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As He Prepares to Address the World in Front of the General Assembly - on the same day George Bush will do the same - the Iranian President makes the cover of TIME Magazine.
Quakers Try Their Hand at IRAN Diplomacy
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Country News: Egypt Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Lebanon Palestine Pakistan Saudi Arabia Syria Turkey Washington

In case of military confrontation with Israel, would Syria adopt Egypt’s model in Yom Kippur War in 1973?

How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against third world countries

Bush v Bush: an oedipal battle between men of rigid beliefs

Israel and Iran Go To Verbal War as Olmert Arrives in US

Hatred of US and Musharraf Growing in Pakistan

Olmert to Focus on Iran in Visit to U.S.

UN Security Council delays vote on criticism of Israel's Gaza attack

Thousands join funeral procession for 18 Palestinians killed in Israeli bombing

Jews take root in Capitol Hill

Hamas Urges Attacks on U.S. Targets

Gore Vidal: ‘The Most Important Election in My Lifetime’

US, Israel, and Fateh cannive to bring heavily armed Jordanian Palestinian Brigade to defeat Hamas in Gaza

IDF kills nine Palestinians in Gaza; rockets hits Ashkelon school

1999 war games foresaw problems in Iraq

Bush on Holloween 2006

Israeli troops open fire on women outside mosque

There has never been an American army as violent and murderous as the one in Iraq - Seymour Hersh

How to Make a Nuke Bomb at Home - Foreign Policy Mag Gives Away the Store

Zionists seek to silence critics of US policy toward Israel - IL

Christian Zionists rally in San Antonio - Speakers say Islam is the enemy and advocate attacking Iran

Landmark report reveals apocalyptic cost of global warming

Daily Kos Warning: Bush Iran War Plans - 4 Strike Groups in the Persian Gulf

Olmert on the way out - maybe to be indicted

Haaretz Editorial - Israel Should Not Ignore Syria..or the U.S.

Bush Iran War Plans - 4 Strike Groups in the Persian Gulf

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