QANA Massacres - 1996 and 2006
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News, Views, & Analysis Governments, Lobbies, & the
Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know

Israel's QANA MASSACRE 18 April 1996
Israel's QANA MASSACRE 30 July 2006




MID-EAST REALITIES - MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 4/15/2000: It was only four years ago; but already it has been mostly forgotten -- the terrible Qana Massacre in southern Lebanon, and the atrocious cover-up by Israel, the U.S. and the U.N. that followed.

The Israelis now want to "withdraw" from Lebanon; and as they do they threaten and prepare for even more death and devastation.

The Israelis now want to abide by U.N. Resolution 425, after repeatedly violated it for 18 years. Furthermore at the same time the Israelis continue to violate so many other U.N. Resolutions including 242 passed some 33 years ago.

The Israelis now want to end their occupation of Lebanon, but at the same time they continue their occupation of Syria and are putting the Palestinians on Army-surrounded Reservations claiming it is a "peace process".

The Israelis want everyone to simply forget what they have done. They want everyone to forget the invasions, the bombings, the massacres, the assassinations, the occupations, the apartheid-like policies, the millions of Palestinian refugees. They want everyone to forget their arrogant defiance of international law and the U.N. for decades. They want everyone to forget their still-growing arsenal of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and their loud threats to devastate any and all who oppose their designs.

The Israelis now want everyone to forget the many tens of thousands of deaths they are responsible for in Lebanon, not to mention the billions of dollars of property destruction and the terrible suffering they have inflicted on so many.

And while the Israelis always demand that what has happened to them be constantly remembered, that they be substantially compensated, that major reparations be paid to them, when the tables are turned the Israelis are hypocritical in the extreme.

So remember Qana too. Remember the terribly bloody details. Remember the historic coverup. Remember the connivance of the Americans. And remember the cowardess and impotence of the United Nations.

The following was originally published by MER at the time of the second anniversary of the Qana massacre.




MER - Washington, 4/18/98 - Today, April 18th, marks the two-year
anniversary of one of the most brutal and unforgivable massacres in
Middle East History.

The name "Qana", like those of "Sabra and Chatilla" and "Deir Yassein",
goes down in history as among Israel's most brutal and outrageous acts.
And it should not be forgotten that without the ongoing and constant
support and assistance of the United States, Israel could not act as
it does nor prevent international sanctions against it.

Even though the U.N. formally found that Israel had purposefully brought
about the massacre and then grossly lied to cover up its deeds -- itself a
unique finding for the U.N. and one which was further supported by an
independent Amnesty International investigation and report -- to this date no
one has been brought to justice and both the massacre and the cover-up have
gone completely unpunished. Much flowed to and from Qana. Like the
assassination of "The Engineer" in Gaza the previous January, Qana backfired
on Shimon Peres personally. His attempts to look tough and act with military
force in order to win the upcoming election instead resulted in a wave of
Hamas suicide-attacks and the downward spiral in what was already a deceptive
and disingenuous "peace process." And the defeat of Peres has since lead to
another round in the "good cop/bad cop" maneuvering by the politicians who
have a way of claiming things would have worked out, "if only" this or
that... Of course the actual realities are otherwise. Just as the Qana
massacre was so terribly distorted and covered-up; much the same is done
daily by the same political players when it comes to what the "peace process"
is really all about, rather than what they say it is all about. The following
was originally published by MID-EAST REALITIES in June of 1996:






In April, the Israelis brutally massacred over a hundred persons at the Qana
U.N. Base in Southern Lebanon. A U.S./Israeli cover-up immediately took
place. However unexpected hard evidence, including a video tape of the
attack, convinced U.N. investigators that the attack was premeditated. Severe
pressure was brought on U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali not to
release the report to the Security Council or the public. However, after
watering it down as best he could Boutros-Ghali was forced to release the
report, some U.N. officials going so far as to indicate they would resign if
he did not do so. Shamefully though the U.N. Security Council has refused to
act on the report or to hold the Israelis accountable. Of course the American
veto threat and tremendous pressures upon Boutros-Ghali and member states at
the U.N. was behind this further demonstration of U.N. impotence andcowardice.

The only good thing to come from the Qana Massacre is that there is no longer
a likelihood of Shimon Peres becoming Secretary-General of the U.N. Peres is
known to covet the job. At first, shortly after Binyamin's Netanyahu's
victory, Peres and his long-time aide Yossi Beilin, maneuvered to join
another "national unity government" with Netanyahu as Prime Minister. Peres
served as Foreign Minister in previous Likud-led governments, as did Yitzhak
Rabin who served as Defense Minister. Realizing this effort would probably
fail, at the same time Peres took steps to reinvigorate the idea of his being
nominated to become U.N. Secretary-General -- an idea Peres (with American
encouragement) had pushed prior to the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. The
notion that since an Egyptian had been Secretary- General, now an Israeli
should be selected, was one Peres and friends thought they could use to
catapult him into the job. With Qana still fresh in memory, it seems this
latest Peres gambit is running into considerable roadblocks though there may
be further attempts to resuscitate the idea later this year.

In an ironic twist of fate, Peres' own most recent duplicity did him in.
After a half-year cease-fire with Hamas, it was Peres' assassination of Yehya
Ayyash, "the Engineer", in Gaza in January that unleased the terror-wave in
the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, that in turn led to the attacks on
Hizbollah in Lebanon, that then led to Qana -- all of which combined to lead
to Peres' electoral defeat. In short, the Israeli people did not believe or
trust Peres; and for good reasons. Certainly it would be the height of
historical chicanery if the notion of Peres heading the U.N. after an
American/Israeli effort to push out Boutros-Ghali should again be pushed

Robert Fisk, writing in THE INDEPENDENT newspaper, has done more than any
other investigative journalist to report about the realities of the recent
situation in the Middle East -- the false "peace process"; the deceptions of
Yasser Arafat as he pretends to have an embryonic State and emulates Israeli
repression tactics against his own people; the duplicitous conduct of Rabin
and Peres in preaching peace while pursuing Middle Eastern apartheid.

The following article by Fisk was published a few weeks ago in THE
INDEPENDENT and uncovers more of the realities behind the Qana Massacre and
Shimon Peres' decline.


By Robert Fisk

Tyre -- An Israeli army operation to plant booby-trap bombs inside the United
Nations zone in southern Lebanon led to the Qana massacre last month in which
well over 100 Lebanese civilians were killed by Israeli shells while
sheltering in a UN base. It now emerges that the Israeli "patrol" which came
under mortar fire from Hizbollah guerrillas on 18 April -- the incident which
led to the Qana bloodbath -- had been tasked to leave plastic explosive
charges and mines near the village of Henniyeh, about five miles from Qana.

The UN's official report, which suggested that the Israeli massacre of
civilians was deliberate, quoted Brigadier General Dan Harel, the commander
of the Israeli army's artillery corps, as saying that an Israeli patrol,
whose location was not given, had come under mortar fire from the Qana area
and that at least one round landed 40m from the Israeli troops. What had not
hitherto been revealed was the task the Israeli soldiers had been engaged in,
north of their occupation area and inside the UN zone, when they came under
fire. A similar and even more complicated field of plastic mines and booby
traps was left by Israeli soldiers close to the village of Bradchit in the
UN's Irish battalion area at around the same time.

Shortly after the Israeli bombardment ended, it now transpires, Israeli
officers met UN ordnance officers and handed them detailed maps of the booby
traps and mines they had planted. Polish troops subsequently defused the
booby traps at Henniyeh on a hilltop from which Katyusha rockets had been
fired in the past, although the Irish army took longer to complete its
disposal of the Bradchit minefield.

What has caused particular concern to UN personnel is that it was a roadside
bomb in the village of Bradchit that killed a Lebanese teenager last month,
an explosion which prompted the Hizbollah to blame Israel and fire Katyushas
across the border into Galilee in retaliation. Shimon Peres said at the time
that Israel had nothing to do with the Bradchit bombs and the Katyusha
retaliation set off Israel's bloody Grapes of Wrath offensive. But the
revelation that an Israeli unit was planting booby-trap devices in Bradchit
and Henniyeh on 18 April has cast new doubt on Mr. Peres's denial.

Nor did another claim by Mr. Peres during his abortive campaign for
re-election --that the Hizbollah fired rockets at Israel from "within" the UN
compound at Qana -- do anything to repair the cynical state of relations that
now exist between Israel and the UN. Neither the Israeli army nor the UN
believe that Hizbollah men opened fire on the Israelis from a UN position --
the Hizbollah did so several 100 metres from the outer perimeter of the Qana
camp -- and UN officers are mystified as to why the Israeli Prime Minister
should have made such a statement just before the election, when he must know
that it is untrue.

"It was election time in Israel," a security source in southern Lebanon
commented. "On such occasions, truth goes out the window."

The written ceasefire agreement that followed the end of the Israeli
bombardment has meanwhile been rendered meaningless scarcely a day after
Binyamin Netanyahu was elected Prime Minister.

The "monitoring committee" that was to have ensured that all parties complied
with the truce terms has never met, and in the past three days the Hizbollah
have killed four Israeli soldiers and two pro-Israeli militiamen inside the
occupied zone of southern Lebanon. Since the ceasefire, the Israelis have
also carried out three retaliatory air raids on Lebanon, without waiting for
the truce committee to pronounce on Hizbollah attacks, as they are obliged
to do under the truce agreement.

In an Israeli air raid on a Hizbollah arms dump near Baalbek before dawn
yesterday, an attack which set off secondary explosions for an hour
afterwards, three civilians were slightly wounded -- another breach of the
ceasefire terms, which state that civilians should not be harmed in any
Israeli-Hizbollah battles inside Lebanon. Two civilians were also reported
to have been wounded when the Hizbollah killed four Israeli soldiers at
Marjayoun on Thursday.


MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org
Phone: (202) 362-5266 Fax: (815) 366-0800
Email: MER@MiddleEast.Org
Copyright © 2006 MiddleEast.Org Mid-East Realities, All Rights Rreserved


The most honest, most comprehensive, and most mobilizing news and
analysis on the Middle East always comes from MER. It is indispensable!"
Robert Silverman - Salamanca, Spain

July 2006


QANA Massacres - 1996 and 2006
(July 30, 2006)
It was ten years ago; but until today it has been mostly forgotten -- the terrible Qana Massacre in southern Lebanon, and the atrocious cover-up by Israel, the U.S. and the U.N. that followed.

IRAN War Coming
(July 28, 2006)
The Zionist Neocons who dominate Washington affairs in coordination with The Israel Lobby are working feverishly to create the conditions for the expansion of the war to Syria and Iran. The huge AIPAC conference in March at the Washington Convention Center has one giant theme - GET IRAN!

Why Are Things So Bad In Washington? MER FlashBack
(July 28, 2006)
Why are things so bad in Washington? Why is the Israel Lobby so strong and those who are supposed to represent the Arab countries and peoples so pathetic weak and incompetent? Some of the answers can be found in this MER Flashback first published nearly two years ago in September 2004:

The US - Israel WAR of 2006
(July 28, 2006)
British PM Tony Blair's rush to Washington to see George Bush today may be an attempt to thwart the war's quick expansion to Syria and Iran -- which is what this is really all about for the Zionist Neocons and Israel. The Israelis claim otherwise, as they so often do, yet they are mobilizing tens of thousands more of their reserve army hoping and planning they will have the excuse, and the American green light, to push forward and truly remake the entire region for themselves and the neocons.

(July 25, 2006)
It was just two days ago on Sunday that the Saudis all but demanded an emergency meeting with the American President. They came to the White House in force -- the Foreign Minister, the Ambassador to the U.S. (formerly in charge of National Security in The Kingdom), and the old American Ambassador, Prince Bandar bin Sultan (now in charge of National Security in The Kingdom). They left unhappy. They are even more unhappy after Condolezza Rice's failed visit to Beirut and stealth visit to Ramallah as Palestinian protestors demanded a 'Day of Rage' against the Americans and boycotting of Rice. The following extraordinarily unusual statement and warning has just come from Riyadh in the name of the Saudi 'Royal Court', the highest authority in The Kingdom:

LEBANON Destroyed - July 2006 - Look Carefully If You Dare
(July 23, 2006)
Call it Lebanon's 9/11; call it Israel's (and America's) War on the Arabs and Muslims of 2006; call it the opening phases of a kind of new World War which may soon escalate to Syria and Iran (as the US and Israel appear to want) and maybe beyond (as they probably do not want). But whatever you call it, look carefully and closely at the pictures. Whatever you call it now remember the pictures for in the future those now so miserably bleeding and suffering will understandably try to do horrible things tomorrow to those who are responsible for doing these things today.

The Extraordinary Ways of the Jewish/Israeli Lobby - Tom Hayden Speaks His Mind
(July 23, 2006)
This quite personal exposee by Tom Hayden of American politics when dealing with all things Middle East, and of the extraordinary role of the Jewish-Israeli Lobby in American life, should be of considerable interest to all who are today trying to understand just why the U.S. does what it does, and does not do what it should.

Daniel Ellsberg - Past, Present, Future
(July 21, 2006)
Pentagon Papers Author Daniel Ellsberg Says: * Government May Have Carried Out 9/11 * Bush Regime Might Stage Terrorist Attack to Provide Pretext for * Coming Iran and Syria Invasion * And to Justify Internment Camps for Dissident Americans

Have You Heard of the 'Israeli/Jewish Lobby'? Lou Dobbs on America and the Middle East
(July 20, 2006)
Now of course Lou Dobbs of CNN has heard of 'The Jewish/Israeli Lobby'. He's probably even read The London Review of Books cover article by Professors Mearsheimer and Walt that has brought the subject out of the closet in recent months. But then Dobbs works for CNN; and even a flag-waving America-firster star like him has to be looking over his shoulder lest he go too far for those who hold the real power. So no mention of the Israel Lobby nor of American Jews in what Mr. Dobbs had to say yesterday on air (just imagine what he must really think and say when the cameras aren't rolling). But for every question mark Dobbs so rightly uses the power and influence and fear-factor of The Israeli/Jewish Lobby is a significant part of every answer.

(July 19, 2006)
The pretense is otherwise of course -- America the 'honest peace broker' -- but the realities are quite something else. Just as the Reagan Administration gave Israel the 'Green Light' for the Invasion of Lebanon in 1982, so the American's have given Israel the 'Green Light' for the destruction of the Palestinians and the Lebanese in 2006.

ISRAELIS ON THE RAMPAGE - 'The Army Is Hungry for War'
(July 18, 2006)
They are now doing to the Palestinians and the Lebanese what hasbeen planned, in tandem with the Americans, for some time.

(July 17, 2006)
Before the invasion of Iraq, no less a newman than Walter Cronkite was warning of World War III but prescribing a far different course. Even with Cronkite's unique stature however he was hardly heard. The corporate media wasn't even willing to report Cronkite's warning for he insisted that it was the policies of the United States and the Bush/Cheney Administration that were primarily responsible. He urged Americans to wake up and he urged when it mattered that the Iraq invasion/occupation not take place. MER almost alone reported the significance of Cronkite's speech back then -- October 2002.

ISRAEL and the US Rain Death and Destruction on Arabs and Muslims
(July 16, 2006)
"The Israelis were yesterday trumpeting the fact that the missile was made in Iran as proof of Iran's involvement in the Lebanon war. This was odd reasoning. Since almost all the missiles used to kill the civilians of Lebanon were made in Seattle, Duluth and Miami in the United States, their use already suggests to millions of Lebanese that America is behind the bombardment of their country." - Robert Fisk

The new exclusive MER Program - Get It Today!
(July 16, 2006)
Please tell your friends and family. Forward this to them today.

Predicted MEGA-CRISIS Now Exploding
(July 14, 2006)
It was on 1 and 2 June that MER published the articles below predicting the 'Mega-Crisis' that has now come to pass. Blame not Israel as much as the superpower US. Near-total U.S. isolation in the world resulted in another US veto in the Security Council yesterday on behalf of Israel. More U.S./Israeli aggression and denial could yet plundge the world into another more major world war as events now threaten to spiral out of control.

Boycott and Ostracize Israel - A Call From South Africa
(July 13, 2006)
If there are any people in our world who intimately understand racism and apartheid it is the South Africans. And the people of South Africa are now calling out not just to their own government but to the world. The call to boycott and ostracize Israel, a la the tactic that was applied to the apartheid South Africa of old, is right on the money. But rather than heeding the call to justice and law the Americans have once again today violated all of their own principles by vetoing once again a Security Council resolution trying to restrain the Israelis. Shame on the Americans. Cheers for South Africa.

(July 13, 2006)
While 'Rome Burns' They Party, Buy Prostitutes of all types, and Squander Their History as well as their National Wealth -- This amazingly twisted and corrupted world of Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz and his despicable class of super-rich super-spoiled Arabs is also the world from which the Osama Bin Ladens and Aimen Zawahiris have arisen. It is the world from which Hezbollah and Hamas and the suicide bombers have come forth. And it is the world in which this despicable class has left its civilization and heritage practically defenseless against the Neocon/Evangelical and U.S./Israeli/European onslaught now at the ramparts.

SECRET WAR - Black Ops Underway Against Iran and N Korea
(July 11, 2006)
The American media, cowered by the Washington politicians and on the take from the corporate money-men doesn't focus on these kinds of very important and insightful stories. But it was features in the UK in the Sunday Times last weekend:

Israeli Torture and U.S. Complicity - Then and Now - MER FlashBack
(July 11, 2006)
The U.S. and Israel are connected in oh so many ways...and torture techniques are among them. The unusually unspoken reality is that the U.S. and Israel have been torture interconnected in the Middle East for quite a long time. Those now infamous hoods -- because of the dramatic pictures from the US prison in Iraq -- have long been used by the Israelis in prisons where Palestinians are treated far worse but the world has looked the other way for decades now. Indeed Israeli 'training' of Americans to 'deal with the Arabs' may well be the secret so-far untold aspect of the torture and abuse scandals of recent years.

GET IRAN! Battle Stations Washington
(July 9, 2006)
The war to 'regime change' IRAN and/or to devastate IRAN is already underway. It has been fomented in Washington primarily by the Israeli/Jewish lobby working in tandem with the worst of the Evangelical Zealots. AIPAC's convention in March was in fact quite openly devoted to Get Iran!

Killing and Pillaging in Iraq and Palestine in pursuit of the New World Order
(July 8, 2006)
The Americans are busy covering up and excusing the realities of their miserable occupation of Iraq, in which the Israelis are so very much co-complicitous. And the Israelis are busy covering up and excusing the realities of their miserable occupation of the Palestinians, in which the Americans are so very much co-complicitous. Meanwhile here in Washington that grand coalition of crusading Christian evangelicals, of which the President himself is a part, and the Neocon Jewish gang that works ever-so-closely with the Israelis, of which many key Administration officials are a part, continues to dominate as never before. Now in the target sights are Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and all others who dare stand in the way of the neo-imperial U.S.-Israeli 'New World Order' for the greater Middle East region. This letter from occupied Iraq helps put things in perspective.


Israel Gone Crazy - or is it...Israelis Gone Wild
(July 4, 2006)
US Policies in Iraq, in Palestine, and throughout much of the world in fact, betray the professed message and the core principles of the 4th of July, American Independence Day.

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