comments about the speech at Princeton University by Mark
Bruzonsky on 7 February 2006

Dear Mark
Thanks for taking the gloves off on Tues. night. You did us all a real
service for speaking your mind, something that is currently all too
rare. I mean this in the broadest sense, i.e. no matter whether one
agrees or disagrees with you. I also thought your manner of doing so in
a calm, logical and dispassionate way, added to the force of your comments.
Let's see if Dean Slaughter can get you a Professorship here!
Keep up the good work. Let's hope that these voices from the
wilderness will coalesce into something that can begin to make a change.
With my best wishes.
Barry L. Jacobs
Professor, Program in Neuroscience
Mr. Bruzonsky,
Thanks for your compelling insights on tonight's panel discussion. I
have rarely seen such candor at a public forum; it's a refreshing
change from the usual politicking - which, of course, supports your
main argument.
Hopefully, tonight's talk will make things a little easier for
muckrakers such as myself to attract public attention, at least on
campus. I'm working with a consortium of graduate students from around
the Ivy League to bring to light some of the shady investments in which
our universities have their money.
I'll look forward to reading your work in the near future.
Best regards,
Judd Greenstein
Dear Mr. Bruzonsky,
I was in the audience at the "Intellectuals and the Institution"
event this evening (as well as a signer of the earlier letter of
protest about the Rice speech) and wanted to send you my thanks and
congratulations for the useful work you did there. I think your
presentation managed to create some clarity on a few of the ugly
sides of the institution that often go unacknowledged.
I am, as you seem to be, a bit skeptical that many of the
undergraduates and Woodrow Wilson School backers learned much from
the encounter, but your clarity and insistence gave some reason to be
hopeful that critical thinking isn't completely out of fashion. I
was surprised by the vehement defensiveness that greeted your
reasonable question about Dean Slaughter's use of the institution as
a political stepping-stone, but I'm glad you pushed the issue even if
it distracted a bit from the larger questions of the institution's
complicity. Her final embrace of the idea was also a complete
surprise to me, and really made clear the drift toward an institution
totally in bed with the government, which you'd been pointing toward
all evening.
Anyway, I greatly appreciate your presence tonight advocating some
views not often voiced aloud (anymore, or ever?) on the Princeton
Best wishes,
Roger Bellin
Mark - I attended last nite's debate - you were wonderful.
Can you provide a copy of your written remarks? I was not taking notes, and
am interested in claims about Princeton's relationships with private funders
who bring in professors with a political agenda (Clinton ADmin, AIPAC,
etc) - is that a fair summary of what you described?
Bill Wolfe
==================== READERS OF
SPEECH ====================
Dear Professor Bruzonsky,
you have saved my sanity. I just read your speech and thank you
for saying it as it is.
As a former Persian whose family lost twice to the interference of the West
once in 1918 and once in 1953, It is wonderful that some one is at last putting
the dot on the I.
You also gave me courage to continue to believe that somehow people
like you with influence will bring the USA back into realism.
Thank you for your courage and thank you for the list of the people , I
know most of their works and agree that it would be a change to have them talk
instead of the inflated hot air heads who can scream loud.
with admiration,
<>Nahid Mahdavi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | what a speech! |
Date: | Sun, 12 Feb 2006 12:16:27 +0100 |
From: | Nancy du Plessis
To: | |
Dear Mark Bruzonsky,
Thanks so much for reprinting the speech. It should be required reading
for all academics. I am not one but have forwarded it to my main
contact.... I hope it can get reprinted more widely.
Keep up the good work,
Nancy du Plessis