Mid-EasT RealitieS 1996-2000
MER is truly unique -- just read the many "Readers Comments"  from throughout the world.
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Special Compilations:  MER IRAQ    MER HEBRON    MER JORDAN
     COMING:    MER Muslim   MER Washington  MER Israel   MER 50th Anniversary Year MER Occupied Palestine

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At the present time MER publishes articles and editorials delivered by email while broadcasting the MER-TV program
weekly  on all the major cable TV systems in the Washington, DC area.

Many past MER articles and a few video clips are available at this time on this site.
In the future we hope to Internet broadcast the weekly TV program - MERTV.Org.
If you would like to help make this possible please contact MER at 202 362-5266.

- 2001 -
To receive current MER articles by email immediately when published: 
 New MER Website 2001 Under Construction

- 2000 -
 Dec    Nov  Oct   Sept   Aug  July  June     May   April   March  Feb  Jan

- 1999 -
From July 1999 through January 2000 MER was suspended from regular publication.

March - June 1999
Published but not yet available here


- 1998 -





  • JULY 1998
  • .
    JUNE 1998
    MAY 1998
    APRIL 1998
    MARCH 1998
    FEBRUARY 1998
    JANUARY 1998
            * Blow Up The Dome of The Rock - Israel's Chief Rabbi's Plea In 1967

            *  An Important Letter To MER Readers: NOW ITS UP TO YOU TOO
            *  MER EDITORIAL: The Islamic Conference (OIC)- Rhetorical, Paper Tiger
            *  MER Flashback: The real "Obstacle to Peace" - U.S money & arms continue to fuel Israeli policies
            *  Hamas And Sheik Yasin: Still Growing Importance
            *  MER QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Israeli Prof: "Jews Came And Took...", "A Land That Was Arab"
            *  MER LIE OF THE WEEK: Israel's Defense Minister Says  Occupied Territories Like New York Or Paris
            *  MER FLASHBACK - Fisk Remembers 1996
            *  Torture In Israel: Ongoing, Widespread, And "Legal"
            *  The Ankara Pact
            *  MER EDITORIAL : Jewish Lobby, Arafat & Holocaust Museum
            *  The Middle East Sting - Arafat Is On His Way
            *  Washington Scene and MER Quote of the Week: Arafat Bumbles Into Town
            *  Arafat's "Police-State" - "Average citizen looks on in horror"
            *  MER LIE OF THE WEEK: Jerry Falwell & Bibi
            *  MER QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Catholic Bishops Plead With Clinton Not To Further Bomb Iraq
            *  Monica Says Clinton Is So Good For Israel And The Jews That He Should Stay President
            *  Arafat's "Police-State": Senior Judges Dismissed
            *  Israel's "Spy" In The White House
    - 1997 -
    DECEMBER 1997
    * MER Readers Speak Up about U.S. Policies
    * The Palestinian Negotiators - MER LIE of the WEEK
    * Intifada Anniversary - A Decade of Struggle, A Time for Reevaluation
    * Intifada Anniversary: Arafat Not Liberator
    * Intifada Anniversary: Spirit of Intifada Lives On
    * Intifada Anniversary: The Fate of the Palestinians - Ghettos and Reservations?
    * MER Flashback: Hebron - The Occupation Continues
    * "Reservations" for the Palestinians - MER Quote of the Week
    * Arafat's Gaza: Palestinians Feel Hatred and Sold Out
    * Jewish Composer Speaks Out on Genocide against Iraq
    * Edward Said: "Apocalypse Now"
    * Christmas in Baghdad - Is This Not A Crime?
    * EVENT of the YEAR
    * "Unjust, Arrogant, Contemptuous and Illogical" - MER Quote of the WEEK
    * The Year 1997: Hypocrisy, Deceit and Preparations for War.
    NOVEMBER 1997
    * Algeria: Sadistic Torture & Rape Fuel Radicalism
    * Quote of the Week & Editorial: Libya - End the Embargo, End the Hypocrisy
    * Torturing Iraq
    * End Iraq Sanctions Now
    * Washington Scene: Just Call It "ADC - Gate" or ADC = Bullshit (part 2)
    * Torture in Tunisia
    * Doha: Arab Businessmen Should Simply Not Go
    * Arafat Sick: Push For "Final Settlement" Urgently Proceeds
    * Rami Khouri - U.S. Tour to Propagandize for Jordan and the Arab "Client Regimes"
    * Academia and Journalism - Mask for the CIA and Friends?
    * Nuclear Alert? Neutron Weapon Being Readied by Israel and U.S.?
    * Rebellion in the Likud: Desperation in the "Peace Process"
    * Bibi on Jerusalem - MER Lie of the Week
    * "ADC-Gate" - FYI
    * More About Bibi's Lie of the Week
    * Genocide on Iraq: As If 12 to 20 Million Americans Had Been Killed by Sanctions Since 1990
    * MER Editorial - America the Brutal, the Ugly
    * Hamas Response - MER Quote of the Week
    .OCTOBER 1997

    Lies About Hebron - originally published Dec '96
    Threats and Disinformation Against MER
    Hussein of Jordan - Master of Deception and Collusion -- MER LIE of the WEEK
    Abdel-Shafi's Resignation - MER QUOTE of the WEEK
    Arafat's Kisses... How Much Longer?
    LIES of the WEEK
    "Collusion Across The Jordan" - must reading
    THE EMERGING HAMAS ROLE - A Most Uncertain Future
    Poetry, Change, and Revolution - A Saudi Poem Revisited
    CNI, Findley, and the Gimmicky "March" - Washington Scene
    J O R D A N ' S   H A S H E M I T E S and Israel's Mossad
    Osama El-Baz - Latest Secret Failed Mission
    CAPITOL HILL FIASCO - Washington Scene
    BI B I   P A N D E R S  to the Christian Tourists
    "We'll Butcher Them"! - Jordanian Realities
    SAUDI ARABIA -  Opposition Leader Speaks Up
    SEPTEMBER 1997
    Arafat - On The Way Out?
    Even The Right Wingers Read MER!
    Diana - The Saudi Connection
    Rape In Hebron

    Pathetic Simple-Mindedness - Welcoming Madeleine!
    Arafat's Rampant Corruption
    Refugees Strike Against UNWRA
    Albright Visits The Middle East - An IPS Article
    Refugees Finally Organize - Who To Condemn?
    Four Long Bloody Years - By Mark Bruzonsky
    Arafat and the "PA" - What Many Think But Can't Say
    Madelein's Tour For Israel
    Leah Rabin - What's Next?
    Hussein of America
    Messages From Hamas?
    Peres and Rabin Are Coming...Again...
    Iran - Growing In Power
    CIA, Washington, and the Middle East
    Israeli Pogroms Against Palestinians - The Laughable Arab League
    Palestinian Refugees - Screwed Once Again
    Shame on Everyone Involved
    Cripple The Palestinians!
    Terrorism and Accountability - A Brief Historical Review
    The Arab Regimes - Worse Than Ever
    Sharon Masterminds Israeli Expansion
    AUGUST 1997.
    "Things You May Not Know"
    War Against Hamas & All Opposition
    Israelis Surreptitiously Building More Settlements
    Breeding Terrorism
    "Why We All Have Become Suicide Bombers"
    Peace Process Deceptions - Prof. Tanya Reinhart
    Saudi Deceptions - From Shoura Council to Washington
    Terrible Saudi Oil Policies
    Time To Tell The Americans To Take A Hike - MER Editorial
    Iran - Next on the Israeli-U.S. Hit List?
    History of U.S. Involvement in the Middle East
    Arafat Regime & Oslo Disastrous for Palestinians
    Hebron - Now and Forever!
    Israeli Lies and Massacres in Lebanon
    The Death Kiss
    Israeli-Russians Relations Tense - Arms Race Escalates
    ADC = BullShit
    JULY 1997
    "SlaughterHouse" in Persian Gulf Predicted
    "Watch Me Bleed" - Palestinian Poem
    Israeli Mole In Washington?
    Bibi YES, Edward Said NO
    War Ahead In Mid-East?
    Algeria - Gross Injustice Prevails: MER Editorial
    What To Do? - MER Editorial
    Hey Newt! What's That About Nazi Behavior?
    America - Tormenter of the Palestinians
    Surprise Attack Coming?
    Israeli Torture Systematic and "Legal"
    Trump, Jerusalem & Miss Universe
    Jordanian 'Democracy' A Myth...and Rami Khouri
    Free Vanunu Now
    Liquidate Hamas?


    MAY & JUNE 1997:
    Britain Departed From Palestine Too - MER Editorial
    Findley, CNI and Lies Told To Friends - Washington Scene
    ISRAELGATE - How Israel Got Bill Clinton
    Ghettoes Are For Palestinians
    Arafat's Authority Trained by CIA
    Kosher White House - MER Editorial
    U.S./Israeli/Turkish Military Alliance
    Ehud Barak - Abu Jihad Assassin, Intifada Crusher
    Collusion Across The Jordan
    More Collusion Across The Jordan - King, Crown Prince & Ariel Sharon
    Palestinian Death Squads
    Senior Arafat Ministers Work Closely With Israelis
    Tyrant Arafat Now Occupies His Own People
    Daoud Kuttab:
    MER Editorial: Torturing Palestinians & the Case of Daoud Kuttab
    Kuttab - Neither Accomplished Journalist Nor Hero
    APRIL 1997
    4th Week: QUOTE(Israeli-Turkish Alliance)    Saudis Should Pay Compensation   LIE
    3rd Week: QUOTE(Palestinian Impotence)    Remember Qana  QANA! - Massacre & CoverUp
    Qana Anniversary - by Ali Baghdadi, THE ARAB JOURNAL
    2nd Week: QUOTE(Mossad in Florida)     LIE (Recapture P cities)   Feature(Vanunu Video Available)
    MER Editorial - Arafat, CIA, Shinbet Working Closely Together
    1st Week: QUOTE(Israelis praise Arafat)  LIE(Lea Rabin on Arafat)  Feature(More Arms to Israel)
    Letterman's Top Ten About Netanyahu
    David Hirst - Arafat's Days May Be Numbered
    Arafat - Secret Bank Account from Israelis of $150 million
    MARCH 1997
    4th Week: QUOTE(Bandar of Arabia)  LIE(PA,CIA,Shinbet) Additional LIE(PA infiltrated JOKE(Arafat!)
    3rd Week: QUOTE(Arafat threatened with death)   LIE FEATURE(Peace Process Deceptions)
    Assassination Feared:  Tensions Mount in Israel
    2nd Week: QUOTE(Gaza) LIE History Feature(Torture in Tunisia)
    1st Week: QUOTE (Arafat in US)   LIE(Prince Bandar)  History of the Week (RFK)  Feature (Sudan & US)
    FEBRUARY 1997
    4th Week: QUOTE (Tutu)  LIE (Bibi) Feature (sad media) Feature (Plot in Jerusalem)
    3rd Week: QUOTE LIE Feature (Ethnic Cleansing)
    2nd Week: QUOTE (Shameful U.S. Media)      LIE Feature (Oslo Disaster)
    1st Week: QUOTE(Even DOS!)   LIE(Arafat Disaster)    Feature (Disaster & War?)      Week-In-Review
    JANUARY 1997
    5th Week: QUOTE (CIA in Gaza)    LIE (US Ransoms)    Feature (Jerusalem Net)
    4th Week: QUOTE LIEOUTRAGE Feature (Academia Co-Opted)
    3rd Week: QUOTE LIE Update Feature Article (Torture in Israel)
    2nd Week: QUOTE LIE Feature Article (Shahak on Goldstein)
       1st Week:  QUOTE LIE Feature Article (Bassam Eid on Arafat)
    - 1996-
    DECEMBER 1996
    4th Week Dec: LIE of the WeekQUOTE of the Week REAL OBSTACLES To Peace
    3rd Week Dec: LIE of the Week  QUOTE of the Week    SAUDI PROPAGANDA in USA
    2nd Week Dec :LIE of the Week   QUOTE of the Week   SUPPORT BOUTROS-GHALI
    1st Week Dec:LIE of the Week QUOTE of the Week    Sadistic TORTURE in Egypt

    Previously Published in 1997:
    Intifada Against Arafat Needed
    Arafat & PA should resign now!
    Jews to the Front, Arabs to the back of the bus
    Palestinian Civil War Brewing - Hamas to be Destroyed
    Jerusalem - Making It Jewish
    Arafat's Shameless Gaza - A Devastating Review
    Said - Uncensored & Unconfiscated
    "Your Reward For Selling Palestine"
    Edward Said - Treachery of the 'Peace Process'
    Top Israeli General Threatens to Kill Palestinian Police
    MER Editorial: FDR & Ibn Saud - Remembering The Past
    Lies & Deceptions, Fronts & Treachery
    Israel-Turkey Military Alliance
    Saudis Should Pay Compensation!
    More than 11,000 Injured in Saudi Haj Catastrophy - 2000+ Killed
    Qana Anniversary - Arab Journal
    Qana! - Terrible Massacre & Outrageous Coverup
    COME Press Release - Remember Qana
    "Rubbing the Palestinians' Noses In Their Impotence"
    MER Editorial - Arafat, CIA, Shinbet Working Closely Together
    Vanunu "Honey Trap" Mossad Agent Found in Florida
    Special Vanunu Video Now Available
    Israeli-Pentagon Arms Fest - U.S. To Stockpile Weapons For Israel
    Arafat - Secret Bank Account from Israelis of $150 million

    Hebron - Occupation Continues in Sheep's Clothing
    David Letterman - Top Ten Ways to Mispronounce Netanyahu
    Bandar of Arabia - Saudi Ambassador Moneys His Way Through Washington
    ARAFAT wants to negotiate Sri Lankan Peace!
    Israel's Maginot Line - Eric Margolis
    ALGERIA - Islamist Nationalists more popular than ever
    WAR TO THE FINISH! - Arafat threatened with invasion, exile, even death
    'Peace Process' Deceptions - Israeli Prof Speaks Out
    Assassination Feared: Tensions Mount in Israel
    FACTS about ongoing post-Oslo Israeli Occupation
    YASSER Has Become YESSIR    CommentsAdditional Comments
    Arab Ghetto In Jerusalem
    Torture in Tunisia
    Robert Fisk Brilliantly Sums Up 1996
    Conditions in occupied Palestine deteriorate further
    Harvard U Researcher Concludes Arafat Regime Disastrous For Palestinians
    Ethnic Cleansing Israeli-Style
    PROF. NASEER ARURI - What The Israelis Are Really Up To!
    AMNESTY USA - Neither Truthful Nor Courageous  -AIUSA Update - Additional Update  -  Board Member speaks up
    U.S. State Department Report - Human Rights in Israel & Occupied Territories
    Robert Fisk Looks Ahead To 1997
    Academia Co-opted(Princeton University succumbs)
    PLOT in Jerusalem - Israel's long-term strategy to take and control
    Prof. Aruri on what the Israelis are really up to
    Terrible TORTURE in EGYPT
    SAUDI Propaganda in USA
    Zogby - Just Call Me Uncle Jim
    Gary Sick & 'Gulf 2000' - Masquerading In Academia
    Real Obstacles To Real Peace


    "LAST STRAW" Palestinian Writes About Hebron
    Prof Edward Said New York Times Letter - 1/21/97
    MER Editorial - Hebron Partitioned
    NBC News - Not Much To Celebrate
    CBS News - Not Much Peace
    ABC News - Israelis decide everything
    Hebron - Eye-Witness Report (CPT)
    Hebron - Occupation Continues in Sheep's Clothing
    Latest Bibi & Yasser OUTRAGES

    Kosher White House
    Britain Departed From Palestine Too
    Torturing Palestinians & the Case of Daoud Kuttab
    FDR & Ibn Saud - Remembering The Past
    Arafat, CIA, Shinbet Working Closely Together
    HEBRON Partitioned
    ARAB GHETTO in Jerusalem

    QANA MASSACRE - April 96
    JCOME Anniversary Letter about Qana - February 1997
    JCOME Press Release About Qana - April 1996
    JCOME Press Release about Qana - May 1996
    JCOME Press Release about Qana - Sept 1996

    June 1997
    4th WEEK: Britain Departed Findley, CNI & Lies
    3rd Week: LIE US/Israel/Turkish Alliance Kosher White House Arafat/CIA
    2nd Week: Tyrant Arafat
    1st Week: Quote Lie Ehud Barak
    May 1997
    Daoud Kuttab:
    MER Editorial: Torturing Palestinians & the Case of Daoud Kuttab
    Kuttab - Neither Accomplished Journalist Nor Hero
    4th: QUOTE: Arafat Should Resign    LIE: Jews Front, Arabs Rear Civil War; Hamas Destroyed
    3rd: QUOTE: Intifada Against Arafat    Jerusalem - Making it Jewish
    2nd Week: Arafat's Shameless Gaza     Said - Uncensored & Unconfiscated
    1st Week: QuoteMillions For Selling PalestineArab-American Groups Hopeless
    MER Editorial: FDR & Ibn Saud - Remembering The Past
    APRIL 1997
    4th Week: QUOTE(Israeli-Turkish Alliance)    Saudis Should Pay Compensation   LIE
    3rd Week: QUOTE(Palestinian Impotence)    Remember Qana  QANA! - Massacre & CoverUp
    Qana Anniversary - by Ali Baghdadi, THE ARAB JOURNAL
    2nd Week: QUOTE(Mossad in Florida)     LIE (Recapture P cities)   Feature(Vanunu Video Available)  MER Editorial - Arafat, CIA, Shinbet Working Closely Together
    1st Week: QUOTE(Israelis praise Arafat)  LIE(Lea Rabin on Arafat)  Feature(More Arms to Israel)
    Letterman's Top Ten About Netanyahu
    David Hirst - Arafat's Days May Be Numbered
    Arafat - Secret Bank Account from Israelis of $150 million
    MARCH 1997
    4th Week: QUOTE(Bandar of Arabia)  LIE(PA,CIA,Shinbet) Additional LIE(PA infiltrated, used)    JOKE(Arafat!)
    3rd Week: QUOTE(Arafat threatened with death)   LIEFEATURE(Peace Process Deceptions)
    Assassination Feared: Tensions Mount in Israel
    2nd Week: QUOTE(Gaza) LIE History Feature(Torture in Tunisia)
    1st Week: QUOTE (Arafat in US)   LIE(Prince Bandar)  History of the Week (RFK)  Feature (Sudan & US)
    FEBRUARY 1997
    4th Week: QUOTE (Tutu)  LIE (Bibi) Feature (sad media) Feature (Plot in Jerusalem)
    3rd Week: QUOTE LIE Feature (Ethnic Cleansing)
    2nd Week: QUOTE(Shameful U.S. Media) LIE Feature (Oslo Disaster)
    1st Week: QUOTE(Even DOS!)   LIE(Arafat Disaster)    Feature (Disaster & War?)      Week-In-Review
    JANUARY 1997
    5th Week: QUOTE (CIA in Gaza)    LIE (US Ransoms)    Feature (Jerusalem Net)
    4th Week: QUOTE LIEOUTRAGE Feature (Academia Co-Opted)
    3rd Week: QUOTE LIE Update Feature Article (Torture in Israel)
    2nd Week: QUOTE LIE Feature Article (Shahak on Goldstein)
       1st Week:  QUOTE LIE Feature Article (Bassam Eid on Arafat)
    - 1996-
    DECEMBER 1996
    4th Week Dec: LIE of the WeekQUOTE of the Week REAL OBSTACLES To Peace
    3rd Week Dec: LIE of the Week  QUOTE of the Week    SAUDI PROPAGANDA in USA
    2nd Week Dec :LIE of the Week   QUOTE of the Week   SUPPORT BOUTROS-GHALI
    1st Week Dec:LIE of the Week QUOTE of the Week    Sadistic TORTURE in Egypt

     Readers Comments
     From Around The World:

    FLYERS- Please Print, Copy & Distribute

      Flyer(COME - Page)
    Flyer (COME Statement of Principles)
    Flyer (MER-TV)

    - 1999 -

    - 1998 -
    DECEMBER 1998
    For financial reasons we have had to suspend regular publication of MER
    with considerable regret.  Please Read the MER Letter about this and how you can help.


    How can I help and maybe get further involved?

    Your help and encouragement, including financial support and sponsorship of the weekly MER-TV program, are very much needed. Checks may be sent to COME at POBox 18367, Washington, DC 20036. You can contact Chairperson Mark Bruzonsky easily by email at MAB@middleEast.org/archives, by phone to 202 362-5266
    and by fax to (202) 362-6965.
    Mid-East Realities - Internet
    Each week MER Quotes, Lies, and Features of the Week are sent to thousands of people all over the world.   MER is truly unique -- just read the "Reader's Comments" we regularly receive.  The MER list is the largest group of independent persons concerned and involved with the Middle East in the world. If you have something important to communicate that the establishment media will either ignore, overlook, or distort, send it to MER@middleEast.org/archives. And if you are willing and able to help us both with MER on the Internet and MER Weekly on TV please contact us -- we can only continue and promote these efforts if we have
    your support and encouragement.
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    Latest Revision: 3/5/00