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  1. No title(33k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: USA, the greatest nation on earth. topic by francis ezeu (30 posts) VA, Sweden 7/8/2003 (10:35) remove topic edit reply top The United States is by far the greatest nation ever. As a European
  2. M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S - LIE OF THE WEEK(6k)
    M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S - Q U O T E OF THE WEEK PROFESSORS EDWARD SAID AND ISRAEL SHAHAK ON THE REALITIES OF THE ARAFAT REGIME ****************************************************** To be added to MER list send to LISTSERVER@MiddleEast.Org with
  3. Article: Christianity shows its nobility in the Church of the Nativity(15k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Article: Christianity shows its nobility in the Church of the Nativity topic by barb 4/25/2002 (1:28)   reply top I can just imagine what Arabs would have done had Christians holed themselves up
  4. Fighting to the Last Palestinian(20k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Fighting to the Last Palestinian topic by barb 4/12/2002 (1:02) most were perfectly innocuous. Most accusations against the books are based on reports from the 'Center for Monitoring the Impact of Pe
  5. No title(24k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Military 'cowards'-Bill Mahr topic by Barb 11/15/2001 (24:34)   reply top It's the height of 'imperialistic arrogance' (yes, I'm being sarcastic with the terms) to call the U.S. military personne
  6. Sharons Wars(65k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Sharons Wars topic by albert ween (667 posts) Vancouver, BC, Canada 8/16/2004 (18:10) remove topic edit reply top August 15, 2004 Sharon's Wars By JAMES BENNET At the point where
  7. No title(137k)
    Turkey detains teenager in Turkey in journalist's murder AFP via Yahoo! News - Jan 20 3:30 PM Turkish police detained a 17-year-old male suspected of murdering journalist Hrant Dink, one of Turkey 's most prominent ethnic Armenians, whose slaying sent sho
  8. Old Conspiracies, New Beliefs(16k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Old Conspiracies, New Beliefs topic by albert ween (1016 posts) Vancouver, BC, Canada 9/2/2004 (20:12) remove topic edit reply top Old Conspiracies, New Beliefs by Daniel Pipes N
  9. The Real Agenda of the SPLC(37k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: The Real Agenda of the SPLC topic by i.hanan (1494 posts) Ancona, Italy 8/13/2004 (11:46) remove topic edit reply top -The Real Agenda of the SPLC Read Both Sides and Expose the
  10. No title(13k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Another insider speaks out against the Cabal topic by melissa carr (352 posts) Killeen,TX, USA 1/14/2004 (23:19) remove topic edit reply top Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, a former Pentagon insi
  11. Message to Seth Sims(25k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Message to Seth Sims topic by Lynette 4/29/2002 (10:51)   reply top With all due respect Seth- I SWEAR by The Almighty that I will throw up if I see one more Movie,doco,speech,or book lauch about
  12. No title(5k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Must Read Websites topic by amelia gora (286 posts) Mililani, Hawaii, Kingdom of Hawaii 11/6/2003 (15:00) remove topic edit reply top hi, the following websites have exceptionally good materi
  13. ME Report(87k)
    12/10/2006 | Latest | Recent Articles | Multimedia Page | TV | Search | Chat | Skype (talk + message) | Archives | Press | Speakers | New! Automatic MER | Special Press Version | Blog Iran, Israel, and US Dancing while Preparing for Battle Call or Message
  14. No title(22k)
    Avigdor Lieberman repudiates key Israel-Palestine accord - Wed, 01 Apr 2009 17:33:07 GMT Avigdor Lieberman repudiates key Israel- Palestine accord, United Kingdom Ehud Olmert, the former Israeli premier, comm
  15. Question for John(27k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Question for John topic by Raquel 4/2/2002 (17:43) whose judges do not command their respect; and for whom opponents are traitors to the nation… This century has sad experience with groups 'chosen by
  16. No title(156k)
    Enemies of Islam oppose expansion of ties between Iran, Syria , Iraq: President Islamic Republic News Agency - 1 hour, 28 minutes ago Iran - Syria - President President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the enemies of Islam do not want to witness the expansion of
  17. 'Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything'(44k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: 'Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything' topic by BOB 5/19/2002 (14:16) our very awareness of the whole design seems like it is being subtly and inexorably erased. The doors of our perception are
  18. No title(152k)
    Hearts Beat for Palestine Zaman Online - Jul 10 2:14 PM The human tragedy in Palestine , victim of Israeli air strikes, was exhibited in Istanbul yesterday. Abide-i Hurriyet square in Istanbul, was the venue for a demonstration against Israel and the Unit
    8/18/2007 | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | Register to Blog | latest | Multi-blog | Interview | Article Compendium | Subscribe | Press: (202) 362-5266 | Search | Bush: Most Unpopular President Ever archives Jul Aug 2007 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    INFORMATION ABOUT MID-EAST REALITIES ON THE INTERNET ******************************************************************* To receive MID-EAST REALITIES by email regularly you need to send a message from your email acount to LISTSERVER@MIDDLEEAST.ORG with t
  21. No title(162k)
    Iran criticizes U.S.-led nuke exercise AP via Yahoo! News - Oct 29 12:16 PM A naval training exercise led by the U.S. and aimed at blocking smuggling of nuclear weapons began Sunday in the Persian Gulf, the first of its kind since North Korea's atomic bom
    1/22/2009 | TODAY | Today's COMMENTARY | Latest INTERVIEW | NEW Design | WASH REPORT | Articles Compendium | MERTV Select | Contact MER 24/7 | Multimedia Page | Recent Articles | Index | Key | Israeli Agents Worry about Obama - Or + VIDEO Documentary - TH
  23. No title(140k)
    Egypt MPs threaten to review Israel ties over PoW row AFP via Yahoo! News - Mar 06 6:42 AM An influential parliamentary panel in Egypt on Tuesday threatened to review ties with Israel, as the Jewish state played down a report that Egyptian prisoners were
    6/12/2008 | TODAY | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | latest | Past MERTV Programs | Countries | Interview with Ray McGovern | Latest Interview - Miko Peled | CONTACT MER | Articles Compendium | Demo BLOG | Interview with Prof. Hisham Ahmed | Key |
    Network: News, Views, and Analysis Governments, Lobbies, and Associated Interest Groups Don't Want You To Know! Country News: Afghanistan Egypt Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Lebanon Palestine Pakistan Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria Turkey UAE Exclusive: CIA Station C
  26. ME Report(93k)
    3/31/2007 | Latest | Recent Articles | Multimedia Page | TV | Search | Chat Skype (call 24/7) Archives Press Speakers NEW! Auto MER Other Articles KEYwords MiddleEast.Org - Click here to listen to Mark Bruzonsky and Ray McGovern discuss war with Iran and
  27. No title(31k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Adamian ? Are you with God Or G-d.? topic by i.hanan (338 posts) Ancona, Italy 9/16/2003 (09:35) remove topic edit reply top The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as well as the 9th Circu
  28. I'm afraid of Jews, too(9k)
    All Posts post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: I'm afraid of Jews, too topic by TheAZCowBoy 8/26/2002 (10:57)   reply top I really am afraid to confront Jews. It's not that I don't have the opportunity. There are tens of thousands of Jews liv
  29. No title(30k)
    Iran says West must respect Afghanistan: report - AFP Mon, 23 Mar 2009 14:00:42 GMT Iran says West must respect Afghanistan: report AFP TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, ahead of a March 31 conference on Afghanist
  30. Entertainment Media Affects Politics Too(8k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Entertainment Media Affects Politics Too topic by amelia gora (720 posts) Mililani, Hawaii, Kingdom of Hawaii 11/22/2007 (04:04) remove topic edit reply top The following was wri
  31. No title(141k)
    Anti-American cleric flees Iraq for Iran AP via Yahoo! News - 5 minutes ago Anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr fled Iraq for Iran ahead of a security crackdown in Baghdad and the arrival of 21,500 U.S. troops sent by President Bush to quell sectarian vi
  32. No title(159k)
    WHO regional committee strongly condemns Israel for invasion of Lebanon, Palestine Islamic Republic News Agency - Sep 11 8:23 AM WHO Regional Committee-Draft Resolution The 53rd session of WHO Regional Committee for East Mediterranean on Monday strongly c
  33. No title(22k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Happy Imbeciles at War topic by john d. shaplin (195 posts) Burlington, VT. U.S.A. 1/14/2003 (19:21) remove topic edit reply top Happy Imbeciles At War Massive U.S. military buildup, billions
    9/8/2007 | Recent Articles | Multimedia HomePage | Register to Blog | latest | Multi-blog | Interview | Article Compendium | Subscribe | Press: (202) 362-5266 | Search | Furious Impeachment Demands May Result - Grass-Roots Orgs Preparing `We Are Going To
  35. Where Is The White Pride?(12k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Where Is The White Pride? topic by alexi alexis (407 posts) Nicosia, Cyprus 12/27/2004 (14:57) remove topic edit reply top Where Is The White Pride? by Morgan Kashden Recent even
  36. No title(28k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Control topic by chris russell (415 posts) Little Rock AR, USA 6/11/2003 (18:33) remove topic edit reply top Here is an interesting article from . I don't agree with all of the authors opinio
  37. No title(13k)
    MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Why are war criminals on the losing side? topic by theazcowboy2 (116 posts) Tombstone, USA 1/17/2004 (13:45) remove topic edit reply top After WWII at the Nuremberg trials the Nazi high comma
  38. No title(139k)
    UNHCR urges support for Iraqi refugees in Syria , Jordan AFP via Yahoo! News - Feb 09 12:07 PM The UN High Commissioner for Refugees urged global support for Syria and Jordan as they cope with hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees who have fled the viol
  39. No title(41k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: The Protocols and You topic by g.j.crabb (44 posts) Pacific Palms, Australia 4/7/2004 (17:26) remove topic edit reply top The Protocols And You By Donald Cassidy 3-19-4 America i
  40. Oh Muslims Do Not Surrender the Blessed Land(40k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Oh Muslims Do Not Surrender the Blessed Land topic by dunn peel (4 posts) Washington, US 4/19/2004 (15:22) remove topic edit reply top Oh Muslims Do Not Surrender the Blessed Lan
  41. No title(162k)
    Israel Declares End to Gaza Mission, but Firing Continues New York Times - Nov 07 6:11 PM Israeli tanks and soldiers withdrew from Beit Hanun, saying their six-day operation to stop the firing of rockets into Israel was over. Israel will not strike Iran n
  42. No title(18k)
    Palestine in the UK - Al-Ahram Weekly Fri, 26 Dec 2008 19:54:45 GMT WELT ONLINE Palestine in the UK Al-Ahram Weekly, Egypt - 8 hours ago As a follow-up to the Palestine Investment Conference held in Bethlehem in May this year, the British government hoste
  43. Gibson's Father Convinces Jews To Give Up Wor(12k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Gibson's Father Convinces Jews To Give Up Wor topic by alexi alexis (257 posts) Nicosia, Cyprus 11/18/2004 (19:07) remove topic edit reply top DEDICATED TO OUR MOST VIRULENT JEW
  44. No title(27k)
    Nuclear dispute only obstacle to Iran-US talks: academic - Tehran Times Sun, 09 Nov 2008 21:54:28 GMT Nuclear dispute only obstacle to Iran -US talks: academic Tehran Times, Iran - 6 hours ago @H= TEHRAN (IRNA) – The Iranian nuclear program is the stumb
  45. ME Report(84k)
    10/19/2006 | Latest | Recent Articles | Multimedia Page | TV | Search | Chat | Skype (talk + message) | Archives | Press | Speakers | New! Automatic MER | Special Press Version | Blog U.K. army head said to seek Iraq pullout Call or Message using Skype Co
  46. No title(141k)
    Bush hopes Iran, Syria agree to help Iraq at talks AFP via Yahoo! News - Mar 09 12:31 PM US President George W. Bush said Friday he hopes Iran and Syria will support the Iraqi government and warned them against stirring unrest in Iraq ahead of regional ta
  47. Jewish supremacists plotting violence(12k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: Jewish supremacists plotting violence topic by melissa carr (1124 posts) Killeen,TX, USA 8/26/2004 (22:41) remove topic edit reply top JERUSALEM — A cache of weapons discovered h
  48. No title(140k)
    Draft resolution on Iran names officials AP via Yahoo! News - 2 hours, 28 minutes ago A retooled draft resolution on Iran 's nuclear program presented to the U.N. Security Council on Monday includes the names of top Iranian officials and organizations tha
  49. No title(24k)
    Gaza incursion halts aid convoy, commerce at Egypt border crossing - Los Angeles Times Mon, 05 Jan 2009 02:17:45 GMT Gaza incursion halts aid convoy, commerce at Egypt border crossing Los Angeles Times, CA - 1 hour ago By Jeffrey Fleishman Reporting from
  50. The Big Lie: The Palestinian Holocaust!(28k)
    | MER Blog | MER General Forum post a reply | post a new topic Author Topic: The Big Lie: The Palestinian Holocaust! topic by alexi alexis (722 posts) Nicosia, Cyprus 2/1/2005 (20:36) remove topic edit reply top A HOLOCAUST AGAINST THE 'PALESTINIAN' PEOPL

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