captured by t ... more

    Iran Says Talks with US Need No Third Parties

    Iran will target US bases if attacked

    Iraqi Govt Now Says It Wants Control of Green Zone


    Bush's Banned Interview: An Insight Into Insanity
    MER was publishing in 2004 - Our Readers didn't miss it, and that was back in 2004 when it still really mattered.

    Clinton Reconfigures as THE DENVER GROUP with Catchy Ad

    Hillary Reborn as THE DENVER GROUP

    Clintonites Not Finished - Pushing Obama Down Hoping for Upset in Denver

    Israel's Great Divide - Feature in THE GUARDIAN
    About this seriesIt has been called a 'wall', a 'security fence' and an 'obstacle' to terrorists. When it is finished it will run 450 miles and will h ... more

    AUDIO REPORT - Guardian Weekly: Special focus on West Bank barrier
    The barrier in the West Bank and East Jerusalem that separates Israelis from Palestinians continues to divide them – and not just in a physical sense. ... more


    Living alongside the enemy - Letters from Jerusalem
    Coexistence projects bring Jews and Arabs together within Israel, but it is much harder to bridge the larger gap between Israel and the Palestinian te ... more

    ISRAEL'S GREAT WALL - Feature in The Guardian Click here to find out more! Welcome

    iPhone killer-app is letting users choose software

    US Tells Pakistanis Get With It Or Else!
    The threat to Pakistan has been there for some time. Still President Musharaff actually blurted it out at one point when he was hawking his book. We ... more

    U.S. Prepares to Strike in Pakistan, Israel in Iran
    Admiral Mullens, top military man after the Bush/Cheney Administration pushed out both General Peter Pace and Admiral William Fallon, has been persona ... more

    U.S. Attempt to Lock In IRAQ Control Fails
    The real headline here is Bush/Cheney/Neocons Fail to lock in control of Iraq. And the real subhead here is that Prime Minister Maliki and his U.S.-fi ... more

    U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11 - Richard Falk

    IRAN Threat - U.S. Public Anti-Iran and Pro-Attack IF...

    Electoral College Leans Obama

    deBakey dies at 99

    Iran to target '32 US bases' & Heart of Israel if attacked
    Iran will target "32 US bases and the heart of Israel" if it is attacked, the Fars news agency quoted an aide to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ... more

    Literally Running for Office, Iraq PM + Give Out Cash on the Street
    "Money is not a problem," al-Maliki told a recent gathering of tribal chiefs in the southern city of Basra, after government forces had defeated Shiit ... more

    Syrians Want Much More Arms from Russia

    Ex-Israel Leader Urges Peace deal of Israel, Syria

    Israelis Appeal to Bush to Save Palestinian Collaborator Sentenced to Death by PA
    It's a remarkable situation really. Rather than taking this up with their partner Abbas in Ramallah, the Israelis take the case to the American Presi ... more

    IRAQ: Marines admit they killed prisoners

    Will AIPAC’s Former Honchos Plead Guilty If Trial Cannot Be Avoided?

    St. Louis - Bob Bowman on 25 July
    Bob Bowman's State of the Union Address Friday, July 25, 2008 7:00 PM Evangelical United Church of Christ 204 E. Lockwood Avenue St. Louis (Webster ... more

    Put 911 on the Ballot Movement in NYC - Independent Investigation Sought
    Calling all New York City residents and supporters of truth and justice! There is widespread awareness that the events of 9/11 were never adequately ... more

    Independent 9/11 Investigation Urged

    "The Reflecting Pool" Movie

    Hezbollah: Second Lebanon War was biggest Israeli defeat ever

    Israel Jewish Lobby Pushing for More Sanctions on IRAN


    Ban Ki-moon is Bush's marionette at UN

    Nuclear flyover 'mistake' was really aborted attack on Iran
    WMR has learned that a U.S. attack on Iran using nuclear and conventional weapons was scheduled to coincide with Israel's September 6 air attack on a ... more

    AIPAC Trial Judge OKs Supoenas for Rice and Hadley

    UN Human Rights Org Makes ISRAEL Permanent Issue

    American Jews Leads Org to Prevent Any Sharing of Jerusalem

    Senior Tehran official: Iran would destroy Israel if attacked

    Will next U.S. Congress top current record number of Jewish lawmakers?

    Olmert to French daily: Israel, Syria not far from direct talks

    Arab Leaders Doubtful about French Club Med Federation

    Israeli settlements put talks in doubt

    Israel in Iraq -- Fingerprints all over

    Redford for Obama with Warning to Dems
    IF BARACK Obama doesn't win November's presidential election in the United States, "you can kiss the Democratic Party goodbye", the actor and director ... more

    Cash pours in for McCain as campaign gathers strength

    Israeli jets using Iraq's airspace

    Israel at 60 =- and Plan Dhalit to Expell the Palestinians

    New Israeli scholars face up to country's origins

    Gaza's Hundreds of Imprisoned Students

    NYU Student Newspaper Takes Up Plight of Gaza Fulbright Students

    TIMELINE: A chronology of Israel-Syria relations since 1947

    Rice to Israel: 'Extremely important' to grant exit visas to Gaza Fulbright students

    NYPost: FIGHT Don't Talk!

    Will AIPAC’s Former Honchos Plead Guilty If Trial Cannot Be Avoided?

    UN official who compared Israel to Nazis turns the spotlight on Palestinians

    Religion is not very important to American Jews

    Senior Iranian Ayatollah: Our missiles neither threat nor fake
    "Unlike you (the U.S. and Israel), we are having our military maneuvers inside our own territory, and this is an internationally acknowledged and legi ... more

    The more religious the Jewish voter, the more pro-McCain

    Kucinich Again Raises Impeach Bush Resolution in Congress

    A Conversation With Richard Falk in THE NATION

    Prof Richard Falk, now U.N. Official, Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11
    A new U.N. Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have ... more

    Syria Software Pirate Says You Embargo Us We Crack You

    'Generation Kill' - HBO Special Series on Iraq War

    Gaza Fulbright Students May Get Out to USA

    Senior Iranian Ayatollah: Our missiles neither threat nor fake

    Israeli Jets Using Iraq to Prepare for Striking IRAN

    Israelis Dramatize New Fighter Bombers For Attacking IRAN

    Israeli Preparing to Attack Gaza Even With Cease-Fire

    The end of the American century

    Iyad Sarraj in Gaza Calls on Palestinians to Unite
    Israel is a master at disguising aggressive intransigence as self-defense. The assassinations carried out last week in Nablus aimed to incite retali ... more

    Israeli Press Reveals More About Outrageous Military Actions Against the Palestinians
    Another story from the Israeli Press about how the Israeli Army treats Palestinians: Twilight Zone: When Charity Ends at Home Gideon Levy - Haaretz ... more

    American is the Real Problem says Israeli Columnist

    Yup, It's All About Oil

    Tutu plunges into heart of Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    Archbishop Tutu, who won a Nobel Prize for courageously standing up against apartheid in South Africa, has now entered the struggle for Middle East pe ... more

    Saudis make up 90% of terror suspects'

    One of Bahrain's 37 Jews Is Made Amb to U.S.

    Four years in Bagram as Prisoner 650

    Israel bans British group over 'links to Hamas'

    Newswoman Lara Logan Now Hits the Tabloids

    Internet Soon to Crash Over All Addresses Used Up

    Israel’s Impasse: How A Fractured Knesset Hinders Peace

    Cheney Tried to Light Fuse for WAR WITH IRAN in 2007

    Resolutions amount to declaration of war

    Resolutions amount to declaration of war

    Chinese Invite Israeli Pres Shimon Peres and Given Him Special Treatment

    Israel detains Fulbright scholars in Gaza

    The Two Johns: How Kerry and McCain Grew Apart

    Special Section on THE GREAT DIVIDE - Israel's Wall

    Israel and the Palestinian territories - Special Section in THE GUARDIAN

    Living alongside the enemy - THE GUARDIAN
    Coexistence projects bring Jews and Arabs together within Israel, but it is much harder to bridge the larger gap between Israel and the Palestinian te ... more

    Saudi Shias slam Sunni critics

    Google Desktop: Personalize and organize your own computer.

    Permanent Observance for Palestine at UN Calls on Inte'l Community to Comply Israel to Halt Building Apartheid Wall

    More than 20 Israeli Raids Throughout the West Bank

    Peres Appologizes to Abbas for Remarks Indicating Peace Process Dead

    Senator Hagel: Ending the Nonsense in U.S. Foreign Policy


    Coup Plot in turkey - Life for Generals Sought by Prosecutor

    France 'shocked' by China's remarks

    Latest of 3 Fulbright Scholars Israel Keeps in Gaza
    Gaza Fulbright scholars a step closer to U.S. study 10 Jul 2008 12:15:17 GMT Source: Reuters GAZA, July 10 (Reuters) - Three Palestinian students ho ... more

    U.S. restores Fulbright scholarships to Gaza students

    VIDEO - U.S. restores Fulbright scholarships to Gaza students

    No Treaty, But Rice Warns IRAN U.S. will "Defend" Israel
    TBILISI, Georgia (AP) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Iran on Thursday that the United States will not back down in the face of Iranian t ... more

    POLITICO -- All About Mat Drudge - 3 June 2008

    Watching Matt Drudge - New York Magazine
    He hides, but craves attention. He is prurient and prudish, powerful and paranoid, an icon of the right who seems obsessed with making Hillary Clinton ... more

    Politico Features Drudge and the Pondering Campaigns

    Iranians Upping Their Missiles for Effect?

    Carla Bruni's new album and the love song for Sarko

    French Pres Wife Gives Her All - "Orgy" and all
    I put an end To all my emblems To my career as an Amazon And to my sovereign freedom... I give you my body, my soul and my chrysanthemum For I am Yo ... more

    Israel to show airplane that can spy on Iran

    OPEC chief warns of 'unlimited' oil prices if Iran is attacked
    The head of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries warned Thursday that oil prices would see an "unlimited" increase in the case of a milit ... more

    Shades of Checkpoint Charlie at Rafah Crossing

    Chomsky - It's the Oil Stupid!

    Foreign Firms Sued by Palestinians for Building in West Bank Settlements
    This is the first time a private company has been sued for investing in settlements, which are a violation of international law, Michael Sfard, the at ... more

    US 'escalates covert Iran missions'

    News Middle East Israel raids West Bank charity

    Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Online

    Hebron Settlers Savage Palestinians

    The Franklin-AIPAC-Israeli investigation was more than a spy case. It involved the future of US-Middle East relations. AIPAC Spy Trial Still Underway

    CBS News Correspondent: "I'd blow my brains out"

    Lara Logan disputes coverage accusations on CNN - 2005

    Turk PM Only Second Regional Leader to Visit Baghdad since 2003

    How Matt Drudge Rules the (Political) World

    In-Flight Movies Out to Save Fuel!

    BBC - Jerusalem Diary

    AIPAC Spy Trial - Prospectus Interruptus

    Obama's Foreign Policy Advisers - Weak on the Middle East - How It Uses Videos and YouTube

    Obama Girl and the Personal Democracy Forum

    U.S. Mayors Mobilizing Against a War with Iran

    Abourezk Meets with Meshal of Hamas

    Is the US 'encircling' China?

    Summit that's hard to swallow - world leaders enjoy 18-course banquet as they discuss how to solve global food crisis
    Just two days ago, Gordon Brown was urging us all to stop wasting food and combat rising prices and a global shortage of provisions. But yesterday t ... more

    THE IRAN CRISIS - NYReview of Books

    US mayors mobilize against Iran war

    Biggest U.S. Export to Iran is Cigarettes - McCain Jokes Again about Killing Iranians!
    US Republican presidential candidate John McCain has once again joked about killing Iranians, this time by sending them cigarettes. "Maybe that's a w ... more

    Under the pretext of fighting Hamas: Israel launches all-out war on Islamic institutions in the West Bank
    Palestinian Islamic leaders have called on Arab and Muslim states as well as “all human beings who believe in justice” to strongly condemn an ongoing ... more

    Iranian Pres Tries to Dampen War Talk

    Palestinians Try to Escape Gaza Prison

    Israelis Beat Journalist Returning from Speaking to European Parliamentarians

    The Networks Are Not Reporting - And CBS Logan Says She'd Blow her Brains Out!

    More Israeli Settlements Announced

    More Israeli Settlements Announced

    Israeli Group with Help Sponsors TELL ALL ARMAGEDDON WEBSITE
    The site is the brainchild of a large group of Israeli intellectuals, journalists and philosophers affiliated with an Israeli group advocating a Middl ... more

    Israeli Armageddon Website Tells About Israeli Nuclear Weapons

    Israel Fears Enemies No Longer Fear
    IDF must find a way to frighten our enemies as it did in the past.... Once upon a time, when our founding fathers were in power, that same Mossad whi ... more

    Iran Missile Tests Jolt U.S. Debate

    Israelis Keep Whipping up IRAN and the Bomb Hysteria

    Big Flaw Almost Allowed Internet Take-Over

    Israelis Prepare Home Demolition in East Jerusalem

    Palestinian PM Says Israelis Undermining His Credibility

    Grave Water Crisis in Israel

    Palestinians Protest Latest Israeli Closing of Shopping Centers +

    Vanunu Appeals in Jerusalem Court

    Palestinian Journalists Killed by Israel Since 2000

    Israeli Outlaws More Groups and Orgs said to be supportive of Hamas

    Bin Laden Jr Rants Loudly on the Web
    The teen declared in his demented ditty to fanatics: “Accelerate the destruction of America, Britain, France and Denmark.” He continued: “Oh God, r ... more

    Russia threatens military response to US missile defence deal
    “We will be forced to react not with diplomatic, but with military-technical methods,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. ... more

    History - Israeli Elimination Of Engineer Yahea Ayash (1996)

    AIPAC Targets IRAN in AIPAC News OnLine

    AIPAC Sums Up Its Major Yearly Conference

    AIPAC News - Interns

    Victor Ostrovsky: How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq

    The Real Aipac Spy Ring Story -- It Was All About Iran - 2005

    iRAQIS Raise Stakes with U.S.: Give us a Withdrawal Date!

    Latest on Israel's LandGrab Via 'The Wall'

    Kosher Sexual Abuse Scandal in Midwest

    Scott Ritter Speaks In His Home Town

    Israelis Fear Hamas Gaining Ground in West Bank - So Repression Escalates Still Further

    On Israel-Diaspora relations, Israelis are quite clueless

    Anti-Empire Report - 4 July 2008

    Sasha Fools the Mossad this Time Around

    Israel's saber-rattling against Iran could backfire

    Syria and Iran 'Cementing' Military Ties

    Arab 'Moderates' Panicking They Will Loose Power as well as Credibility

    Report: U.S. fears Israeli strike won't take out Iran nukes

    Don't expect an Israeli au pair

    Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state By Amos Schocken

    Arab-Israeli Conflict Remains Central Issue in Region as Most Support Hamas over Fateh
    Whether one likes it or not, whether this is justified or not, "the Arab-Israeli issue remains the prism through which most Arabs view the world." In ... more

    71% of Americans say U.S. gov't shouldn't take sides in Mideast conflict

    Israeli Repression Escalates - Now More Hamas Charities Raised, Closed, and Outlawed
    The escalation seems endless. If these groups are truly part of Hamas and involved in "Terrorism" why have they been operating for so long and why is ... more

    Israel and Hezbollah Make Major Prisoner and Bodies Deal

    Palestinian poet: History laughs at both victim and aggressor - Mahmoud Darwish

    Sequence of six photographs of the street execution of a Palestinian by Israeli soldiers.

    Israeli 'Apartheid' - Common Talk in Israel

    The Most Radical President in History - Seymour Hersh on Bush
    IRAN and turning the Middle East into a 'Fireball'. Seymour Hersh terms Bush the "Most Radical President in American History".
    Israel's Mossad - published in THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE
    Given the stakes involved, it would be reasonable for the United States to quietly offer Israel’s leaders a choice. They can continue to receive billi ... more

    Video - Why Was JFK Killed

    John Pilger: The New Rulers of The World (2001)

    Israel Locks Down West Bank Village To Stop Protests

    Background / The Iraq crisis as the War of the Jews

    Red Mosque Massacre Anniversary in Islamabad
    "We have beefed up security in the city, diplomatic missions and government installations will be protected. Nothing is being left to chance," a senio ... more

    Israeli MKs injured trying to stop bulldozer demolitions

    Israelis Rushing Missile Defense

    Why Did the U.S. Invade Iraq?

    US/IRAQ: "Divide and Rule" Strategy Called Shortsighted

    IRAQ: Whoever Wins, They Lose
    Many Iraqis appear to be skeptical of the promises made by Obama. "I'll believe the troops are gone from Iraq when they are no longer on our street ... more

    IRAQ: Journalist Charges Censorship by U.S. Military in Fallujah
    Miller was embedded with Marines on a patrol one block from the attack when it occurred. He had originally turned down the option of going to report ... more

    Interview with Ilan Pappe

    Secret Israeli Meetings As War On IRAN Plans Proceed

    Hamas and Hezbollah Gain, Almost Hand in Hand

    NYTimes Journalists Taken Hostage in Pakistan Border Areas
    The abduction Friday of two Pakistani journalists representing the New York Times (NYT) in troubled Mohmand Agency by pro-Taliban fighters has put the ... more

    BOOKS-IRAQ: The Fruit of a Poisonous Tree
    For those seeking different and deeper reasons why Iraq ended up where it is today, other than the often-cited but somewhat clichéd list of blunders l ... more

    U.S. Oil Motives In Question in IRAQ and Middle East

    Muslims in Britain should be able to live under sharia, says top judge

    Brit Spy chief Alex Allan found with 'blood everywhere'

    U.S. military sees 2006 Lebanon war as future prototype

    Iran Signals This, and That, and Actually No Real Change

    Iran Signals This, and That, and Actually No Real Change

    What is Iran Really Up to with its Nuclear Program?

    Obama-like Messages from Military Man #1?
    Interesting timing. Admiral Mullins was just back from his second trip to Israel in six months.

    Is Obama Already Selling Out? Uri Avneri
    I see him walking a tightrope across an abyss, and I worry. I saw him performing before the Jewish lobby, where he broke all records for fawning, and ... more

    Wash Post Editorial Setting Stage for War with IRAN

    Pentagon Chief Prepares Country and Pentagon for IRAN WAR
    On the one hand he's preparing both the public and the military for the much bigger and unknown war with IRAN. On the other hand, just in case it goe ... more

    Nir Rosen Tells The Truth About IRAQ

    Lebanon BattleField Being Prepared for New War

    I’m sick and tired of this thing called “patriotism” by William Blum

    NEOCON WARS PARODY witjh Ron Paul

    Kristof on the West Bank - But Not A Word About Stopping American Support

    IRAN Responds...Putting Ball Back in EU, UN Couart
    That could allow Iran to start negotiations about the future of its nuclear program while continuing to enrich uranium at current levels. more

    Jerusalem Mayor Kollect Declares "Fundamental" Change Between Jews and Arabs - 1988
    More than 20 years after Israel captured and annexed East Jerusalem, the predominantly Arab part of the city, violent Palestinian protests appear to h ... more

    NYTimes reports 'Rampaging' Palestinian Father Child with Jewish woman

    BEWARE! The Worst Is yet to come in IRAN and IRAQ and THE MIDDLE EAST
    In June of 2003, two months after the United States conquered Iraq, I sat in on a briefing given by US Army intelligence officers in that most Sunni o ... more

    Jews Complain About Palestinian TextBooks

    Peace Now: Peres aiding 'enemies of peace' by attending Ariel anniversary
    President Shimon Peres' attendance at a celebration marking thirty years since the government approved the establishment of the West Bank settlement o ... more

    Imprisoned Barghouti Says He May Run for Palestinian Presidency

    Knesset Speaker Says; DEMOLISH THEIR HOMES!

    Background / The Iraq crisis as the War of the Jews By Bradley Burston

    Israel must stay the hell out of U.S. debate on Iraq

    Bewildered Israelis Still Don't Understand Why They Are Attacked
    This is what I don't yet want to admit: that for all these years, in 2008 no less than in 1902, what a critical mass of Palestinians want most, perha ... more

    Israelis Ponder: Why Did He Do It?
    The Shin Bet security service agents who arrived at the home of the terrorist's family in Sur Baher in East Jerusalem, are now looking for clues as t ... more

    Israelis to World Jews: We Are Much Safer Than You Are

    New Israli Law Bans MKs from Visiting Arab States and Meeting with Hamas
    The Knesset approved earlier this week in a second and third reading a law that stipulates that anyone visiting enemy states cannot be elected to Knes ... more

    Haaretz Urged 'Peace Deal Quickly with Abbas
    It's a sign of desperate from the 'liberal' Israelis. They don't think time is now on their side. From the article: "Israel may argue that the force ... more

    Top Israeli told he's Banned from UK
    Moshe Feiglin, leader of the Likud's Jewish Leadership faction, was recently notified in a letter from British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith that he has ... more

    Kuntar has a different story.
    It's not unusual, in fact it's the rule, that Israeli stories about 'terrorists' turn out to be not really what happened and not really why. more

    Israelis Try to Pressure UN About New Human Rights Chief

    Israelis Throw Cold Water on Latest Iranian Positions

    Top UN Human Rights Official Calls It Quits

    Israelis Prepare World for US Strike on IRAN after Nov Election
    But the times are not reasonable ones, and the men involved are not reasonable men. The logic that guides Bush and Dick Cheney is one that Western pub ... more

    Israelis Claim Involvement with Columbia Military and Big Rescue Op
    The Israeli activity, involving dozens of Israeli security experts, was coordinated by Global CST, owned by former General Staff operations chief, Bri ... more

    Mother of Kuntar victim: This monster will be a Lebanon hero

    Israeli Generals Mention USS LIBERTY in Discussions with Top U.S. Admiral was mentioned during discussions that both sides would like to avoid mistaken confrontations, of the sort that led to the IDF attack against the ... more

    IRAN - Any Attack Means WAR

    Haaretz TV on the 'terrorist' - Barak orders demolition of Jerusalem, yeshiva terrorists' homes

    HEBRON and The Two Israels - NYTimes Column

    Elizabeth Grice meets the blogger whose lament as a lonely, uprooted housewife has found international success
    # Wife in the North by Judith O'Reilly (Penguin) is available from Telegraph Books for £7.99 plus 99p p&p. To order a copy, call 0870 428 4112 or see ... more

    Another Story of Ethnic Cleansing: Israeli Style
    Denied the Right to go Home June 21, 2008 I am Palestinian - born and raised - and my Palestinian roots go back centuries. No one can change that ... more

    Peres: No chance of peace with Palestinians
    This is the actual reality, but usually the establishment press plays coy and the public remains unaware. The 'peace process' is for show and p.r. T ... more

    Iraqi MPs voice outrage after President shakes Barak's hand
    "The president is supposed to represent Iraqi policy? which means not recognizing Israel ... He must apologize." Perhaps sensing the handshake might ... more

    US. As War Criminal - Terrible Death and Destruction in IRAQ
    Book Review by Kim Petersen /for full review see Dissident Voice / June 18th, 2008 Here is the picture: over 1.5 million killed, 4 million refuge ... more

    Chomsky: U.S. Public is Irrelevant

    What did You Watch on Your Computer - The Courts and Big Brother Want to Know

    Egypt to take on Population

    Obama Considers Stadium for Convention Speech
    “One of the concerns we had from the beginning of this campaign is the tendency for special interests and lobbyists to dominate the political process, ... more

    Israel To Wall Off More Palestinians, Demolish More Homes
    ! ! !No possible motive was provided, although city officials confirmed that an order to demolish Dwayat's home was issued in 2005 on grounds that it ... more

    Condoleezza Rice Says She's `Proud' of Decision to Invade Iraq
    July 3 (Bloomberg) -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she's ``proud'' of the U.S. decision to wage the Iraq war and insisted that the world ... more

    CIA given green light to bomb Osama bin Laden

    Cheney's Big Oil Friends Soaking It Up in Kurdistan part of Iraq

    Report: Iran will halt enrichment if West removes sanctions

    Iran to West: Take ElBaradei's warnings seriously

    VIDEO EXAMPLE - Editor of Vanity Fair Introduces Each Issue

    Watch WaterBoarding! 17-second and Christopher Hitchens Is Screaming STOP!

    WaterBoarding Christopher - 17 seconds!
    Just in case the revelation that American torturers took their cues from that model of moral clarity that was the Chinese Communist regime hasn't full ... more

    FOX Shows Body of Dead Model but not of Dead Soldiers

    Obama Takes on Clintonites - Including long-time Israeli-connected operative Stuart Eizenstat
    “We’ve had a number of good and cordial and constructive conversations,” said Mr. Feinstein, who said he was supporting Obama as an outside foreign-po ... more

    Top Pentagon Commander Oblque Warns of Dangers of Attacking IRAN
    He's just back from his second trip to Israeli since becoming Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. And he speaks just a few months after Admiral Fallon, CEN ... more

    Jordanian Prince comes to Washington as New Ambassador

    Israelis to Demolish Family Home of Jerusalem 'Terrorist'
    Unconfirmed rumors are that one of the things that provoked this Palestinian and caused him to snap were Israeli threats to demolish his and other hom ... more


    Iraqi Regimes 'Opens' To International Oil Companies

    Gaza Palestinians Que at Egyptian Crossing Point

    Gaza Palestinians Que at Egyptian Crossing Point

    LA and Oakland: Home Prices Way Way Down - Ghosttowns Appearing

    Lieberman, Fronting for McCain, Warms of Terrorists Attacks in 2009
    How convenient for Joe and John, the former Democratic Senator, Jewish and long-known for his close ties to Israel, is warning Americans to elect McCa ... more

    Lieberman, Fronting for McCain, Warms of Terrorists Attacks in 2009
    How convenient for Joe and John, the former Democratic Senator, Jewish and long-known for his close ties to Israel, is warning Americans to elect McCa ... more

    Iran to ready thousands of graves for enemy soldiers

    Military strike on Iran would be 'catastrophic:' Russian ministry
    Any military attack on Iran would have a "catastrophic" effect on the Middle East, a Russian foreign ministry official said Wednesday after reports th ... more

    China Inspired Interrogations at Guantánamo

    For Iraq’s Oil Contracts, a Question of U.S. Motive

    Israelis and Neocon Responsible for Huge Oil Price Surge
    Klare believes that the oil markets believe "there's at least a 50-percent chance that the U.S. and/or Israel will attack Iran before Bush leaves offi ... more

    CHINA: ‘Within a Generation Beijing Will Cease to Exist’

    IRANIANS Blink or Feint?

    Iranians Float an Offer the West Should Not Refuse
    If there were any substance to Condi Rice's repeated assertions, that the strife over Iran's nuclear program could, and preferably should, be solved t ... more

    Amid policy disputes, Qaeda grows in Pakistan

    Softer Tone From Iran Has Experts Guessing
    Informed of Mr. Mottaki’s comment, a Bush administration official said, “Beats me.”

    Iraq to Open Oil Fields for 35 Foreign Companies; Initial No-Bid Contracts Delayed

    Israel and the U.S. Are Guilty

    Palestinians cannot even visit their homes

    Congress to Bush and Cheney: Do What You Want in Iran

    Israel, US, UK Out to Get IRAN - IRAN Not Guilty

    The Revolving Door of K Street
    K Street lobbyist money beckons elected officials before they even leave office

    Afghanistan: The new 'great game'
    The Guardian: The new 'great game' - John D McHugh is embedded with US troops in Afghanistan on the highly porous frontier with Pakistan. In his lates ... more

    Seymour Hersh says Democratic Party leaders signed on to secret war against Iran
    "If we bomb Iran our grandchildren will be fighting Jihadists." Secretary of Defense Robert Gates privately off-the-record.In an article in the "New ... more

    Shadow of Nightmare War Scenario in Middle East Looms as Israel Threatens and Prepares
    Israeli fighter jets flew 1,500 kms across the Mediterranean this month, in a dry run for an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Tehran has threate ... more

    Israelis Assault Award-Winning Journalist

    America's Trillion Barrels of Shale Oil

    New U.S. Embassies from Berlin to Beijing stir controversy—but critics miss the point.

    Newsweek and Zacharia Tell OBAMA What To Say and Do About IRAQ

    The Hundred-Years War - Bush, McCain, and the Middle East
    So, no, Mr. Republican, the Iraq thing is not over, and the Iran thing is just beginning. And if the occupation launched by Bush is indeed embraced by ... more

    What Obama Should Say On Iraq

    Petraeus Shifts to Pakistan and Afghanistan

    New Iraq report: 15 of 18 benchmarks satisfactory
    From the Bush/Cheney Administration as together with Israel it prepares war with IRAN as its swansong.

    Wash Times on NORTH KOREA and Bush Admin Foreign Policy Freefall

    IRAN Threatens to Hit Israel Nuclear Dimona
    The sabre-rattling coincided with a visit to Israel yesterday by the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, for talks with ... more

    From homeless drug user to millionaire

    New Israel law stipulates: Territorial withdrawal only by referendum

    IRAN To Execute Israeli Spy

    State Dept. slams report stating Israel likely to attack Iran this year

    Poll: 'Big powers' taint U.N.'s image
    A top U.N. official said Monday that the world's "big powers" have tarnished the world body's image of neutrality, at a time when the United Nations i ... more

    Journalists to record Obama's every step

    Obama to expand Bush's faith based programs
    Reaching out to evangelical voters, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is announcing plans that would expand President Bush's program stee ... more

    Saudi King on Oil Prices, Taxes, and 'Get Use To It'

    Obama, AIPAC, Israel, and IRAN
    From reasonable principled stand to cheerleading for the Israelis, the Neocons, and the Bush/Cheney preparations for war with IRAN.
    The Other Baldwin in Hollywood Says NO to Obama and His Hollywood Backers

    Obama's Evolving Position on Iran Hawkish Stand More Like the Bush Administration's Position

    Obama on IRAN - More and More Like Bush

    Video - ABC - New Escalating US Battle Plans for Pakistan and Iran

    Pentagon Official Warns of Israeli Attack on Iran

    Palestinians who approach Gaza fence will be shot, says IDF

    Will Moderate Arab Leaders Pay The Price of Appeasement Deals in the Region?

    THE NEW MIDDLE EAST Report from Carnegie in the pages of Newsweek
    Bush's rhetorical "axis of evil" helped mire the United States in an utterly implausible policy, according to the report. (Words do matter, it seems.) ... more

    What Obama Should Say On Iraq

    'The Hundred-Years War' Warns Dickey in Newsweek
    But when I heard Sen. John McCain talking this morning about the "success" of the war in Iraq, I was the one cringing. Admittedly, I live across the A ... more

    British politician: Iran, N. Korea differ
    A British politician urges the West to be cautious in dealing with Iran's nuclear issue since it totally differs from that of North Korea. Member of ... more

    Iran produces 'Quick Reaction' tanks

    US: Oil blockade constitutes an act of war

    Syrian FM Wishes for Nuclear Weapons to Counter Israel
    "As a private citizen, I wish Syria had this program quite simply because Israel has made huge advances in its manufacturing of nuclear bombs.” more

    'Iran missiles aimed at Israeli nukes'

    'The US is not a republic anymore' - Gore VIdal

    Iran 'digging 320,000 graves for invaders'

    Israel: Iran is giving us an ultimatum
    Ultra-right Knesset member Avigdor Lieberman claims Iran is orchestrating a plan to give Israel a 'give up or run away' ultimatum. "Iran's strategy i ... more

    Iran: Israel no match for our defenses
    Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar says the Israeli regime is no match for the organized and skilled armed forces of Iran. "Modern weap ... more

    Israel Prodding U.S. To Attack Iran

    Don't Wait for World War III Act now to stop it!

    Waiting for WWIII?

    Cut 'Sovereign' Israel Loose

    America Is the Rogue Nation

    This Recession, It's Just Beginning

    The Hundred-Years War

    Iraq fails to sign contracts with global oil majors - 2 Hours After Story Saying YES, this Story says NO
    Iraq fails to sign contracts with global oil majors Jun 30 09:24 AM US/Eastern Iraq said on Monday it has failed to sign technical support agreemen ... more

    Iraq To Sign Oil Deals - This Story Ran First, Then Another Contracding it
    Iraq to award oil contracts to foreign companies Jun 30 07:10 AM US/Eastern Iraq on Monday will award oil contracts to dozens of foreign companie ... more

    Iraq Malik Govt Keeps Resisting U.S. Plan to Get Oil Revenues for Western Companies

    Attacking Iran May Well Lead to Nuclear Weapons Use by Israel
    An Iran Attack Scenario - A Catastrophe The finishing touches on several contingency plans for attacking Iran By David DeBatto 6-24-8 "Israel has ... more

    Who's Planning The Next War on IRAN? Pat Buchanon
    Yet, to start a third war in the Middle East against a nation three times as large as Iraq, and leave it to a new president to fight, would be a dayli ... more
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