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  1. No title(40k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: The Passion: A Historical Perspective topic by david rabinowitz (230 posts) New York, New York, USA 2/26/2004 (24:27) remove topic edit reply top The Passion: A Historical Perspe
  2. ME Report(82k)
    7/24/2006 | Latest | Recent Articles | Selected Articles | Multimedia Page | TV | Search | Chat | Skype (talk + message) | Archives | Press | Speakers | New! Automatic MER | Special Press Version | Media can reach MER 24/7 - Phone 202 362-5266 - Email: Pr
    Tonight at 8pm (ET) on the History Channel part of the story about the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967 is going to be told. But from preliminary indications, just part, and not necessarily the most important historical parts which really involve top secret intrigue at the highest levels of the CIA, NSA, and White House complete with super secrets of state the Americans continue to want to keep out of sight out of mind.
  4. MID-EAST REALITIES May Magazine(13k)
    May 1998 return to index HUSSEIN OF JORDAN PONDERS HIS SURVIVAL King Hussein of Jordan wrote to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week complaining that he feared becoming 'THE FIRST VICTIM' of the deadlock in the peace process, the HAARETZ newspaper
    7/11/2008 | TODAY | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | latest | Past MERTV Programs | Countries | Interview with Ray McGovern | Latest Interview - Miko Peled | CONTACT MER | Articles Compendium | Demo BLOG | Interview with Prof. Hisham Ahmed | Key |
  6. No title(20k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Unite to Oversee the U.S. - Int'l Means topic by amelia gora (88 posts) Mililani, Hawaii, Kingdom of Hawaii 6/1/2003 (17:25) remove topic edit reply top We need an International Criminal Law
  7. $500 Trillion Owed to Hawaii's Royal families(44k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: $500 Trillion Owed to Hawaii's Royal families topic by amelia gora (779 posts) Mililani, Hawaii, Kingdom of Hawaii 7/10/2008 (20:32) remove topic edit reply top IO-LANI The Royal
    1/20/2009 | TODAY | Today's COMMENTARY | Latest INTERVIEW | NEW Design | WASH REPORT | Articles Compendium | MERTV Select | Contact MER 24/7 | Multimedia Page | Recent Articles | Index | Key | Muslims around the world protest Gaza assault + 9 Muslim passe
    6/9/2007 | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | Register to Blog | latest | Multi-blog | Interview | Article Compendium | Subscribe | Press: (202) 362-5266 | Search | THE CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT by Dave Lindorf and Barbara Olshansky was published by St. M
  10. Noam Chomsky and Alan Dershowitz Debate the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (December 23, 2005)(44k)
    At Harvard's Kennedy School on 29 November 2005 Professors Noam Chomsky and Alan Dershowitz debated the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Dershowitz practically acknowledged he was fronting for Israel's Ariel Sharon whom he has personally consulted with in Jerusalem. Chomsky has long been an outspoken critique of U.S. and Israeli policies. This debate must be seen within the current political context in which the U.S. and Israel are pushing hard to force the Palestinians into a kind of political arrangement that resembles Apartheid but would be said to include a Palestinian State that actually is not.
  11. Amos Oz(37k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Amos Oz topic by barb 4/10/2002 (14:38) Page 1, Column 1; Book Review Desk Byline: By Roger Rosenblatt Lead: IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL By Amos Oz. Translated by Maurie Goldberg-Bartura. 257 pp. San Diego
    5/22/2008 | TODAY | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | latest | Past MERTV Programs | Countries | Interview with Ray McGovern | Latest Interview - Miko Peled | CONTACT MER | Articles Compendium | Demo BLOG | Interview with Prof. Hisham Ahmed | Key |
  13. No title(8k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Who killed Jesus Christ? (To Hanan). topic by vahe adamian (696 posts) El Cajon, Ca., U.S.A. 10/12/2003 (19:51) remove topic edit reply top The Bible is very clear about the killers of Jesus.
  14. No title(25k)
    Jordan awed by honor of Hall of Fame selection - Chicago Sun-Times Mon, 06 Apr 2009 20:05:01 GMT New Zealand Herald Jordan awed by honor of Hall of Fame selection Chicago Sun-Times, United States BY JOHN JACKSON Even though his elect
  15. No title(135k)
    Turkey Creek Gets Help From Up North To Restore And Preserve It's Community WLOX-TV Biloxi - 15 minutes ago Cleaning up a community while preserving history is the mission driving a group of volunteers as they help restore the Turkey Creek community, foun
  16. Will they ever return to destroy humanity.(20k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Will they ever return to destroy humanity. topic by i.hanan (2112 posts) Ancona, Italy 2/15/2006 (11:09) remove topic edit reply top From Islamophobia to War: The Danish Cartoon
  17. MiddleEast.Org - WSJ Poll 17 March 2008(98k)
    WALL STREET JOURNAL ONLINE POLL 17 March 2008 Have the U.S.'s actions in Iraq made the country's future brighter or darker? Brighter Darker 725 votes (35%) 1345 votes (65%) Total Votes : 2070 Copyright 2008 Dow Jones
  18. Meet The Chicago Jewish Defense League(65k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Meet The Chicago Jewish Defense League topic by i.hanan (1386 posts) Ancona, Italy 4/24/2004 (15:05) remove topic edit reply top -Meet The Chicago Jewish Defense League Dead Or D
  19. No title(20k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: SO WHOS COUNTING NOW?? topic by glen mcgrath (119 posts) Sydney, NSW Australia 4/11/2003 (07:59) remove topic edit reply top 800 bodies of American Soldiers In Kuwait Morgue uploaded 09 Apr 2
  20. No title(27k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: U.S. admits: IRAQ WAS ABOUT OIL topic by david oilmonger (6 posts) London, UK 6/5/2003 (14:09) remove topic edit reply top U.S. admits: IRAQ WAS ABOUT OIL
  21. The Terrible State of the Palestinians (December 24, 2001)(32k)
    After all his bluster and threats, Yasser Arafat remains essentially an Israeli prisoner in Ramallah, one of the militarily-surrounded Palestinian Bantustans that Arafat himself helped create when he put his pen to various Israeli schemes for which he received, quite literally, billions of dollars in payoffs and arms which he then distributed to cronies and entourage to keep himself in power.
  22. No title(140k)
    Clashes erupt in Turkey lynching attempt AP via Yahoo! News - 2 hours, 1 minute ago Turkish security forces clashed Monday with an angry crowd trying to lynch a man accused of raping several girls and killing two of them in southeastern Turkey , local med
  23. No title(161k)
    Israel Occupies Egypt-Gaza Border Areas CBS News - 4 minutes ago In a first since Israel 's pullout from Gaza last summer, Israeli tanks and infantry have taken up positions on the Egypt-Gaza border as the army broadened its search for arms smuggling tunn
  24. No title(34k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: THANKS FOR THE INCONVENIENCE topic by kreplach (1753 posts) NEW YORK, USA 1/6/2004 (20:58) remove topic edit reply top THANKS FOR THE INCONVENIENCE By MARC K. SIEGEL -------------------------
  25. No title(19k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Mom Bomb III:The Next Generation topic by david rabinowitz (96 posts) New York, New York, USA 2/14/2004 (22:08) remove topic edit reply top SMILING BABIES LEFT BEHIND BY EVIL BOMB MOM By BILL
  26. No title(9k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: 911....All The Proof You Need !! topic by glen mcgrath (352 posts) Sydney, NSW Australia 9/19/2003 (12:37) remove topic edit reply top Do yourself a favour and check out this link....THEN SHO
  27. No title(5k)
    Israel to release prisoners this week, Olmert tells Abbas (AFP via Yahoo! News) read story Mon, 16 Jul 2007 17:31:25 GMT Israel plans to release 250 Palestinian prisoners by the end of the week, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told Palestinian president Mahmud
    1/7/2009 | TODAY | Today's COMMENTARY | Latest INTERVIEW | Contact MER 24/7 | Articles Compendium | MERTV Select | Multimedia Page | Recent Articles | Index | Key | Hamas leader, 4 Wifes, 11 Children, Killed + Thousands protest in Europe at Gaza offensive
  29. No title(10k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Palestine textbooks under fire topic by i.hanan (679 posts) Ancona, Italy 11/12/2003 (14:28) remove topic edit reply top Palestine textbooks under fire By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank Tues
  30. No title(157k)
    Dhaka to send humanitarian aid to Lebanon, Palestine News From Bangladesh - 1 hour, 17 minutes ago Bangladesh will send some humanitarian aid for the war-ravaged people in Lebanon and Palestine , a Foreign Ministry spokesman said in Dhaka on Wednesday, re
  31. No title(142k)
    Sudanese in Israel Hope They Have Found a Home New York Times - Mar 17 4:57 PM Israel has become the unlikely destination for African refugees, many of whom are fleeing the violence in Darfur. Save Israel refuses contacts with new Palestinian cabinet AFP
    1/5/2009 | TODAY | Today's COMMENTARY | Latest INTERVIEW | Contact MER 24/7 | Articles Compendium | MERTV Select | Multimedia Page | Recent Articles | Index | Key | Iranians raid British diplomatic compound in Gaza + Even the French Govt Condemns Israeli
  33. No title(22k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Another Islamic murderer topic by susan (108 posts) Detroit/MI, USA 4/11/2003 (18:53) remove topic edit reply top Another 'victim' of those 'evil' Americans? (or another Islamic sympathizer)
  34. ORWELLIAN DANCE OF DEATH (September 30, 2001)(13k)
    What goes around comes around, the Americans say. They and their allies, including feisty little Australia, are marching into battle, to be confronted by weapons they sold to the Taliban when the Muslim maddos were on our side against the damned Russkies.
  35. No title(142k)
    Olmert: Israel serious on '02 peace plan AP via Yahoo! News - Mar 11 5:31 AM Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday said he was ready to "treat seriously" a dormant Saudi initiative calling for a comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and the Arab wor
  36. Dr.Pierce(26k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Dr.Pierce topic by GM 7/13/2002 (2:13) about the realities of so-called 'free trade' and what it's doing to American autonomy and American sovereignty; about the destructive impact of feminism on our
  37. Global Holocaust-deniers Bill passed(41k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Global Holocaust-deniers Bill passed topic by g.j.crabb (519 posts) Pacific Palms, Australia 7/21/2004 (21:11) remove topic edit reply top Jul. 20, 2004 23:43 Global Holocaust-de
  38. No title(39k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: MER: Please Comment on this Article topic by john d. shaplin (193 posts) Burlington, VT. U.S.A. 1/14/2003 (19:03) remove topic edit reply top The west, not Islam, is the real enemy of democra
  39. No title(4k)
    all directories : Article feedback home | remember me | forget your password? | register post a new topic back post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: BELIEVE IT OR NOT SAYS POWELL - 'PALESTINIAN topic by mer article (11 posts) Washington, DC USA 11
  40. ME Report(88k)
    3/5/2007 | Latest | Recent Articles | Multimedia Page | TV | Search | Chat | Skype (talk + message) | Archives | Press | Speakers | New! Automatic MER | Special Press Version | Blog Former US president Jimmy Carter signs books at Vroman's bookstore in Pas
  41. No title(31k)
    Pakistan's, and India's, Terror Trap - Washington Post Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:40:07 GMT Times Online Pakistan's , and India's, Terror Trap Washington Post, United States - 3 hours ago It would also seem, based on evidence so far, that some militant groups ba
  42. Bush Doctrine takes a hit(18k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Bush Doctrine takes a hit topic by John Calvin 4/6/2002 (7:25) Good Or Evil David Corn is the Washington editor of The Nation. His first novel, Deep Background, a political thriller, was published re
  43. Democratic Disaster(12k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Democratic Disaster topic by mer article (611 posts) Washington, DC USA 11/3/2004 (07:24) remove topic edit reply top Please reply to comment on this article http://www.middleeas
  44. No title(8k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: History will damn them (the US and UK that is) topic by mer article (395 posts) Washington, DC USA 3/25/2004 (14:06) remove topic edit reply top Please reply to comment on this a
  45. Boom Boom Boom(3k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Boom Boom Boom topic by Kaboom 5/14/2002 (1:59)   reply top This is how it is going to sound when I pound the peanut-sized imperfection you call brain, Mr. Boom. Get your peanut out of your ass a
  46. SECRET WAR - Black Ops Underway Against Iran and N Korea (July 11, 2006)(20k)
    The American media, cowered by the Washington politicians and on the take from the corporate money-men doesn't focus on these kinds of very important and insightful stories. But it was features in the UK in the Sunday Times last weekend:
    1/19/2009 | TODAY | Today's COMMENTARY | Latest INTERVIEW | NEW Design | WASH REPORT | Articles Compendium | MERTV Select | Contact MER 24/7 | Multimedia Page | Recent Articles | Index | Key | Protests against Gaza attack sweep across the + Muslims around
    8/31/2008 | TODAY | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | latest | Past MERTV Programs | Countries | Interview with Ray McGovern | Latest Interview - Miko Peled | CONTACT MER | Articles Compendium | Published + World Articles | Interview with Prof. Hish
  49. No title(7k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: On Executive Order 13233 Part One topic by John Calvin 12/4/2001 (20:28)   reply top HIDING PAST AND PRESENT PRESIDENCIES The Problems With Bush's Executive Order Burying Presidential Records Joh
    11/25/2008 | TODAY | Multimedia HomePage | CONTACT MER | Articles Compendium | Past MERTV Programs | Published + World Articles | Interview with Ray McGovern | Latest Interview - Miko Peled | Recent Articles | Countries | EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Ghada Karmi

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