August 1997
Things You May Not Know
War Against Hamas & All Opposition
Israelis Surreptitiously Building More Settlements
Breeding Terrorism - MER Editorial
"Why We All Have Become Suicide Bombers" - Dr. Eyad Sarraj
Peace Process Deceptions - Prof. Tanya Reinhart
Saudi Deceptions - From Shoura Council to Washington
Terrible Saudi Oil Policies
Time To Tell The Americans To Take A Hike - MER Editorial
Iran - Next on the Israeli-U.S. Hit List?
History of U.S. Involvement in the Middle East - Mark Bruzonsky
Arafat Regime & Oslo Disastrous for Palestinians - Prof. Sarah Roy
Hebron - Now and Forever! - Mark Bruzonsky
Israeli Lies and Massacres in Lebanon
The Death Kiss
Israeli-Russians Relations Tense - Arms Race Escalates
ADC = BullShit