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  1. Oh Shit-Arab Forum Assails Jews, 9/11 'Propaganda'(13k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Oh Shit-Arab Forum Assails Jews, 9/11 'Propaganda' topic by Jonathan Pollard 9/1/2002 (22:41)   reply top Arab Forum Assails Jews, 9/11 'Propaganda' September 1 2002 at 9:56 PMA.R. (no login) Ara
  2. Together, We Can Take Back America!(49k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Together, We Can Take Back America! topic by i.hanan (1434 posts) Ancona, Italy 6/18/2004 (23:32) remove topic edit reply top Together, We Can Take Back America! by Edgar J. Stee
  3. No title(16k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: MORE LIES AND HYPOCRISY EXPOSING GUTLESS USA topic by glen mcgrath (85 posts) Sydney, NSW Australia 3/29/2003 (06:46) remove topic edit reply top Poor US Reporting On Iraq Weapons Claims No I
  4. The Archbishop of Canterbury Should Stay Home (March 26, 2004)(20k)
    Let's start at the end here. Rather than be associated with 'despicable collaborators', rather than make another pretend visit to the Palestinians as did the Pope a few years ago, the sometimes outspoken and courageous Archbishop of Canterbury should wise up, realize how he is being used and abused by weak-minded Christian Palestinians associated with the despised PA, and stay home rather than attend the Sabeel conference as keynote speaker in Jerusalem next month.
    5/13/2007 | Recent Articles | NEW! Multi-Blog | Register to Blog | latest | Multimedia HomePage | Interview | More Articles | Subscribe | Press: (202) 362-5266 | Search | Protesting the possibility of the first 'Islamic' President of 'Secular' Turkey. Tur
  6. Martrdom debate points to a harder Islamic line(14k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Martrdom debate points to a harder Islamic line topic by John Calvin 4/4/2002 (22:02) for example, Islam has changed little in over 13 centuries. Most people are born into a certain religion and so n
    8/27/2008 | TODAY | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | latest | Past MERTV Programs | Countries | Interview with Ray McGovern | Latest Interview - Miko Peled | CONTACT MER | Articles Compendium | Published + World Articles | Interview with Prof. Hish
  8. WHat drives me to get involved in Arab affairs(6k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: WHat drives me to get involved in Arab affairs topic by TheAZCowBoy 8/13/2002 (21:46)   reply top I can't stand it any more, people. I need to come out of the closet NOW. The real reason I am so
  9. Mideast = Relentless Abuses(34k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Mideast = Relentless Abuses topic by barb 4/22/2002 (1:54)   reply top We must stop buying oil from these religious extremists!!!!!!!!! JUST SAY NO TO MIDEAST OIL!!!!!!!!! News Service 076/00 AI
  10. No title(21k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: ADL U.S. Spy Networks Exposed in San Francisc topic by i.hanan (638 posts) Ancona, Italy 11/6/2003 (18:09) remove topic edit reply top ADL U.S. Spy Networks Exposed in San Francisco Jeffrey B
  11. No title(18k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Where's my looting?! Oh, there it is... topic by chris russell (245 posts) Little Rock AR, USA 5/8/2003 (16:29) remove topic edit reply top OK, now exhale... The Non-Pillage of Baghdad By Wal
    5/28/2008 | TODAY | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | latest | Past MERTV Programs | Countries | Interview with Ray McGovern | Latest Interview - Miko Peled | CONTACT MER | Articles Compendium | Demo BLOG | Interview with Prof. Hisham Ahmed | Key |
  13. No title(8k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Maybe Syria IS Next? topic by kreplach (500 posts) NEW YORK, USA 10/7/2003 (20:45) remove topic edit reply top U.S. Cites Syria As Sponsor of Terrorism Monday, Oct. 6, 2003 WASHINGTON -- The
  14. No title(136k)
    Palestine Soccer Team Set For State KLTV 7 Tyler - 42 minutes ago Thanks to a snowstorm in West Texas, it took an extra day for the Palestine boys soccer team to find out who they would play in the 4A State Semifinals this week. Save NY court lifts freeze
  15. Just read and then laugh(5k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Just read and then laugh topic by friendly... 6/1/2002 (18:03)   reply top Isn't it amazing that the jewsies are always able to make themselves the underdogs in their own eyes. Not a jewsie in th
    5/1/2008 | TODAY | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | latest | Past MERTV Programs | Countries | Interview with Ray McGovern | Latest Interview - Miko Peled | CONTACT MER | Articles Compendium | Demo BLOG | Interview with Prof. Hisham Ahmed | Search
  17. No title(24k)
    Russia purchased Israeli drones despite Syria, Iran objections - Ha'aretz Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:32:00 GMT Russia purchased Israeli drones despite Syria , Iran objections Ha'aretz, Israel Moscow made the deal despite objections from Israel's politic
  18. No title(12k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Swimming in a sea of lies; the US Zionatzis ! topic by i.hanan (896 posts) Ancona, Italy 12/17/2003 (22:41) remove topic edit reply top Los Angeles, Alta California - December 17, 2003 - ACN)
  19. No title(26k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: UN Report:Israel Inflicted Reign Of Terror topic by glen mcgrath (1118 posts) Sydney, NSW Australia 3/26/2004 (02:30) remove topic edit reply top United Nations report: Israeli f
  20. No title(16k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Where is humanity? topic by djflux (1 posts) Ottawa,Ontario, Canada 3/31/2003 (24:50) remove topic edit reply top It's been many months, probably almost a year since I've come to the forums h
  21. "...Symbol of Hatred and Fury of This Filthy War" (December 10, 2001)(14k)
    They started by shaking hands. We said 'Salaam aleikum' - peace be upon you - then the first pebbles flew past my face. A small boy tried to grab my bag. Then another. Then someone punched me in the back. Then young men broke my glasses, began smashing stones into my face and head.
  22. A Conversation With Condoleezza Rice(21k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: A Conversation With Condoleezza Rice topic by ben steinsilver (436 posts) St louis Il, USA 3/3/2005 (24:31) remove topic edit reply top Remarks After Meeting with Danish Foreign
    Network: Israel has Jericho missiles capable of accuracy within meters. Military planners say a sneak attack using some 40+ missiles could destroy nearly all of Iran\'s nuclear facilities. The US and Israel are carefully preparing and coordinating. The Am
  24. "The summit is heading toward total chaos" (March 27, 2002)(13k)
    Today's "Arab Leaders" always seem to manage to bumble themselves from one disaster to another. Then the controlled media and commentators they either own or manipulate in one way or another mostly cover up for them, including such subsidized and sponsored English-language publications as "Middle East International" in the UK and "Washington Report on Middle East Affairs" in the U.S.
  25. No title(5k)
    Israel, offering Golan, awaits Syria proposals (Reuters via Yahoo! News) read story Fri, 08 Jun 2007 20:42:02 GMT Israel has told Syria it is willing to trade land for peace and is waiting to hear whether President Bashar al-Assad would cut ties with Iran
  26. No title(6k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: SUZAN YOU SUCK topic by maud (1 posts) Pasadena, USA 5/6/2003 (01:21) remove topic edit reply top Suzan, you are the worst person ever! I think you are not smart enough to understand how Amer
  27. MiddleEast.Org(6k)
    News, Views, Analysis Governments, Lobbies, the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know The most honest, most comprehensive, and most mobilizing news and analysis on the Middle East always comes from MER. It is indispensable!" Robert Silverman - Salamanca,
  28. No title(138k)
    Egypt relies on prosperity to dazzlecritics Financial Times - Nov 16 6:23 PM Egypt has been liberalising its economy for far longer than it took Gamal Abdel Nasser in the 1950s and '60s to nationalise banks and industries and place the expanding state in
  29. No title(16k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: BUSH = HITLER topic by glen mcgrath (232 posts) Sydney, NSW Australia 6/24/2003 (05:20) remove topic edit reply top ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Add to these acts and statements of the Pope of Rome, certainly the most visible and powerful symbol of Christianity, the ever-increasing Evangelical 'Born Again' nature of American society these days on top of George W. Bush's public assertion of 'Crusade' both in word and deed, and you have a formula for escalating religious-inspired warfare for a long time to come. Things are now escalating further out of control into a real 'Clash of Civilizations'; though this certainly did not have to be.
  31. www.MiddleEast.Org(31k)
    December 2004 - Middle East .Org - MER is Free News, Views, Analysis Governments, Lobbies, the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know The most honest, most comprehensive, and most mobilizing news and analysis on the Middle East always comes from MER. It i
  32. ME Report(87k)
    12/12/2006 | Latest | Recent Articles | Multimedia Page | TV | Search | Chat | Skype (talk + message) | Archives | Press | Speakers | New! Automatic MER | Special Press Version | Blog Iran, Israel, and US Dancing while Preparing for Battle Call or Message
  33. M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S - LIE OF THE WEEK(10k)
    M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S - QUOTE of the Week For additional information: Additional informaiton by email: INFOMER@MiddleEast.Org ********************************************************** ISRAELI JUSTICE ON TORTURE A Shining
  34. No title(15k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: PEOPLE OF COLOR CAN DUMP BUSH TOO topic by amelia gora (32 posts) Mililani, Hawaii, Kingdom of Hawaii 4/27/2003 (04:23) remove topic edit reply top The following message was also placed anoth
  35. January Elections - Truth or Consequences (November 25, 2004)(18k)
    Under the conditions that actually exist -- unprecedented military occupation, extraordinary impoverishment and bribery, still-expanding CIA infiltration, massive propaganda manipulation -- the very concept of 'free and fair' elections takes quite a credibility stretch.
  36. No title(26k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: More proof of the Holocaust Spin Hoax topic by melissa carr (285 posts) Killeen,TX, USA 1/1/2004 (01:50) remove topic edit reply top HALLANDALE, Fla. — With thick-rimmed glasses perched on hi
  37. No title(18k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: CRY BABY US MARINES WANT THEIR MOMMIES topic by glen mcgrath (79 posts) Sydney, NSW Australia 3/29/2003 (05:54) remove topic edit reply top US Troops Wonder Why Not In Baghdad Yet By Matthew
  38. No title(3k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: SUZAN IS FUNNY topic by maud (2 posts) Pasadena, USA 5/6/2003 (01:31) remove topic edit reply top Actually, I think you are the funniest person on this forum! You're saying so many craps and
  39. No title(21k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: EVIL WEAPONS = EVIL YANKS!! topic by glen mcgrath (144 posts) Sydney, NSW Australia 4/17/2003 (03:08) remove topic edit reply top Dubai:Wednesday, April 16, 2003 Cluster bombs killing childre
  40. No title(162k)
    2 U.S. Soldiers Among 50 Dead in Iraq Washington Post - 11 minutes ago BAGHDAD -- Police found a dozen bodies trapped in a grate in the Tigris River, and a roadside bomb killed two U.S. soldiers on a foot patrol south of Baghdad Saturday as 50 violent dea
  41. If only we had the luxury of hindsight!(10k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: If only we had the luxury of hindsight! topic by Anne 1/25/2002 (10:43)   reply top Why Clinton caved in to Israel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Lewinsky scandal has claimed one of
  42. Millions Likely To Die in Afghanistan U.N. Warns (October 21, 2001)(17k)
    As for Afghanistan, the American CIA worked behind the scenes to bring on the Soviet invasion of 1979, then engaged the Soviet Empire in a way that brought about the near-total devastation of Afghanistan and a huge uncounted death toll.
  43. PIRATES entity State of Hawaii & OHA FRAUDS..(19k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: PIRATES entity State of Hawaii & OHA FRAUDS.. topic by amelia gora (832 posts) Mililani, Hawaii, Kingdom of Hawaii 2/28/2009 (12:01) remove topic edit reply top Kingdom of Hawaii
  44. No title(12k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Message from Rabbi Michael Lerner of Tikkun magazine - Conclusion topic by Sandra 11/19/2001 (15:17)   reply top A World Out of Touch With Itself: Where the Violence Comes From by Rabbi Michael L
  45. No title(11k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Arrogant Nation topic by susan (32 posts) Detroit/MI, USA 3/21/2003 (20:50) remove topic edit reply top Wow, anyone who says the U.S. is arrogant needs to think again! France is ALREADY deman
    7/6/2007 | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | Register to Blog | latest | Multi-blog | Interview | Article Compendium | Subscribe | Press: (202) 362-5266 | Search | New Info: France Aided Israel Greatly in Developing Nuke Bombs archives Jun Jul 2007
  47. No title(157k)
    Turkey official warns on Iraq federalism AP via Yahoo! News - 11 minutes ago Turkey's foreign minister warned Monday that a federal system in Iraq that could lead to autonomous Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish regions could break up the country and threaten the
  48. No title(30k)
    First national exit polls show economy has put Iraq on the back burner - Tue, 04 Nov 2008 23:29:44 GMT Boston Globe First national exit polls show economy has put Iraq on the back burner, UK - 4 hours ago A year ago, Iraq was
  49. www.Middleeast.Org(77k)
    MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org LINKS TO KEY ENGLISH-LANGUAGE NEWSPAPERS + INTERNET SOURCES - Complete MER-SOURCES Page TOPSTORY Page Arab-Israeli Conflict History Easy Search Wash Post, AP, Reuters MER Search KEY WORD NEWS ARTICLE S Columnists My
  50. I'm leaving...goodbye(5k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: I'm leaving...goodbye topic by The real carol 8/19/2002 (20:56)   reply top okay...this site is way too boring...No more from carol. If you see my name it must be someone else. Adios for the thir

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